S (169 Hits)
- School transportation - apply for reimbursement of costs
- Secondary school admission
- Second home tax
- Securities – Applying for admission to the regulated market
- Security screening of persons who are to carry out security-sensitive tasks in the non-public sector, for example in companies
- Seminars for staff councils from public administration recognised by the Federal Agency for Civic Education as suitable for educational leave
- Send an emergency fax in case of hearing or speech impairment
- Sending notifications of high-activity sealed radioactive sources to the HRQ register
- Senior citizens' representation
- Settling a dispute at the BaFin conciliation board
- Set up construction site
- Share recipes of tattooing products
- Show abandoned or runaway pets
- Show advice on plant protection products and the use of plant protection products
- Show appointment of an immission control officer
- Show appointment of responsible persons in mining
- Show arms manufacturing and/or arms trade branch
- Show birth
- Show catering industry
- Show change in the position of responsible persons in mining
- Show change in the provision of cross-border services in the craft sector subject to authorization
- Show change of location of animal exhibitions and animal markets (e.g. traveling circus)
- Show change of operator of a medium-sized combustion, gas turbine and internal combustion engine plant
- Show change to land lease agreement
- Show combustion plants
- Show commencement of waste management activities
- Show commissioning of third parties with internal security measures
- Show commissioning of third parties with internal security measures in the gaming sector
- Show construction of a mining operation
- Show continuation of the provision of cross-border services in the craft sector subject to authorization
- Show death
- Show dismissal of responsible persons in mining
- Show distribution of domestic public AIFs (AIF=alternative investment fund) in Germany
- Show distribution of European alternative investment funds or special funds of a domestic capital management company to semi-professional or professional investors in Germany
- Show earth outcrop
- Show emission-relevant change for a medium-sized combustion, gas turbine and internal combustion engine plant
- Show employment of persons in establishments with X-ray equipment or interference emitters
- Show extension or substantial change of an animal enclosure
- Show final decommissioning of a medium-sized combustion, gas turbine and internal combustion engine plant
- Show forest seed or forest plant company
- Show freelance activity
- Show hiking camp
- Show home birth
- Show home work to which special regulations of hazard protection apply.
- Show inclusion of imports of timber and timber products from countries outside the EU
- Show information officers for pharmaceutical companies
- Show inspection, testing, maintenance and repair of X-ray equipment or interference sources
- Show installation of a blocking system for inherited weapons
- Show installation of a prostitution vehicle
- Show modification of an installation requiring approval
- Show noise pollution
- Show non-profit or commercial collection of waste from private households
- Show permanent operation of a catering industry
- Show person responsible for explosives
- Show property crime
- Show property damage
- Show removal of an installation
- Show retail sale of non-prescription medicines
- Show self-employed activity in a medical profession
- Show start of construction
- Show start of mining operations
- Show temporary operation of a catering business
- Show the appointment of animal welfare officers
- Show the operation of an ostrich farm
- Show transfer of weapons or ammunition only to authorized persons in Germany
- Show undeclared work
- Show usage record
- Simplified procedure for reduction of or exemption from tax deduction for transfers of rights pursuant to Section 50a (1) No. 3 EStG (control notification procedure Section 50d (5) EStG)
- Single authority number 115
- Social security for self-employed artists and publicists, registration
- Special education full-time care for foster children
- Specialist waste management company - Certificate
- Special registration obligation in hospitals, care homes and similar facilities
- Special School Registration
- Standard land value information nationwide
- Standard land value information regional
- Start a self-help group
- State government of Saxony-Anhalt
- Statutory accident insurance: Preventing an occupational disease or avoiding the aggravation of an occupational disease
- Stunning or killing vertebrates, providing proof of expertise
- Submit a change to the personal data for the electronic payroll tax deduction characteristics
- Submit a complaint about advertising
- Submit a complaint about electrosmog
- Submit a complaint about light nuisance
- Submit a complaint about the construction site
- Submit a country-by-country report for a multinational company.
- Submit additional information on the notarization of a birth, including a declaration of first name and name determination
- Submit a declaration of commitment
- Submit a declaration of compliance with the requirements of the Building Energy Act for changes to existing buildings
- Submit a declaration of compliance with the requirements of the Building Energy Act for new buildings
- Submit a declaration of names of spouses without a domestic marriage or marriage entry
- Submit a declaration of renunciation of the license to practice as a dentist
- Submit a declaration of renunciation of the license to practice as a pharmacist
- Submit a declaration of renunciation of the license to practice as a psychotherapist
- Submit a declaration of renunciation of the license to practice medicine
- Submit an annual report on eel stocking
- Submit an application for the use of a term as a common traditional name as an exception to the application of Article 1(3) of Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006
- Submit annual declaration for artists' social security contributions
- Submit application for authorisation to lodge simplified customs declarations for export to non-EU countries
- Submit application for continued housing allowance
- Submit application for inward processing
- Submit application for outward processing
- Submit a recapitulative statement for sales tax
- Submit a report for infection protection
- Submit a resident application
- Submit a safety report of plants requiring approval in accordance with the Hazardous Incident Ordinance
- Submit audit reports from financial investment brokers and financial investment advisors
- Submit a voting rights notification as an investor
- Submit a waiver of the license to practice as a child and adolescent psychotherapist
- Submit collective waste disposal certificate in the privileged procedure
- Submit complaints about the basic account
- Submit costs for implants or orthodontic treatment for adults to the statutory health insurance in cases of special exceptions
- Submit data for the infrastructure atlas
- Submit documents for the permit exemption
- Submit documents for the permit exemption for the change of use of a facility to the municipality
- Submit emission declaration – as operator of an installation requiring approval
- Submit entry in the intermediary register
- Submit evidence for collective disposal
- Submit information on the issuance of a residence card for third-country nationals family members of Germans
- Submit information on the issuance of a residence card for third-country nationals of family members of EU/EEA citizens (except Germany)
- Submit information on the preparation of external alert and emergency response plans
- Submit maintenance concept for potentially explosive systems
- Submit mandatory annual audit report or negative declaration as property developer and/or construction supervisor
- Submit measurement report on air pollutant emissions
- Submit measurement report on continuous measurements of air pollutants at cremation facilities
- Submit measurement report on continuous measurements of air pollutants at other installations
- Submit measurement report on continuous measurements of air pollutants at plants for the biological treatment of waste
- Submit measurement report on continuous measurements of air pollutants at plants for the incineration and co-incineration of waste
- Submit measurement report on continuous measurements of air pollutants in medium-sized combustion plants
- Submit measurement report on individual measurements of air pollutants at installations in accordance with the approval notice
- Submit measurement report on individual measurements of air pollutants at installations using organic solvents
- Submit measurement report on individual measurements of air pollutants at plants for the biological treatment of waste
- Submit measurement report on individual measurements of air pollutants at plants for the incineration and co-incineration of waste
- Submit measurement report on individual measurements of air pollutants in medium-sized combustion plants
- Submit measurements on emissions from large combustion plants, gas turbines and internal combustion engines
- Submit name and address changes to the university
- Submit notification to the Veterinary Drug Dispensing Registry (TAR).
- Submit other tax applications and notifications
- Submit proof of activity and income requested at the end of the professional start-up period to the Künstlersozialkasse for examination
- Submit proof of disposal in the privileged procedure
- Submit proof of income to the Künstlersozialkasse for random checks
- Submit proof of use for grants for advice to agricultural enterprises and producer associations
- Submit reports about financial account data according to the Common Reporting Standard (CRS)
- Submit screenplays for the German Screenplay Award
- Submit search request for preliminary assessment of protectability of a patent application
- Submit separate and uniform assessment of tax bases for foreign special investment funds
- Submit the results of emission monitoring for an installation requiring a permit under the Industrial Emissions Directive
- Submitting a complaint against companies in the financial services sector
- Submitting a declaration for accommodation tax
- Submitting a declaration for overnight accommodation tax
- Submitting an application for authorisation to establish a regular service
- Submitting complaints and inquiries in the area of telecommunications
- Submitting complaints to enforce passenger rights in rail, bus and boat transport
- Submitting data to the Federal Statistical Office as a company in the construction industry
- Submitting data to the Federal Statistical Office as a company in the manufacturing sector
- Submitting data to the Federal Statistical Office as a company in the wholesale sector
- Submitting the remuneration report to the artists' social insurance fund without being asked to do so
- Subsidies for health and long-term care insurance contributions Approval in accordance with the definition in Section 32 SGB XII Contribution assumption by the social welfare provider
- Substances hazardous to water: Specialist company - Proof of F. property
- Suggest honorary citizens
- Supplier notification gas and electricity - report energy supply to household customers
- Support and advice for foster families for older children and adolescents apply
- Supported Employment: Applying for an individual company qualification for people with disabilities
- Support for young people in difficult circumstances
- Support programs
- Surrender conveyance
- Suspension of health and long-term care insurance benefits in the event of non-payment of contributions to the artists' social insurance fund
- Swap your old driver's license for a new driver's license
- Swearing in of experts to provide expert opinions on the services and activities of the skilled trades and their value
T (45 Hits)
- Take advantage of addiction counseling
- Take advantage of careers advice from the Federal Employment Agency
- Take advantage of citizens' consultation hours
- Take the basic qualification test for professional drivers
- Take the continuing education exam
- Take the dangerous goods driver's exam
- take the examination of competence to sell medicinal products over the counter
- Take the examination to become a tax consultant
- Take the expert examination for the security industry
- Take the final examination in recognised training occupations
- Take the final examination in recognised training occupations
- Take the fishing exam
- Take the proficiency test as a financial investment intermediary
- Take the Second State Examination in Law
- Take the specialist knowledge test for the arms trade
- Take the trainer aptitude test
- Take your first legal exam
- Taking an intermediate examination in dual training occupations
- Taking parental leave
- Tax consulting firm to be recognised
- Taxing services provided in tax havens for individuals and companies based in Germany
- Tax office
- Telephone switchboard of the Federal Insurance Office
- Temporary full-time care for foster children, accompaniment
- Terminate foreign insurance with statutory accident insurance
- The name determination, the parental allowance application and the child benefit application at the same time as a combined family benefit
- Therapeutic full-time care for foster children
- Tierärztekammer: Register of members - Registration
- Title II
- To apply for repayment or remission of import duties
- Tourism
- Track cross-border shipments of merchandise within the EU via the Union transit procedure online at customs
- Tracking temporary custody applications electronically
- Trade requiring monitoring
- Trade roll registration with master craftsman's certificate
- Training occupations under the jurisdiction of the Chambers of Industry and Commerce (IHK), have foreign professional qualifications recognized
- Training support advice
- Transfer exemption amounts
- Transitional benefit due to occupational disease for persons insured under the statutory accident insurance scheme received
- Transmit data for statistics on agriculture, forestry and fisheries
- Transmit futility message due to insufficient cooperation of contracting persons
- Transmit information on the creation of external alarm and emergency plans before changes are made to incident-relevant operating areas
- Transmit invoices electronically via e-invoice platforms
- Transmit measurement of cremation systems
- Trial alarm and trial warnings on nationwide warning day