A (1473 Hits)
- About Cross Compliance
- Accepting offers from the educational protection of children and young people
- Accompaniment by the Youth Welfare Office and the competent foreign placement office during the conversion of a weak adoption into a strong adoption of a foreign child
- Accompanying children in their search for the family of origin
- Acquire state-owned land and real estate
- Acquire the right of use for a grave site
- Activities with pathogens - apply for a permit
- Activities with pathogens - Display changes
- Adjusting advance payments to the artists' social security fund
- Adjusting the artists' social insurance subsidy for health and long-term care insurance
- Admission as a patent law firm
- Admit journeymen to the examination before the end of the training period
- Adopt a child from abroad
- Adopt a foreign child
- Adopt a related child
- Adopt a stepchild
- Adopting an animal from a shelter
- Adoptive care for a minor child
- Adult education center offers
- Advanced training examination according to BBiG Certification
- Advanced training examination according to BBiG Registration
- Advice for youth migration services
- Advice from the artists' social insurance fund for self-employed artists or journalists who are not insured
- Advice on the radicalization of young people and adolescents
- Advise registered companies on the artists' social security contribution
- Advising non-registered companies on the artists' social security contribution
- After a settlement, reapply for a pension from the statutory accident insurance due to aggravation
- After a settlement, reapply for a widow's or widower's pension from statutory accident insurance
- After registering with the Künstlersozialkasse, file an objection against the decision on the obligation to pay social security contributions for artists.
- Age and marriage anniversaries
- Agricultural accident insurance: applying for a certificate of no objection for companies
- Agriculture: single payment
- Aid for surviving dependants under statutory accident insurance
- Alien falconry hunting license - Have your daily hunting license extended
- Alien falconry hunting license - reapply for a daily hunting license after confiscation
- Alien falconry hunting license - reapply for annual hunting license after confiscation
- Alien falconry hunting license - renew your annual hunting license
- Alien hunting license - reapply for annual hunting license after confiscation
- Alien juvenile falconry hunting license - Have day hunting license extended
- Alien youth falconry hunting license - apply for a day hunting license for the first time
- Alien youth falconry hunting license - apply for an annual hunting license for the first time
- Alien youth falconry hunting license - reapply for a day hunting license after confiscation
- Alien youth falconry hunting license - reapply for annual hunting license after confiscation
- Allocation of a frequency for broadcasting transmitters received from the Federal Network Agency
- Allow eco-account measure to be credited
- Allow publication of asset information sheets
- Announce external inspectors for commercial waste
- Anonymously report information on antitrust violations to the Bundeskartellamt
- Appeal to the arbitration committee for disputes arising from vocational training relationships
- Application for an EORI number
- Application for appointment and swearing-in as an expert to provide expert opinions on goods, services and prices of craftsmen
- Application for approval of an inspection body for organic farming
- Application for approval of special denaturants
- Application for authorisation for import, transit, export and intra-Community movements in accordance with animal health and food legislation
- Application for authorization for the dispatch of animal by-products and derived products to another EU Member State
- Application for land consolidation notarization
- Application for payment of compensation for damage caused to game exposed to radiation
- Application for recognition as a producer group as an association
- Application for registration of classic car license plates
- Application for remission or refund in equity to the customs administration
- Application for renewal of an approved variety
- Application for the appointment of a tax assistant
- Application for the granting of the status of 'approved exhibitor' for the purpose of providing evidence of the Union status of goods
- Application for the issue of a death certificate in the event of a death on a German seagoing vessel
- Application for type approval for devices containing radioactive substances and installations for the generation of ionising radiation
- Apply as a foster parent, aptitude test
- Apply for, change or cancel voluntary insurance or supplementary insurance with the statutory accident insurance scheme
- Apply for (partial) exemption from German capital gains tax for foreign corporations
- Apply for a birth certificate
- Apply for a birth certificate for foreign-born children
- Apply for a birth certificate for home birth
- Apply for a boat certificate
- Apply for a bookmaker's license
- Apply for a break from your studies
- Apply for a business identification number (W-IdNr.)
- Apply for a business legitimation card
- Apply for a care benefit in kind for persons with statutory long-term care insurance
- Apply for a career qualification "General Administrative Service, Category 2, First Entry Office" from abroad
- Apply for accelerated skilled worker procedure
- Apply for access to airport security areas
- Apply for accommodation in a children's home
- Apply for accompanied driving from the age of 17 with an existing driving license
- Apply for a certificate according to the Infection Protection Act for activities with foodstuffs
- Apply for a certificate for a research allowance for a research and development project
- Apply for a certificate for dangerous goods safety officer examination
- Apply for a certificate for leaving the church
- Apply for a certificate for the distribution of certain funds
- Apply for a certificate for the tax office to apply for tax advantages for production and conservation measures on cultural assets worthy of protection
- Apply for a certificate for the tax office to apply for tax benefits for measures to preserve buildings in redevelopment areas and urban development areas
- Apply for a certificate for the tax office to apply for tax benefits for measures to preserve or use monuments
- Apply for a certificate for universal postal service providers
- Apply for a certificate in tax matters
- Apply for a certificate of competence for chemical climate protection
- Apply for a certificate of completion
- Apply for a certificate of eligibility for housing
- Apply for a certificate of enrollment
- Apply for a Certificate of good standing
- Apply for a certificate of inheritance
- Apply for a certificate of marriage
- Apply for a certificate of no impediment to marriage
- Apply for a certificate of no impediment to marriage for German citizens with residence or habitual abode abroad
- Apply for a certificate of notification of death
- Apply for a certificate of permanent residence for Union citizens entitled to free movement
- Apply for a certificate of pre-qualification for promotion BAföG
- Apply for a change of address on the eID card
- Apply for a change of residence in your passport
- Apply for a change of school district
- Apply for a change of tax class for single parents
- Apply for a change of tax class when resuming the partnership or marriage for the electronic income tax deduction characteristics
- Apply for a change of vehicle registration number (change of registration)
- Apply for a change to the aviation security program for a foreign air carrier
- Apply for a change to the itinerant trade card
- Apply for a child-raising pension
- Apply for a citizen's allowance
- Apply for a citizens' petition
- Apply for a citizenship card
- Apply for a collective list as a travel facilitation for pupils
- Apply for a confirmation of membership from the Chamber of Crafts
- Apply for a copy of a land register
- Apply for a corpse passport
- Apply for a cure for mothers or fathers
- Apply for a death certificate
- apply for a deferred BIN from customs
- Apply for a dental prosthesis allowance from the social compensation health insurance scheme
- Apply for a Deutschlandstipendium
- Apply for a disabled person's pass
- Apply for a discount on water abstraction fee
- Apply for admission as a law firm
- Apply for admission to a community school
- Apply for admission to a comprehensive school
- Apply for admission to a distance learning course
- Apply for admission to a German school abroad
- Apply for admission to a vocational grammar school
- Apply for admission to technical college
- Apply for admission to the academic paper part of the First State Examination for Teaching Qualifications
- apply for admission to the accountancy exam
- Apply for admission to the amateur radio service
- Apply for admission to the bar
- Apply for admission to the extension/supplementary examination for teaching positions
- Apply for admission to the first state examination - state final examinations - for teaching qualifications
- Apply for admission to the integration course
- Apply for admission to the partial examination for teaching qualifications
- Apply for admission to the preparatory legal service
- Apply for admission to the preparatory legal service with European qualifications
- Apply for admission to the second legal examination outside the public law training relationship
- Apply for admission to the state examination for child and adolescent psychotherapists
- Apply for admission to the state examination for psychological psychotherapists
- Apply for admission to the tax consultant examination
- Apply for admission to the teacher training traineeship
- Apply for admission to vocational school
- Apply for admission to vocational school
- Apply for a driver's license card transcript
- Apply for a driver's license to carry passengers
- Apply for a driver card
- Apply for a driving licence for categories AM, A, A1, A2 or A
- Apply for a driving license for class B
- Apply for a driving license for class T
- Apply for a driving license on federal waterways (patent or certificate of competence)
- Apply for advance maintenance payments for children of single parents
- Apply for advance payment of reimbursement of fare losses on local and long-distance services
- Apply for advice for start-ups
- Apply for a euro key
- Apply for a European firearms pass
- Apply for a European Professional Card
- Apply for a family and social pass
- Apply for a favourable loan for investments by companies and freelancers
- Apply for a favourable loan for investments by companies and freelancers in structurally weak regions
- Apply for a financial investment intermediary permit
- Apply for a fine dust sticker
- Apply for a fireworks permit for storage
- Apply for a fishing license
- Apply for a flag certificate for pleasure craft
- Apply for a flat-rate energy allowance for students and (vocational) students
- Apply for aftercare after full-time foster care ends for foster children
- Apply for a gaming arcade license
- Apply for a general preliminary assessment to determine whether an environmental impact assessment (EIA) is required in mining
- Apply for a grant for a model project in political education
- Apply for a grant for early help from the Federal Foundation
- Apply for a grant for energy optimisation of plants and processes
- Apply for a grant for energy planning and construction supervision for residential buildings.
- Apply for a grant for fertility treatment
- Apply for a grant for high-efficiency equipment or aggregates
- Apply for a grant for measures to provide process heat from renewable energies
- Apply for a grant for the energy renovation of existing residential buildings
- Apply for a grant for the installation of fuel cell heating systems in residential and non-residential buildings
- Apply for a grant for the installation of new, efficient heating systems with renewable energies or for individual energy-related measures
- Apply for a green firearms possession card for a single person
- Apply for a green gun ownership card as an heir
- Apply for a green license plate
- Apply for a gun license
- Apply for a health insurance subsidy for pensioners from the Agricultural Pension Fund
- Apply for a heating cost subsidy for non-piped energy sources
- Apply for a house number
- Apply for a housing benefit increase
- Apply for a housing construction premium
- Apply for a housing construction premium
- Apply for a hunting license
- Apply for a hunting permit
- Apply for aid in the event of significant impairment of livelihood as part of social compensation
- Apply for a joint certificate of inheritance for prior or subsequent heirs with a limited scope
- Apply for a library card
- Apply for a licence for the operation of detention centres
- apply for a licence to carry letters
- apply for a licence to handle beer products
- Apply for a licence to operate a capital management company
- Apply for a licence to practise as a psychological psychotherapist from the EU/EEA/Switzerland
- Apply for a licence to practise as a psychological psychotherapist from third countries
- Apply for a licence to practise dentistry from the EU/EEA/Switzerland
- Apply for a licence to practise dentistry from third countries
- Apply for a licence to practise pharmacists from the EU/EEA/Switzerland
- Apply for a license for the wholesale of medicinal products
- Apply for a license plate
- Apply for a license plate change allocation
- Apply for a license plate for electric vehicles
- Apply for a license to practice as a child and adolescent therapist
- Apply for a license to practice as a pharmacist
- Apply for a license to practice as a psychological psychotherapist
- Apply for a license to practice as a psychotherapist
- Apply for a loan brokerage permit
- Apply for a loan for individual measures for the energy-efficient refurbishment of residential buildings
- Apply for a loan for the construction or purchase of a KfW efficient house
- Apply for a loan in certain acute emergency situations
- Apply for a loan or needs-based grant for training
- Apply for a loan with a repayment subsidy for energy-efficient refurbishment of commercial buildings
- Apply for a loan with a repayment subsidy for energy-efficient refurbishment of commercial buildings
- Apply for a loan with a repayment subsidy for energy optimisation of plants and processes
- Apply for a loan with a repayment subsidy for high-efficiency systems or aggregates
- Apply for a loan with a repayment subsidy for measurement and control technology, sensor technology and energy management software.
- Apply for a loan with a repayment subsidy for measures to provide process heat from renewable energies.
- Apply for a loan with a repayment subsidy for municipal bodies for the energy-efficient refurbishment of non-residential buildings in the municipal and social infrastructure sector.
- Apply for a loan with a repayment subsidy for municipal enterprises for the energy-efficient refurbishment of non-residential buildings in the municipal and social infrastructure sector.
- Apply for a loan with a repayment subsidy for new construction or purchase of energy-efficient commercial buildings
- Apply for a loan with a repayment subsidy for renewable energies
- Apply for a loan with a repayment subsidy for the new construction or purchase of energy-efficient non-residential buildings in the municipal and social infrastructure sector
- Apply for a loan with a repayment subsidy for the new construction or purchase of energy-efficient non-residential buildings in the municipal and social infrastructure sector
- Apply for a loan with a repayment subsidy for the use of geothermal energy
- Apply for a loan with a repayment subsidy for the use of geothermal energy
- Apply for a lump sum of social compensation for extraordinary wear and tear of clothing and underwear for injured parties
- apply for a maritime surveillance licence
- Apply for a mobile ICT card
- Apply for a multilingual death certificate form
- Apply for an A1 certificate for an employed person posted to an EU/EEA Member State or Switzerland
- Apply for an additional copy of the permit or a certified copy of the Community license
- Apply for an Aircraft Station Licence call sign
- Apply for an allowance for multiple births
- Apply for an apostille
- Apply for an assessment of school performance
- Apply for a national visa
- Apply for an early retirement pension for long-term insured persons from the Agricultural Pension Fund
- Apply for an early retirement pension for spouses from the Agricultural Pension Fund
- Apply for an education loan
- Apply for an education voucher
- Apply for a negative certificate (for citizenship)
- Apply for an electronic health professional card (eHBA) as a person in a healthcare profession
- Apply for an electronic institution card (SMC-B) as an institution with employees in healthcare professions
- Apply for an emergency travel document for foreigners
- Apply for an energy consultation
- Apply for an environmental impact assessment
- Apply for an EU certificate in accordance with the Professional Recognition Directive
- Apply for a new driving license
- Apply for a new ID card when it expires
- apply for an examination warrant
- Apply for an exemption for street sales
- Apply for an exemption for the burning of small private fireworks outside the turn of the year
- Apply for an exemption permit for persons from other EU/EEA countries and Switzerland to be entered in the register of craftsmen
- Apply for an exemption permit in accordance with § 70 StVZO
- Apply for an express passport
- Apply for an extended certificate of good conduct
- Apply for an extension for electronic institution card (SMC-B) as an institution with employees in health professions
- Apply for an extension of residence permit for qualified tolerated persons for the purpose of employment
- Apply for an extension of the permit to carry weapons or ammunition in Germany
- Apply for an extension of the residence permit for a study-related internship EU
- Apply for an extension of the residence permit for conditional admission to study or part-time study
- Apply for an extension of the residence permit for the purpose of applying for a degree
- Apply for an extension of the residence permit for the recognition of the professional qualification during employment
- Apply for an extension of the residence permit for the reunification of a foreign spouse with a German
- Apply for an extension of the residence permit for the reunification of other family members with a German
- Apply for an extension of the residence permit for the search for a training place in order to carry out qualified vocational training
- Apply for an extension of the residence permit for urgent humanitarian or personal reasons
- Apply for an extension of the residence permit if there is a ban on deportation
- Apply for an extension of the residence permit in order to take an examination for the recognition of a foreign professional qualification
- Apply for an extension of the residence permit to attend a general education school
- Apply for an extension of the residence permit to carry out a qualification measure
- Apply for an extension of the residence permit to continue your studies
- Apply for an extension of the residence permit to look for a job for skilled workers with academic training
- Apply for an extension of the residence permit to work as a civil servant with a German employer
- Apply for an extension of the training period
- Apply for an extension of the training toleration
- Apply for an extract from the real estate map for private purposes (geo-base information system)
- Apply for an extract from the real estate register for private purposes (geo-base information system)
- Apply for an identification number for farms that keep laying hens to identify eggs
- Apply for an identity card due to other name change
- Apply for an identity card for German citizens with permanent residence abroad
- Apply for an identity card for the first time
- Apply for an international birth certificate
- Apply for an international driving license
- Apply for an investment grant for the energy-efficient refurbishment of residential buildings
- Apply for an official building survey
- Apply for an official extract from the property register
- Apply for an official extract from the real estate map
- Apply for an old-age pension allowance or its withdrawal
- Apply for an old-age pension for particularly long-term insured persons
- Apply for a non-student examination
- Apply for an operating permit for a two-storey pharmacy
- Apply for an organ donor card
- Apply for a one-off payment of social compensation for victims of violence abroad
- Apply for a passport
- Apply for a passport due to change of other data
- Apply for a passport due to expiry of validity
- Apply for a passport due to name change
- Apply for a passport for frequent travelers
- Apply for a passport replacement if you lose your passport abroad
- Apply for a permit as an all-day school
- Apply for a permit change for the direct discharge of precipitation water into bodies of water
- Apply for a permit change for the direct discharge of pretreated wastewater from small wastewater treatment plants into bodies of water
- Apply for a permit change for the withdrawal and discharge of water from surface waters
- Apply for a permit for a custom fire
- Apply for a permit for an insurance company
- Apply for a permit for a zoo
- Apply for a permit for campfires
- Apply for a permit for commercial road haulage
- Apply for a permit for fee-based financial investment advisors
- Apply for a permit for oversized and heavy goods transport
- Apply for a permit for petrol station
- Apply for a permit for the (international) commercial carriage of goods by road / Community licence
- Apply for a permit for the construction and operation or modification of an installation that does not require a permit
- Apply for a permit for the direct discharge of precipitation water into bodies of water in a formal procedure
- Apply for a permit for the direct discharge of pre-treated wastewater from small wastewater treatment plants into bodies of water
- Apply for a permit for the direct discharge of pre-treated water from small wastewater treatment plants into bodies of water in a formal procedure
- Apply for a permit for the direct discharge of rainwater into bodies of water
- Apply for a permit for waste disposal
- Apply for a permit from a real estate loan intermediary
- Apply for a permit to breed, keep and trade animals
- Apply for a permit to carry mail commercially
- Apply for a permit to handle alcohol products
- apply for a permit to handle tobacco products
- Apply for a permit to modify an installation for the generation of electricity from renewable energy sources (repowering).
- Apply for a permit to withdraw and discharge water from surface waters
- Apply for a permit under immission control law for the construction and operation of systems
- Apply for a personal budget
- Apply for a personal disabled parking space
- Apply for a personal identification number (SSR number) for entries in the Radiation Safety Register (SSR).
- Apply for a place in medicine, veterinary medicine, dentistry, pharmacy
- Apply for a placement budget at the job center
- Apply for a polling card
- Apply for appointment as an expert for long-term storage in accordance with the Landfill Ordinance
- Apply for appointment as a tax advisor
- Apply for appointment as insolvency administrator
- Apply for approval as an independent school
- Apply for approval as a private clinic
- Apply for approval as a provider of consumer information services at the Market Transparency Body for Fuels
- Apply for approval as a testing laboratory for raw milk
- Apply for approval for egg packing station
- Apply for approval for emission and immission assessment bodies
- Apply for approval for recycling processes of plastics in contact with foodstuffs
- Apply for approval for the operation of an X-ray facility or the significant modification of the facility for materials testing
- Apply for approval for the operation of an X-ray facility or the significant modification of the operation for teleradiology
- Apply for approval in the simplified procedure for an installation in accordance with the BImSchG
- Apply for approval of a breeding program
- Apply for approval of active and intelligent substances in food contact materials
- Apply for approval of an aviation event
- Apply for approval of a new plant variety
- Apply for approval of experts for cross-checks
- Apply for approval of further tax advice centres
- Apply for approval of health claims on food
- Apply for approval of new substances for plastics in food contact materials
- Apply for approval of new substances for regenerated cellulose film in contact with foodstuffs
- Apply for approval of sales events
- Apply for approval of the premature construction of a plant requiring a permit
- Apply for a preliminary decision
- Apply for a preliminary decision on a plant requiring a permit
- Apply for a premium voucher
- Apply for a re-authorisation of a trade after prohibition
- Apply for a red firearms possession card for firearms or ammunition experts
- Apply for a reduced earning capacity pension in the event of occupational disability
- Apply for a reduction in the KiTa fee
- Apply for a red vehicle license plate (07 license plate) for classic cars participating in events
- Apply for a registration certificate
- Apply for a re-issue of a driving licence
- Apply for a rental bus permit
- Apply for a rental car permit
- Apply for a replacement certificate
- Apply for a replacement driver's license
- Apply for a replacement following notification of loss of the exemption permit for vehicles and vehicle combinations
- Apply for a replacement for a school report
- Apply for a replacement of the Registration Certificate Part I or Part II
- Apply for a residence permit for a study-related internship EU
- Apply for a residence permit for conditional admission to study or part-time studies
- Apply for a residence permit for employment as a skilled worker with an academic qualification
- Apply for a residence permit for self-employed persons who have completed their studies or are working as scientists or researchers
- Apply for a residence permit for the purpose of continuing your studies in another EU country
- Apply for a residence permit for the purpose of employing qualified tolerated persons
- Apply for a residence permit for the purpose of employment as a skilled worker with vocational training
- Apply for a residence permit for the purpose of employment if you have extensive practical professional knowledge
- Apply for a residence permit for the purpose of employment regardless of qualification as a skilled worker
- Apply for a residence permit for the purpose of finding a training place
- Apply for a residence permit for the purpose of studying
- Apply for a residence permit for the recognition of the professional qualification on the basis of an agreement between the Federal Employment Agency
- Apply for a residence permit for the reunification of other family members with a German
- Apply for a residence permit in the event of a ban on deportation
- Apply for a residence permit to carry out a qualification measure with employment
- Apply for a residence permit to look for a job after completing your studies
- Apply for a residence permit to look for a job after completing your studies
- Apply for a residence permit to look for a job after completing your training
- Apply for a residence permit to participate in language courses or student exchanges
- Apply for a residence permit to participate in the Federal Volunteer Service
- Apply for a residence permit to take an examination for the recognition of a foreign professional qualification
- Apply for a resident parking permit
- Apply for a restaurant permit for special occasions
- Apply for a right to practice crafts
- Apply for a school certificate
- Apply for a seasonal license plate
- Apply for a second passport
- Apply for a settlement permit
- Apply for a settlement permit for holders of a residence permit for reasons of international law, humanitarian or political
- Apply for a settlement permit for self-employed persons
- Apply for a ship's tonnage certificate
- Apply for a shooting permit
- Apply for a short-term license plate
- Apply for a simple certificate of good conduct
- Apply for a site-specific preliminary assessment to determine whether an environmental impact assessment (EIA) is required in mining
- Apply for a small firearms license
- Apply for a special permit for traffic
- Apply for assessment for limited taxpayers
- Apply for assistance for the elderly
- Apply for assisted dying through hospice services
- Apply for assumption of accident insurance as a foster parent
- Apply for assurance of the expected certificate to apply for tax benefits for the preservation or appropriate use of listed buildings or buildings within listed areas or protected complexes
- Apply for assurance of the expected certificate to apply for tax concessions for production and conservation measures on cultural assets worthy of protection
- Apply for a standard old-age pension
- Apply for a standard old-age pension from the agricultural pension fund
- Apply for a status certificate for a reduction in tax on income from foreign investment funds
- Apply for a study place
- Apply for a subsidy for measures to improve the living environment in long-term care insurance
- Apply for a subsidy for the contribution to the agricultural old-age insurance fund
- Apply for a subsidy from the Employment Agency for internship remuneration for young people who are to be prepared for in-company vocational training as part of an introductory qualification program
- Apply for a subsidy from the Jobcenter for internship remuneration for young people who are to be prepared for in-company vocational training as part of an introductory training program
- Apply for a supplement to the severely disabled person's pass with or without a token
- Apply for a tax reduction for shore power supply for watercraft
- Apply for a temporary driving licence for passenger transport
- Apply for a temporary exemption for special experimental and technical scientific studies with an amateur radio station
- Apply for a temporary identity card
- Apply for a temporary no-stopping zone
- Apply for a temporary passport
- Apply for a tolerated stay for training
- Apply for a transfer of a driving licence from the EU or the EEA
- Apply for a travel allowance for integration courses
- Apply for a travel document (passport replacement) for foreigners from non-EU countries
- Apply for a travel trade card
- Apply for a travel trade card renewal
- Apply for authorisation as a broadcasting company
- Apply for authorisation as a translator
- Apply for authorisation of animal experiments
- Apply for authorisation to discharge wastewater into private sewage treatment plants with early start
- Apply for authorisation to discharge waste water into public sewage treatment plants with early start
- Apply for authorisation to set up a branch of experts
- Apply for authorised consignee status under the TIR procedure
- Apply for authorization to carry out occupational medical check-ups
- Apply for authorization to mark (ISMP15) packaging material made of wood
- Apply for authorization to use an electronic transport document (ETD) as a customs declaration
- Apply for a VAT booklet
- Apply for a VAT refund as an international organization or its member
- Apply for a vehicle tax concession for severely disabled persons
- Apply for aviation security program for foreign air carrier
- Apply for aviation security program for German air carrier
- Apply for a victim's pension
- Apply for a visa for a short stay in Germany and the Schengen area
- Apply for a voluntary land swap in accordance with the Land Consolidation Act
- Apply for a waste disposal number
- Apply for a waste producer number
- Apply for a WHO certificate for the export of medicinal products for human use if the marketing authorization holder is based in Germany
- Apply for a WHO certificate for the export of medicinal products for human use without a marketing authorization in the exporting country
- Apply for a widow's or widower's pension from the Agricultural Pension Fund
- Apply for a workshop card for the first time
- Apply for a yellow gun possession card for individual marksmen
- Apply for a youth health check-up
- Apply for BAföG to attend school
- Apply for BAföG to study
- Apply for basic income support in old age and in the event of reduced earning capacity (social assistance)
- Apply for basic training for people with severe visual or hearing impairments
- Apply for benefits as part of social compensation for participation in education
- Apply for benefits for caregivers in acute care situations and caregiver leave in the social long-term care insurance system
- Apply for benefits for participation in working life
- Apply for benefits for required sterilization
- Apply for benefits for the integration of self-employed persons
- Apply for benefits for victims of state injustice in the former GDR who are still suffering from the health consequences today
- Apply for benefits under the Asylum Seekers Benefits Act
- Apply for benefits within the framework of social compensation for participation in working life
- Apply for benefits within the framework of social compensation for the need for long-term care
- Apply for birth certificate for births on seagoing vessels
- Apply for blind and deaf benefit
- Apply for brokerage transactions for waste
- Apply for building authority approval
- Apply for building survey
- Apply for calibration
- Apply for calibration of cabs and rental cars
- Apply for cancellation of membership at the Chamber of Crafts
- Apply for care aids
- Apply for care allowance for war victims
- Apply for care allowance in the social care insurance
- Apply for care assistance
- Apply for care benefits in kind for those with long-term care insurance
- Apply for case management as part of social compensation for injured parties
- Apply for case management within the framework of social compensation as a beneficiary
- Apply for certificate evaluation of foreign higher education qualifications for recognition in the higher education sector
- Apply for certificate of approved depository for the land registry office
- Apply for certificates of free sale for active in-vitro diagnostics
- Apply for certificates of free sale for active medical devices
- Apply for certificates of origin and IHK certificates for commercial documents
- Apply for certification of old-age provision and basic pension contracts ("Riester" or "Rürup")
- Apply for change in aviation security program for German air carrier
- Apply for child benefit
- Apply for child building benefit
- Apply for childcare allowance
- Apply for child supplement
- Apply for cinema project funding
- Apply for combination benefit for long-term care insurants
- Apply for commercial collection and processing of wild plants
- Apply for compensation after deprivation of liberty
- Apply for compensation for disadvantages
- Apply for compensation for loss of earnings for necessary accompaniment during medical treatment
- Apply for compensation instead of a monthly social compensation payment for injured parties
- Apply for compensation instead of a monthly social compensation payment for widows and widowers
- Apply for compensation under the Infection Protection Act for additional expenses incurred during periods of lost earnings
- Apply for compensation under the Infection Protection Act in the event of quarantine or prohibition of activity
- Apply for compulsory insurance in the statutory pension insurance as a self-employed person
- Apply for concessionary customs duties for imports of goods under end-use
- Apply for construction or modification of a facility on a surface water body.
- Apply for co-payments and/or co-payments of health care assistance for foster child/ren
- Apply for Corona federal bridge grant for professional sports
- Apply for correction of the electoral roll for the Bundestag election
- Apply for cost absorption for abortion at the statutory health insurance company
- Apply for cost coverage for measures to induce pregnancy or for cryopreservation measures for persons insured under the statutory health insurance scheme
- Apply for cost exemption for the integration course
- Apply for crediting and recognition of periods of study and academic achievements
- Apply for cultural funding from the municipality
- Apply for custody of the will
- Apply for day care for those with statutory long-term care insurance
- Apply for day registration for a vehicle
- Apply for death benefit for war victims
- apply for deferment of payment of import duties
- Apply for deferral of tax debts
- Apply for deletion from the register of craftsmen/trade register (HWK)
- Apply for dental prophylaxis
- Apply for deregistration of a property in the land register
- Apply for designation as a landscape conservation area
- Apply for designation as an examination body for sewage sludge examinations in waste management
- Apply for designation as an inspection body for waste wood in waste management
- Apply for designation as a testing center for biowaste testing in waste management
- Apply for diplomatic passport or service passport
- Apply for discharge of waste water into public waste water treatment plants
- Apply for early detection examination in children
- Apply for early repayment of the BAföG loan
- Apply for early school enrolment
- Apply for economic development
- Apply for educational assistance or caregiver aide
- Apply for educational leave
- Apply for educational support to attend a training centre located abroad
- Apply for education and participation benefits for children, adolescents and young adults in receipt of housing benefit
- Apply for education and participation benefits for children, adolescents and young adults in receipt of supplementary child allowance
- Apply for education and participation benefits for children, young people or young adults in receipt of citizen's allowance
- Apply for electronic certificates of origin and other commercial certificates from the HWK
- Apply for employment support for people who have not worked for many years and receive citizen's allowance
- Apply for entry in the city planner list
- Apply for entry in the commercial register
- Apply for entry in the list of consulting engineers
- Apply for entry in the list of design authors entitled to building templates
- Apply for entry in the list of engineers entitled to a building template
- Apply for entry in the list of persons entitled to proof of structural evidence
- Apply for entry in the list of the Chamber of Engineers
- Apply for entry in the marriage register
- Apply for entry in the medical register
- Apply for entry in the register of associations
- Apply for entry in the register of craftsmen (craft requiring authorization)
- Apply for entry in the register of crafts that do not require a licence or in the register of trades similar to crafts
- Apply for entry in the register of property rights
- Apply for entry of the training contract in the register of vocational training relationships according to BBiG
- Apply for environmental bonus for electric vehicles (subsidy expired)
- Apply for equivalence of certificates of competence and training in accordance with Section 13c of the Trade, Commerce and Industry Regulation Act
- Apply for equivalence of certificates of ethnic German repatriates according to BVFG
- Apply for equivalence of the master craftsman examination
- Apply for European Technical Assessment (ETA)
- Apply for excavation in public spaces
- Apply for exceptions to the change block
- Apply for exemption certificate for tax-privileged foreign investors of investment funds
- Apply for exemption for entry in the Register of Craftsmen
- Apply for exemption from basic obligations and protective measures in the commercial handling of hazardous substances
- Apply for exemption from capital gains tax
- Apply for exemption from compulsory insurance in the statutory health insurance scheme
- Apply for exemption from compulsory insurance in the statutory pension insurance for members of professional pension schemes
- Apply for exemption from compulsory insurance of the Agricultural Old Age Insurance Fund in case of income outside agriculture
- Apply for exemption from proof of disposal
- Apply for exemption from the expert knowledge requirement in accordance with the Chemicals Ozone Layer Ordinance
- Apply for exemption from the KiTa fee
- Apply for exemption from the minimum age for shooting at shooting ranges to promote competitive sport
- Apply for exemption from the obligation to appoint an anti-money laundering officer
- Apply for exemption from the obligation to document the risk analysis in the gambling sector
- Apply for exemption from the obligation to obtain a license as an insurance intermediary
- Apply for exemption from the obligation to transfer biowaste
- Apply for exemption from the permit requirement for discharging wastewater into private wastewater systems
- Apply for exemption from the record-keeping or register obligations for waste management operators
- Apply for exemption from the semester fee
- Apply for exemption from the tax consultant examination
- Apply for exemption from the water abstraction fee
- Apply for exemption in the event of a change ban to secure urban land-use planning
- Apply for exemptions from the permit requirement to acquire and possess ammunition
- Apply for expert opinion of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce for start-up grant
- Apply for export license plates
- Apply for extended population register information
- Apply for extension of driver's license for class B
- Apply for extension of residence permit for recognition of professional qualification on the basis of an agreement of the Federal Employment Agency
- Apply for extension of the resident parking permit
- Apply for extra work winter allowance as a supplementary benefit to seasonal short-time allowance
- Apply for family and parenting advice
- Apply for family care parking permit
- Apply for farm and household assistance from the Agricultural Accident Insurance Fund
- Apply for farm and household help from the agricultural health insurance fund
- Apply for federal film funding for the distribution of cinema films
- Apply for federal film funding for the screenplay or treatment of a children's film
- Apply for feed authorisation
- Apply for financial support for measures to induce pregnancy
- Apply for food testing
- Apply for free funding SGB II
- Apply for full inpatient home care for those with long-term care insurance
- Apply for funding for commercial investments
- Apply for funding for digitisation of films with special value
- Apply for funding for energy consulting for residential buildings
- Apply for funding for energy consulting for SMEs
- Apply for funding for flood protection measures
- Apply for funding for German-Polish art and culture projects
- Apply for funding for in-company training for people with disabilities who are fully incapacitated for work
- Apply for funding for material development for feature-length documentaries
- Apply for funding for model projects for the preservation of the written cultural heritage
- Apply for funding for people with disabilities who want to pursue training
- Apply for funding for professional development at the employment agency
- Apply for funding for professional development at the Jobcenter
- Apply for funding for projects for cultural mediation and the preservation of cultural assets
- Apply for funding for projects under the "Special Programme for the Preservation of the Written Cultural Heritage
- Apply for funding for social rental housing
- Apply for funding for supplementary integration measures for late repatriates
- Apply for funding for the "Software Sprint - Support for Open Source Developers" program
- Apply for funding for the production of a feature film or documentary
- Apply for funding for the production of full-length children's films and children's short films
- Apply for funding for the program "Measures to support universities in cross-border networking and applications to strengthen innovative capacity in the European Research Area (FH-Europe)"
- Apply for funding for village renewal
- Apply for funding for youth hostels
- Apply for funding from the monument preservation programme "Nationally valuable cultural monuments
- Apply for funding in the area of sport
- Apply for funding to participate in cultural, social and educational activities while receiving asylum benefits
- Apply for funding to participate in educational, cultural and social activities if you receive assistance with living expenses
- Apply for funding to participate in educational programs for young adults receiving basic income support
- Apply for funding to prepare for production of full-length children's film projects
- Apply for funding under the Future Cinema Programme
- Apply for general swearing-in as a court interpreter with a foreign professional qualification
- Apply for German citizenship (for foreigners eligible for naturalization)
- Apply for grant for measurement and control technology, sensor technology and energy management software
- Apply for grants for advice for agricultural enterprises and producer associations
- Apply for grants for consultancy to promote entrepreneurial know-how
- Apply for grants for political education events (guideline funding)
- Apply for grants or subsidies for additional necessary expenses for foster child/ren
- Apply for group dental prophylaxis in children and adolescents
- Apply for guardianship
- Apply for guest auditorship
- Apply for guide dog for the blind
- Apply for gun ownership card for hunting associations
- Apply for hardship compensation as part of social compensation
- Apply for hardship waiver of BAföG repayment debt after rejection of a cooperation waiver
- Apply for health aid
- Apply for health care for children, adolescents, young adults and single parents with children in common forms of housing
- Apply for health insurance for students
- Apply for help for young adults
- Apply for help to overcome special social difficulties
- Apply for housing security and homelessness assistance
- Apply for housing subsidies
- Apply for inclusion in the list of prequalified companies
- Apply for inclusion of a smoke flavoring primary product in the Community list of authorized primary products.
- Apply for individual case funding for participation in working life
- Apply for information and transmission blocks in the population register for information to parties, etc.
- Apply for information from the population register
- Apply for information from the population register vis-à-vis housing providers
- Apply for information from the population register vis-à-vis parties and voter groups
- Apply for innovation support for projects in agriculture and forestry, viticulture and horticulture, fisheries and aquaculture.
- Apply for insolvency allowance
- Apply for integration assistance for children and adolescents with mental disabilities or threatened mental disabilities
- Apply for integration assistance for people with disabilities
- Apply for integration subsidy at the employment agency
- Apply for integration subsidy at the job center
- Apply for intensive individual socio-educational support
- Apply for key number 96 or key number 196 for class B
- Apply for legal aid
- Apply for license to practice dentistry
- Apply for loan with repayment subsidy for renewable energies
- Apply for maintenance and other supplementary benefits as part of social compensation
- Apply for maternity benefit
- Apply for medical care for mothers and fathers with health insurance
- Apply for medical rehab at the expense of pension insurance
- Apply for medical rehabilitation benefits
- Apply for medical rehabilitation benefits from the Agricultural Old-Age Insurance Fund
- Apply for medical treatment for war victims
- Apply for medical treatment from the Social Compensation for Injured Parties for non-injury consequences
- Apply for medical treatment from the Social Compensation for Relatives and Close Relatives of Victims
- Apply for medicines and dressings for people with health insurance
- Apply for miners' compensation benefit (KAL) for miners
- Apply for modification certification of terminals for BOS digital radio
- Apply for monthly care compensation from the social compensation for widows and widowers in the event of long-term care of the injured party due to injury
- Apply for monthly foster child support benefits
- Apply for monthly payment of social compensation to orphans
- Apply for monthly payment of social compensation to surviving parents
- Apply for motor vehicle assistance for persons with statutory accident insurance
- Apply for multiple credit for more than one compulsory job for the employment of severely disabled persons
- Apply for municipal integration services
- Apply for mutual agreement procedure under the double taxation agreement (DTA)
- Apply for naturalisation for former Germans abroad
- apply for naturalisation under the reparation scheme - for persons expatriated during National Socialism and their descendants - abroad
- Apply for naturalization for homeless foreigners
- Apply for naturalization for persons stateless since birth
- Apply for naturalization on the basis of marriage or registered civil partnership with a person who has German citizenship
- Apply for new vineyards for wine
- Apply for night care for those with statutory long-term care insurance
- Apply for notarization of the declaration of readiness for adoption
- Apply for number assignment for recreational or commercial shipping (Ship Station License)
- Apply for occupational health and safety advice
- Apply for occupational injury compensation as part of social compensation
- Apply for official acts subject to customs duties
- Apply for official registration confirmation
- Apply for official test number for quality wine, sparkling wine and semi-sparkling wine for quality wine testing
- Apply for old-age pension for long-term insured persons
- Apply for old-age pension for severely disabled people
- Apply for one-off benefits
- Apply for one-off needs according to § 31 SGB XII
- Apply for orphan's pension from the Agricultural Pension Fund
- Apply for orthodontic treatment
- Apply for other assistance as individual benefits for participation in working life
- Apply for outpatient or inpatient hospice care from the statutory health insurance fund
- Apply for palliative care (specialized outpatient) for those with health insurance
- Apply for parcel determination without property survey
- Apply for parental allowance
- Apply for parking facilitation for severely disabled persons
- Apply for parking permit for handicraft business and nursing service
- Apply for parking permit for non-profit institution and social service
- Apply for parking permit for tradesmen
- Apply for partial approval for the construction of a plant
- Apply for participation in an amateur radio examination
- Apply for participation in the control reporting procedure for relief from withholding taxes
- Apply for part-time study
- Apply for patent
- Apply for payment of grants for advice to agricultural enterprises and producer associations
- Apply for payment of rent arrears to secure accommodation
- Apply for payment of rent arrears with ongoing benefit receipt SGB II
- Apply for payment relief for insured persons with the Artists' Social Security Fund
- Apply for payment relief from the Künstlersozialkasse (artists' social insurance fund)
- Apply for permission as a flight instructor
- Apply for permission as an auctioneer
- Apply for permission as a private daycare center
- Apply for permission to conduct or broker online poker games
- Apply for permission to day care for children
- Apply for permission to display persons
- Apply for permission to handle energy products
- Apply for permission to handle toxins commercially
- Apply for permission to operate a bonded warehouse
- Apply for permission to operate a fixed shooting range
- Apply for permission to permanently transfer firearms or ammunition into, through or out of the Federal Republic of Germany
- Apply for permission to practice medicine
- Apply for permission to practice medicine in the field of physiotherapy
- Apply for permission to practice medicine in the field of psychotherapy
- Apply for permission to provide financial services
- Apply for permission to provide legal advice
- Apply for permission to purchase a gun possession card for a shooting sports club if you have it
- Apply for permission to purchase with an existing firearms possession card for hunting associations
- Apply for permission to purchase with an existing green firearms possession card for individual persons
- Apply for permission to restrict traffic space
- Apply for permission to sell goods at fairs, festivals and special occasions
- Apply for permission to ship pharmacy-only medicines
- Apply for permission to start waste management activity
- Apply for permission to take Trichinella samples from wild boar and badgers
- Apply for permission to temporarily practice the veterinary profession
- Apply for permission to temporarily practice veterinary profession for veterinarians from EU member states
- Apply for permission to use alcohol tax-free
- Apply for permission to use the job title of medical-technical assistant for functional diagnostics
- Apply for permission to use the job title of medical-technical laboratory assistant
- Apply for permission to use the job title of medical-technical radiology assistant
- Apply for permission to use the professional title "Podiatrist/Podologist
- Apply for permission to use the professional title occupational therapist from EU/EEA/Switzerland
- Apply for permission to use the professional title occupational therapist from third countries
- Apply for permission to use the professional title of anesthesia technician or anesthesia technician assistant
- Apply for permission to use the professional title of dietician
- Apply for permission to use the professional title of dietician from EU/EEA/Switzerland
- Apply for permission to use the professional title of emergency paramedic
- Apply for permission to use the professional title of emergency paramedic from the EU/EEA/Switzerland
- Apply for permission to use the professional title of geriatric nurse
- Apply for permission to use the professional title of geriatric nurse from third countries
- Apply for permission to use the professional title of health and paediatric nurse from EU/EEA/Switzerland
- Apply for permission to use the professional title of healthcare and nursing assistant
- Apply for permission to use the professional title of healthcare and pediatric nurse
- Apply for permission to use the professional title of health supervisor
- Apply for permission to use the professional title of masseuse and medical lifeguard or masseur and medical lifeguard from EU/EEA/Switzerland
- Apply for permission to use the professional title of masseuse or masseur and medical bath attendant
- Apply for permission to use the professional title of medical dissection and preparation assistant
- Apply for permission to use the professional title of medical dissection and preparation assistant for degrees from abroad
- Apply for permission to use the professional title of nurse from EU/EEA/Switzerland
- Apply for permission to use the professional title of nursing specialist
- Apply for permission to use the professional title of occupational therapist
- Apply for permission to use the professional title of orthoptist from the EU/EEA/Switzerland
- Apply for permission to use the professional title of physiotherapist
- Apply for permission to use the professional title of podiatrist from the EU/EEA/Switzerland
- Apply for permission to use the professional title of speech therapist
- Apply for permission to use the professional title of speech therapist from EU/EEA/Switzerland
- Apply for permission to use the professional title of surgical assistant
- Apply for permission to withdraw and discharge water from surface waters
- Apply for permission to withdraw and discharge water from surface waters in a formal procedure
- Apply for permission to work as an insurance advisor
- Apply for permission under water law for the navigation of waters with motor boats
- Apply for permits to handle untaxed coffee
- Apply for placement budget at the employment agency
- Apply for planning approval procedure
- Apply for population register information for groups
- Apply for pregnancy conflict counseling
- Apply for premature discharge of waste water into water bodies
- Apply for prenatal check-up
- Apply for prevention benefits for people with health insurance
- Apply for preventive and early detection examination for dental, oral and maxillofacial diseases
- Apply for professional advancement training funding
- Apply for proof of competence for the supply of plant protection products
- Apply for proof of competence for the use of plant protection products
- Apply for property survey with early parcel formation (separation)
- Apply for provisional project certificate according to Film Promotion Act
- Apply for public appointment and swearing in as an expert
- Apply for public appointment as an auctioneer
- Apply for rapid response services in a trauma outpatient clinic
- Apply for recognition and recognition of periods of study and academic achievements in medical studies
- Apply for recognition as a certified specialist for work and career promotion
- Apply for recognition as a childhood educator with professional qualification from abroad.
- Apply for recognition as a consulting engineer with professional qualifications from abroad
- Apply for recognition as a counselling centre for pregnancy conflict counselling
- Apply for recognition as a curative education nurse with a professional qualification from abroad
- Apply for recognition as a farrier
- Apply for recognition as a farrier apprentice blacksmith or farrier apprentice blacksmith.
- Apply for recognition as a farrier with a foreign professional qualification
- Apply for recognition as a farrier with a foreign professional qualification
- Apply for recognition as a geriatric nurse from EU/EEA/Switzerland
- Apply for recognition as a landscape architect with professional qualification from abroad
- Apply for recognition as a Medical Laboratory Assistant with professional qualification from EU/EEA/Switzerland.
- Apply for recognition as a medical-technical assistant for functional diagnostics with professional qualification from a third country
- Apply for recognition as a medical-technical assistant for functional diagnostics with professional qualification from EU/EEA/Switzerland.
- Apply for recognition as a medical-technical laboratory assistant with professional qualification from a third country
- Apply for recognition as a medical-technical radiology assistant with professional qualification from a third country
- Apply for recognition as a medical-technical radiology assistant with professional qualification from EU/EEA/Switzerland.
- Apply for recognition as a Medical Technologist for Functional Diagnostics or Medical Technologist for Functional Diagnostics with professional qualification from EU/EEA/Switzerland
- Apply for recognition as a Medical Technologist for Functional Diagnostics with a professional qualification from third countries
- Apply for recognition as a medical technologist for laboratory analysis or medical technologist for laboratory analysis with professional qualification from third countries
- Apply for recognition as a Medical Technologist for Radiology or Medical Technologist for Radiology with professional qualification from EU/EEA/Switzerland
- Apply for recognition as a Medical Technologist for Radiology or Medical Technologist for Radiology with professional qualification from third countries
- Apply for recognition as a Medical Technologist for Veterinary Medicine or Medical Technologist for Veterinary Medicine with professional qualification from EU/EEA/Switzerland
- Apply for recognition as a Medical Technologist for Veterinary Medicine or Medical Technologist for Veterinary Medicine with professional qualification from third countries
- Apply for recognition as a midwife with a professional qualification that is automatically recognised
- Apply for recognition as a midwife with a professional qualification that is not automatically recognised
- Apply for recognition as an anaesthesia technical assistant with professional qualifications from EU/EEA/Switzerland
- Apply for recognition as an architect with a professional qualification from abroad
- Apply for recognition as an auditor for earthworks and foundation engineering
- Apply for recognition as an expert for high-pressure gas pipelines
- Apply for recognition as an expert organization for facilities for handling substances hazardous to water
- Apply for recognition as an eye test site
- Apply for recognition as an income tax assistance association
- Apply for recognition as an insolvency advice center
- Apply for recognition as an interior designer with professional qualification from abroad
- Apply for recognition as an urban planner with professional qualification from abroad
- Apply for recognition as a nurse with a professional qualification from the EU/EEA/Switzerland
- Apply for recognition as a nurse with a professional qualification from third countries
- Apply for recognition as a nursing assistant or nursing assistant with a professional qualification from abroad
- Apply for recognition as a paramedic with professional qualification from abroad
- Apply for recognition as a pharmaceutical consultant
- Apply for recognition as a pharmaceutical-technical assistant with a professional qualification from a third country
- Apply for recognition as a pharmaceutical-technical assistant with a professional qualification from the EU/EEA/Switzerland
- Apply for recognition as a private university
- Apply for recognition as a social pedagogue or social worker and social pedagogue or social worker with vocational training from abroad
- Apply for recognition as a soil protection expert
- Apply for recognition as a specialist dentist with a professional qualification from the European Union (EU), the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland
- Apply for recognition as a specialist dentist with a professional qualification from third countries
- Apply for recognition as a specialist pharmacist with a professional qualification from the European Union (EU), the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland
- Apply for recognition as a specialist pharmacist with a professional qualification from third countries
- Apply for recognition as a specialist veterinarian with a professional qualification from the European Union (EU), the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland
- Apply for recognition as a specialist veterinarian with a professional qualification from third countries
- Apply for recognition as a surgical assistant with a professional qualification from the EU/EEA/Switzerland
- Apply for recognition as a tax consultant from abroad
- Apply for recognition as a test engineer for structural analysis
- Apply for recognition as a test expert for stability
- Apply for recognition as a test expert for structural fire protection
- Apply for recognition as a test expert for technical installations and facilities
- Apply for recognition as a testing, inspection or certification body (PÜZ body) for construction products
- Apply for recognition as a testing body for pipeline systems
- Apply for recognition as a training organiser for ADR courses
- Apply for recognition as a veterinary medical technical assistant with professional qualification from EU/EEA/Switzerland.
- Apply for recognition as a veterinary technical assistant with professional qualifications from third countries.
- Apply for recognition as testing and certification bodies in accordance with the Chemicals Climate Protection Ordinance
- Apply for recognition for assessment of driving aptitude
- Apply for recognition for investigation bodies in the area of the BBodSchG
- Apply for recognition for radon measurements in the workplace
- Apply for recognition of a biosphere reserve
- Apply for recognition of a course for the acquisition or updating of the required expertise in radiation protection
- Apply for recognition of a course for the acquisition or updating of the required expertise in radiation protection
- Apply for recognition of ADR courses
- Apply for recognition of a driving instructor training centre
- Apply for recognition of a foreign professional qualification in an unlicensed craft or craft-like trade (master craftsman's examination)
- Apply for recognition of a foreign professional qualification in a skilled trade or a trade similar to a skilled trade (journeyman's examination)
- Apply for recognition of a forestry association
- Apply for recognition of a further training qualification as a veterinarian
- Apply for recognition of a qualification module
- Apply for recognition of competent persons to assess protection against explosion and fire hazards
- Apply for recognition of conformity assessment bodies for measuring instruments
- Apply for recognition of equivalent training completed abroad as a nursing assistant
- Apply for recognition of experimental facilities for plant protection products
- Apply for recognition of testing laboratories and measuring points
- Apply for reduced earning capacity pension
- Apply for reference film funding Screenplay Preproduction
- Apply for registration as a limited partnership in the commercial register
- Apply for registration as an expert in the energy efficiency expert list
- Apply for registration as a small craft entrepreneur in the register of the locally competent Chamber of Crafts
- Apply for registration for debt collection services
- Apply for registration in the air sports equipment register for ultra-light sports equipment without a permit
- Apply for registration in the list of architects
- Apply for registration in the professional register for tax advisors and tax consultants
- Apply for registration in the Register of Craftsmen with a special permit
- Apply for registration of a compulsory mortgage in the land register
- Apply for registration of a legal entity in the commercial register
- Apply for registration of a tax consulting company in the professional register for tax consultants
- Apply for registration of the training contract in the register of vocational training relationships by the Chamber of Skilled Crafts
- Apply for rehabilitation aftercare offer at the pension insurance company
- Apply for reimbursement, remission or refund of the tax on sparkling wine and intermediate products
- Apply for reimbursement for school trips
- Apply for reimbursement for vaccinations
- Apply for reimbursement of costs for interpreters, translators and communication aids as part of social compensation
- Apply for reimbursement of costs for remedies under statutory accident insurance
- Apply for reimbursement of damaged or destroyed aids
- Apply for reimbursement of fare losses on local public transport
- Apply for reimbursement of lost fares on long-distance services
- Apply for reimbursement of lost work time when deployed for the Federal Agency for Technical Relief (THW)
- Apply for reimbursement of the cost contribution (50 percent) for the integration course
- Apply for reimbursement of the costs for the trip to the trauma outpatient clinic
- Apply for reimbursement of the costs of home care under the employer model of social compensation in the event of a need for care
- Apply for reimbursement of the costs of medical treatment for the consequences of injury abroad
- Apply for reimbursement of the costs of self-procured medical treatment for the consequences of injury
- Apply for relief from electricity tax for companies
- Apply for relief from energy tax for agricultural and forestry enterprises
- Apply for relief from the costs of school transportation
- Apply for remission or reimbursement of tobacco tax
- Apply for replacement care
- Apply for resident certificate
- Apply for revocation of the permit for the discharge of waste water
- Apply for right of election for EU-based companies to tax goods in Mini-One-Stop-Shop (M1SS)
- Apply for right of way for telecommunication lines and networks
- Apply for school psychological counselling
- Apply for seafarer's identity card
- Apply for seasonal short-time allowance
- Apply for shipment of waste according to the "green" waste list
- Apply for short film award SHORT TIGER
- Apply for short-term care
- Apply for short-term care for those with long-term care insurance
- Apply for short-time allowance
- Apply for sickness benefit
- Apply for simple information from the population register
- Apply for social pedagogical family assistance
- Apply for special approval in accordance with § 70 StVZO for vehicles with deviating exhaust and/or noise behavior
- Apply for special benefits in individual cases for the continuation of the household within the framework of social compensation
- Apply for special educational needs
- Apply for stand approval for stores
- Apply for start-up aid for a degree course
- Apply for start-up money
- Apply for state funding for a model project to protect and structurally strengthen journalistic work
- Apply for statutory health insurance benefits for people with disabilities in fully inpatient facilities and special forms of housing
- Apply for subsidies for owner-occupied residential property
- Apply for subsidies for the training and employment of people with disabilities at the Employment Agency
- Apply for subsidies for the training and employment of people with disabilities at the Jobcenter
- Apply for subsidy for old-age insurance as a foster parent/caregiver
- Apply for subsistence assistance (social assistance)
- Apply for substitute care in the social long-term care insurance
- Apply for supplementary winter allowance as an additional benefit instead of seasonal short-time allowance
- Apply for support for returning to work
- Apply for support for successful training/entry qualification (assisted training)
- Apply for support for the employment of long-term unemployed people
- Apply for support for the training and employment of severely disabled people
- Apply for support to finance health insurance and long-term care insurance contributions from the social welfare provider
- Apply for tax allowances for carers
- Apply for tax allowances for children over the age of 18
- Apply for tax allowances for children under the age of 18
- Apply for tax allowances for people with disabilities
- Apply for tax allowances for survivors
- Apply for tax number for insurance tax or fire protection tax
- Apply for tax relief for alcopops
- Apply for the admission of a European lawyer to the Bar Association
- Apply for the change/extension of the subject area at the public appointment/swearing-in of experts for agriculture and forestry.
- Apply for the Cinema Program Award
- Apply for the construction of a sewage system
- Apply for the construction of ferry and shipping facilities
- Apply for the creation of a parcel
- Apply for the designation of a child
- Apply for the extension of the driver's license for the classes AM, A1, A2 or A
- Apply for the extension of the driving license of categories A1 or A2 by the next higher category
- Apply for the funeral costs to be covered
- Apply for the installation of gambling devices with the possibility of winning
- Apply for the issuance of a permanent residence card for third-country national family members of citizens of the Union who are entitled to freedom of movement
- Apply for the issuance of a permanent residence card for third-country nationals Family members of Germans
- Apply for the issue of an amateur radio examination certificate or an amateur radio certificate
- Apply for the lifting of the closure period for restaurants or bars
- Apply for the option to tax goods with a material value of up to EUR 150 in the Import-One-Stop-Shop (IOSS)
- Apply for the removal or alteration of protected landscape features (e.g. avenues)
- Apply for the status of "authorised consignee" for the Union transit procedure
- Apply for the status of "authorised consignor" for the Union transit procedure
- Apply for the status of Authorized Economic Operator
- Apply for the surrender of the child by way of a temporary injunction
- Apply for the termination of the civil partnership
- Apply for the transport of hazardous waste
- Apply for the use of coats of arms
- Apply for the use of short film award funds for the production or preparation of a short film
- Apply for the use of sports halls and sports fields
- Apply for trailer class E
- Apply for training advice
- Apply for training allowance
- Apply for transfer measures
- Apply for transfer short-time allowance
- Apply for transitional allowance for pensioners
- Apply for transitional allowance for people with disabilities
- Apply for travel expenses for ambulance services
- Apply for unemployment benefit
- Apply for upgrading training assistance (Aufstiegs-BAföG)
- Apply for use of the coat of arms of the state of Saxony-Anhalt
- Apply for VAT exemption
- Apply for video funding
- Apply for vocational training allowance
- Apply for vocational training for people with disabilities who are fully incapacitated for work
- Apply for voluntary health insurance contributions for foster child/ren
- Apply for voluntary insurance and voluntary supplementary insurance in the agricultural accident insurance scheme
- Apply for voluntary insurance in the statutory pension insurance
- Apply for war victims' care for the injured
- Apply for welcome money
- Apply for widow's pension or widower's pension
- Apply for workplace health promotion benefits for those with health insurance
- Applying for a birth certificate for birth abroad
- Applying for a career qualification for the "Fire service technical service, career group 2, first entry level" from abroad
- Applying for a category L driving license
- Applying for access to Stasi files as a public or non-public body
- Applying for a certificate of competence for event technology managers
- Applying for a certificate of competence in accordance with the Explosives Act
- Applying for a certificate of competence under the Explosives Act for the mining sector
- Applying for a certificate of competency for fumigation
- Applying for a certificate of exemption from the marketing ban for Annex A species
- Applying for a certificate of residence under a treaty to avoid double taxation
- Applying for a certificate of sole inheritance due to statutory succession
- Applying for a certificate of sole inheritance on the basis of a will
- Applying for a certificate of sole inheritance with limited objectivity
- Applying for a change of permit for the extraction of groundwater
- Applying for a change of surname at ethnic German repatriates
- Applying for a change of surname in a civil partnership
- Applying for a change of surname in a marriage
- Applying for a civil partnership certificate
- Applying for a combination of cash and non-cash benefits for those with statutory long-term care insurance
- Applying for a commercial permit under explosives law for the mining sector
- Applying for a company card for the first time
- Applying for a death certificate for death abroad
- Applying for a death certificate for Germans abroad without German residence
- Applying for a death certificate in the event of death on a foreign seagoing vessel
- Applying for a declaration of disability
- Applying for a design
- Applying for a different rest period
- Applying for administrative proceedings if a basic payment account is refused
- Applying for admission as a doctor in Germany with professional training abroad
- Applying for admission as a European lawyer to a bar association
- Applying for admission as a lawyer from a member state of the World Trade Organization
- Applying for admission as a patent attorney
- Applying for admission to a section of the dental examination
- Applying for admission to a section of the pharmaceutical examination
- Applying for admission to a technical secondary school
- Applying for admission to the retraining exam
- Applying for a driver attestation in international road haulage
- Applying for a driver qualification certificate
- Applying for a driving instructor's license
- Applying for a falconry hunting license for the first time
- Applying for a falconry hunting license for the first time
- Applying for a general swearing in by interpreters and translators
- Applying for a gun ownership card for shooting clubs
- Applying for a half or full orphan's pension
- Applying for a health professional title
- Applying for aids for victims as a result of recognized consequences of injury as part of social compensation
- Applying for a joint certificate of inheritance
- Applying for a joint certificate of inheritance
- Applying for a joint certificate of inheritance according to intestate succession
- Applying for a joint certificate of inheritance based on a will
- Applying for a joint certificate of inheritance for prior or subsequent heirs
- Applying for a joint certificate of inheritance limited to specific items
- Applying for a joint certificate of inheritance on the basis of a will
- Applying for a joint certificate of inheritance on the basis of intestate succession
- Applying for a joint certificate of partial inheritance for prior or subsequent heirs
- Applying for a joint certificate of partial inheritance for prior or subsequent heirs with limited objectivity
- Applying for a joint certificate of partial inheritance limited to specific items
- Applying for a KfW loan in conjunction with a federal repayment grant for deep geothermal energy
- Applying for a license for a private hospital, a private maternity clinic or a private mental hospital
- Applying for a license to practice as a veterinarian from the EU/EEA/Switzerland
- Applying for a license to practice for veterinarians from third countries
- Applying for a license to practice medicine
- Applying for a loan for the energy-efficient refurbishment of residential buildings to become a KfW Efficiency House
- Applying for a marriage certificate
- Applying for a minimum joint certificate of inheritance
- Applying for a Mobile ICT Card Renewal
- Applying for an amendment or change to a final operating plan for mining
- Applying for an amendment to the Community license or certificate of authorization for the carriage of goods by road for hire or reward
- Applying for an assessment of helplessness and levels of care allowance for war victims
- Applying for an eID card for EU citizens and eWR nationals
- Applying for an emergency travel document
- Applying for an employment permit for persons with a residence permit
- Applying for an employment permit for persons with tolerated status
- Applying for a new ID card due to theft
- Applying for a new social security card
- Applying for an exemption certificate for tax deduction in the case of construction work
- Applying for an exemption from a change ban to secure urban land-use planning for building projects without a procedure
- Applying for an exemption from nature conservation
- Applying for an exemption from the ban on overtime and night work for a pregnant or breastfeeding person
- Applying for an exemption from the ban on working on Sundays and public holidays
- Applying for an exemption from the obligation to dispose of animal by-products
- Applying for an exemption from the permit requirement for weapons
- Applying for an exemption permit for persons from other EU/EEA countries and Switzerland to be entered in the register of craftsmen
- Applying for an exemption permit in accordance with § 70 StVZO for vehicles with blue rotating beacon and emergency horn
- Applying for an export license for cultural property
- Applying for an export refund for agricultural products from the European Union (EU)
- Applying for an extension of a final operating plan for mining
- Applying for an extension of a permit for a prostitution vehicle
- Applying for an extension of a residence permit for freelancers
- Applying for an extension of a residence permit for refugees
- Applying for an extension of a temporary replacement permit for a prostitution business
- Applying for an extension of benefits under the Federal Pension Act
- Applying for an extension of the building permit for the change of use of a facility
- Applying for an extension of the building permit for the construction of an installation
- Applying for an extension of the building permit for the modification of an installation
- Applying for an extension of the closing time under restaurant law
- Applying for an extension of the deposit period in the pawnshop business
- Applying for an extension of the driving license to category L
- Applying for an extension of the driving license to category T
- Applying for an extension of the partial building permit for the change of use of a facility
- Applying for an extension of the partial building permit for the construction of an installation
- Applying for an extension of the partial building permit for the modification of an installation
- Applying for an extension of the preliminary decision
- Applying for an extension of the residence permit for children born in Germany
- Applying for an extension of the residence permit for exceptional cases of hardship
- Applying for an extension of the residence permit for mobile researchers
- Applying for an extension of the residence permit for the family reunification of a foreign child to a German parent
- Applying for an extension of the residence permit for the purpose of research
- Applying for an extension of the residence permit for the spouse to join foreigners
- Applying for an extension of the residence permit for victims of a crime
- Applying for an extension of your residence permit to prepare for and study at university
- Applying for an extension of your residence permit to take part in the Federal Volunteer Service
- Applying for an ICT card extension
- Applying for an identity card as an under 16-year-old
- Applying for an identity card due to loss
- Applying for an initial mining permit
- Applying for annulment of the marriage
- Applying for an old-age pension for miners who have worked underground for many years
- Applying for an operating license for a hospital pharmacy
- Applying for an operating license for a pharmacy
- Applying for an operating license for a vehicle without registration
- Applying for a partial building permit for the construction of a system
- Applying for a partial building permit for the modification of an installation
- Applying for a passport abroad
- Applying for a passport due to a name change
- Applying for a pension due to death in the event of disappearance
- Applying for a permit as a health supervisor for degrees from abroad
- Applying for a permit as an educator from abroad
- Applying for a permit for an accident-relevant modification of a plant requiring a permit
- Applying for a permit for a pawn shop
- Applying for a permit for a prostitution vehicle
- Applying for a permit for events in public traffic areas
- Applying for a permit for flying structures
- Applying for a permit for guarding
- Applying for a permit for national insemination centres and national embryo collection teams
- Applying for a permit for the import and export of protected plant and animal species
- Applying for a permit for the temporary export of national treasures
- Applying for a permit to extract groundwater
- Applying for a permit to manufacture medicinal products
- Applying for a permit to operate boats and ships
- Applying for a permit to operate individual vehicles
- Applying for a permit to operate vehicle parts
- Applying for a permit to withdraw and discharge headwater from surface waters
- Applying for approval for a cremation facility
- Applying for approval for a significant change to an installation requiring approval
- Applying for approval for the operation or significant modification of mobile X-ray equipment in veterinary medicine
- Applying for approval for the replanting of vineyards
- Applying for approval of a final operating plan for mining
- Applying for approval of a plant or establishment for animal by-products
- Applying for approval of a special operating plan for mining
- Applying for approval of assets and rights
- Applying for approval to erect aviation obstacles
- Applying for approval to operate or significantly change the operation of a technical X-ray facility
- Applying for a preliminary consultation procedure for cross-border matters
- Applying for a prostitution permit for a prostitution business
- Applying for a proxy permit for the commercial manufacture and/or trade of weapons
- Applying for a proxy permit in the hospitality industry
- Applying for a red gun ownership card for gun or ammunition collectors
- Applying for a reduced earning capacity pension from the Agricultural Pension Fund
- Applying for a refund, remission or reimbursement of alcohol tax
- Applying for a refund, remission or reimbursement of beer tax
- Applying for a refund, remission or reimbursement of coffee tax
- Applying for a refund of vehicle tax for the transportation of vehicles by rail
- Applying for a registration certificate part II (vehicle registration document)
- Applying for a replacement certificate of a license to practice medicine
- Applying for a replacement Community license or certificate of authorization for the carriage of goods by road for hire or reward
- Applying for a replacement for a lost registration certificate part II (vehicle registration document)
- Applying for a residence card for family members of Union citizens
- Applying for a residence permit for a parent to join underage Germans
- Applying for a residence permit for children born in Germany
- Applying for a residence permit for exceptional cases of hardship
- Applying for a residence permit for expulsion
- Applying for a residence permit for freelancers
- Applying for a residence permit for job search for skilled workers with vocational training Applying for an extension
- Applying for a residence permit for mobile researchers
- Applying for a residence permit for parents to join a minor foreigner
- Applying for a residence permit for recognition of professional qualifications during employment
- Applying for a residence permit for refugees
- Applying for a residence permit for the purpose of applying to university
- Applying for a residence permit for the purpose of employment in the public interest
- Applying for a residence permit for the purpose of research
- Applying for a residence permit for the purpose of research for beneficiaries of international protection
- Applying for a residence permit for the purpose of school-based vocational training
- Applying for a residence permit for the purpose of school-based vocational training
- Applying for a residence permit for the purpose of training and further education
- Applying for a residence permit for the reunification of a foreign child with a German parent
- Applying for a residence permit for the spouse to join foreigners
- Applying for a residence permit for urgent humanitarian or personal reasons
- Applying for a residence permit for victims of a criminal offense under Sections 232 to 233a StGB
- Applying for a residence permit if you have subsidiary protection
- Applying for a residence permit to attend a general education school
- Applying for a residence permit to carry out a qualification measure
- Applying for a residence permit to look for a job after recognition of foreign professional qualifications
- Applying for a residence permit to look for a job after recognition of foreign professional qualifications
- Applying for a residence permit to look for a job after research activity
- Applying for a residence permit to look for a job after research activity
- Applying for a residence permit to look for a job after vocational training
- Applying for a residence permit to look for a job for qualified professionals with academic training
- Applying for a residence permit to look for a job for skilled workers with vocational training
- Applying for a residence permit to participate in the European Voluntary Service
- Applying for a residence permit to participate in the European Voluntary Service Extension
- Applying for a residence permit to pursue a self-employed activity
- Applying for a residence permit to pursue a self-employed activity extension
- Applying for a residence permit to work as a civil servant for a German employer
- Applying for a Separate Determination on the Return of Capital Contributions for Tax Purposes in Accordance with the German Corporation Tax Act (Körperschaftsteuergesetz)
- Applying for a settlement permit for EU Blue Card holders
- Applying for a settlement permit for family members of Germans
- Applying for a settlement permit for highly qualified specialists
- Applying for a settlement permit for minor foreign children
- Applying for a settlement permit for recognised persons entitled to asylum and refugees
- Applying for a settlement permit for spouses with independent right of residence
- Applying for a short-term license to participate in the amateur radio service
- Applying for a special use permit for roads outside a built-up area
- Applying for a start-up grant
- Applying for a sticker for electrically powered vehicles from abroad
- Applying for a suspension of compulsory education
- Applying for asylum
- Applying for a temporary employment permit
- Applying for a temporary extension of a driving licence
- Applying for a temporary permit for a restaurant business
- Applying for authorisation of medicinal products
- Applying for authorisation to work on weakly bound asbestos products
- Applying for a VAT refund as an embassy, consulate or its member
- Applying for a vehicle to be taken out of service
- Applying for background checks in aviation
- Applying for benefits as part of social compensation for social participation
- Applying for benefits in the event of damage to health as a result of service as a soldier in the German Armed Forces
- Applying for certificates of free sale for medical devices
- Applying for certificates of free sale for non-active in-vitro diagnostics
- Applying for certificates of free sale for non-active medical devices
- Applying for certification or a certificate of origin under the Film Industry Support Act
- Applying for child-raising and child allowance periods in statutory pension insurance
- Applying for child support under the simplified procedure
- Applying for compensation for political victims of the GDR
- Applying for compensation under the Infection Protection Act for childcare
- Applying for compensation under the Infection Protection Act for reimbursement of uncovered operating expenses
- Applying for compulsory insurance and contributions to pension insurance for tradespeople in craft businesses
- Applying for deregistration for a vehicle without registration
- Applying for derogations from rules on night working hours
- Applying for deviations, exemptions and exceptions from building law requirements
- Applying for deviations, exemptions and exceptions from building law requirements for building projects that do not require a procedure
- Applying for deviations, exemptions and exceptions from building law requirements for projects that do not require approval
- Applying for Disability Care for Detainees
- Applying for divorce
- Applying for early social compensation benefits as an injured party
- Applying for educational support
- Applying for employment of a pregnant or breastfeeding woman between 8 p.m. and 10 p.m.
- Applying for entry in the commercial register for a European company
- Applying for entry in the commercial register for EEIGs
- Applying for environmental information in mining
- Applying for equivalence of a qualification according to the Hazardous Substances Ordinance
- Applying for exemption from approval to modify an installation
- Applying for exemption from the ID card requirement
- Applying for exemption from the obligation to appoint a money laundering officer in the gambling sector
- Applying for exemptions from the Industrial Safety Ordinance
- Applying for exemptions from the marketing ban
- Applying for funeral allowance for war victims
- Applying for guardianship of an estate
- Applying for health assistance during pregnancy and maternity
- Applying for help for children and young people at risk of development and with disabilities
- Applying for help for mentally ill people
- Applying for home nursing care for people with statutory health insurance
- Applying for housing benefit for the first time or again
- Applying for initial registration of a vehicle from a third country (new registration)
- Applying for longer daily working hours
- Applying for matters in connection with a Part 66 license
- Applying for medical preventive services for insured persons of the statutory health insurance
- Applying for medical rehabilitation for children and young people with pension insurance
- Applying for medical treatment for social compensation for injured parties as a result of recognized consequences of injury
- Applying for municipal funding for associations
- Applying for partial planning permission for the change of use of a facility
- Applying for pension compensation for surviving spouses from statutory accident insurance in the event of remarriage
- Applying for permission for a burial place
- Applying for permission for an earth excavation
- Applying for permission for unmanned aircraft
- Applying for permission to acquire and handle explosives without business
- Applying for permission to carry out fumigations
- Applying for permission to extract groundwater
- Applying for permission to extract groundwater in a formal procedure
- Applying for permission to operate a mobile shooting range
- Applying for permission to organize or hold a prostitution event
- Applying for permission to test and demonstrate theatrical fireworks
- Applying for permission to use the professional title of emergency paramedic from third countries
- Applying for permission to use the professional title of masseur and medical spa therapist from third countries
- Applying for permission to use the professional title of nurse from third countries
- Applying for permission to use the professional title of orthoptist from third countries
- Applying for permission to use the professional title of pharmaceutical technical assistant
- Applying for permission to use the professional title of podiatrist from third countries
- Applying for permission to use the professional title of speech therapist from third countries
- Applying for permission to work with biological agents
- Applying for phytosanitary certificates for the export of plants and plant products to countries outside the EU
- Applying for planning permission for the change of use of a facility
- Applying for planning permission for the change of use of a facility using the simplified procedure
- Applying for planning permission for the modification of an installation
- Applying for planning permission for the modification of an installation using the simplified procedure
- Applying for planning permission to erect a plant using the simplified procedure
- Applying for planning permission to erect a system
- Applying for protection of a biotope
- Applying for public appointment as an expert for agriculture and forestry
- Applying for recognition as a curative educator with a professional qualification from abroad
- Applying for recognition as a health and paediatric nurse with professional qualifications from third countries
- Applying for recognition as a lawyer with a professional qualification from abroad
- Applying for recognition as a Markscheiderin or Markscheider with a professional qualification from abroad
- Applying for recognition as an anaesthesia technical assistant with professional qualifications from third countries
- Applying for recognition as an insemination officer or insemination officer with a professional qualification from abroad
- Applying for recognition as a substitute school
- Applying for recognition as a surgical assistant with professional qualifications from third countries
- Applying for recognition of a foreign amateur radio examination certificate or amateur radio authorization
- Applying for recognition of a foreign certificate of competence for the use of plant protection products
- Applying for recognition of a foreign divorce decree
- Applying for recognition of a foreign professional qualification as a tax assistant
- Applying for recognition of a foreign professional qualification for training or further training in the federal civil service
- Applying for recognition of a foreign professional qualification for training or further training in the field of agriculture
- Applying for recognition of a foreign professional qualification for training or further training in the field of the legal professions
- Applying for recognition of a foreign professional qualification in healthcare professions
- Applying for recognition of a foreign professional qualification in the field of home economics and family care
- Applying for recognition of a forestry association
- Applying for recognition of a foundation with legal capacity
- Applying for recognition of an asbestos competence course
- Applying for recognition of first aid training places
- Applying for recognition of foreign school leaving certificates
- Applying for recognition of mining experts
- Applying for recognition of other persons for mine surveying activities in mining
- Applying for recognition of previous vocational training towards the training period
- Applying for recognition of professional qualifications from abroad for work as a person responsible for breeding work
- Applying for recognition of supplementary schools
- Applying for recognition of teaching qualifications from abroad
- Applying for registration for car trailers
- Applying for registration in the EMAS Register
- Applying for registration in the legal services register with professional qualifications from EU and EEA states and Switzerland
- Applying for registration of a hatchery
- Applying for registration of persons offering legal services in foreign law
- Applying for reimbursement of care costs during a stay in a trauma outpatient clinic
- Applying for reimbursement of old-age benefits as part of social compensation
- Applying for reimbursement of travel expenses as part of medical treatment
- Applying for reimbursement of VAT paid in Germany by entrepreneurs from non-EU countries
- Applying for remedies for people with health insurance
- Applying for revocation of the mining permit
- Applying for separation of heirs
- Applying for sickness benefit from social compensation
- Applying for social compensation benefits as an injured party
- Applying for social compensation benefits as a relative, surviving dependant or close relative
- Applying for social compensation benefits for temporary need of care
- Applying for sociotherapy for those with health insurance
- Applying for special benefits in individual cases for living expenses as part of social compensation
- Applying for special benefits in individual cases in other life situations as part of social compensation
- Applying for special benefits in individual cases to support training as part of social compensation
- Applying for special use of public space for work and construction sites
- Applying for special use of public space within a locality
- Applying for subsequent certification of a marriage concluded abroad
- Applying for subsequent certification of a marriage concluded abroad
- Applying for supplementary health treatment benefits as part of social compensation
- Applying for support from an integration service for a person with disabilities
- Applying for support in working life
- Applying for suspension of protection against dismissal during maternity leave, parental leave or nursing care
- Applying for testing of fuels from plants requiring a permit
- Applying for the "Fire service technical service, career group 1, second entry level" career qualification from abroad
- Applying for the adoption of an adult
- Applying for the allocation or extension of the allocation period of a callsign for a remote-controlled or automatically operating amateur radio station
- Applying for the assignment of a VAT identification number
- Applying for the attribution of a plot of land
- Applying for the career qualification "Archive service, career group 2, first entry level" from abroad
- Applying for the career qualification "Archive service, career group 2, second entry level" from abroad
- Applying for the career qualification "General administrative service, career group 2, second entry level" from abroad
- Applying for the conversion of the adoption of a foreign child
- Applying for the determination of parcel boundaries (boundary determination)
- Applying for the discharge of wastewater into private wastewater systems
- Applying for the division of a parcel of land
- Applying for the establishment of a savings bank
- Applying for the establishment of a stock exchange
- Applying for the extension of a special operating plan for mining
- Applying for the extension of a temporary permit for a prostitution business
- Applying for the first mining permit
- Applying for the first registration of a vehicle from an EU member state
- Applying for the granting of the candidate authorization
- Applying for the issue of a registration certificate part I
- Applying for the merger of a parcel of land
- Applying for the operation of energy supply networks
- Applying for the recognition of a specialist course for biocidal products
- Applying for the renewal of a category D, DE, D1 or D1E driving license
- Applying for the replacement of the operating license of individual vehicles after loss
- Applying for the re-registration of a vehicle to another owner (transfer)
- Applying for the suitability of training institutions
- Applying for training arrangements for disabled people
- Applying for university admission for places with local admission restrictions
- Applying for vehicle re-registration
- Applying for voluntary unemployment insurance
- Applying for War Victims' Care for Survivors
- Applying for withdrawal of parental authority in the event of a threat to the child's best interests
- Applying for withdrawal of parental authority in the event of a threat to the child's property
- Applying to supplement or amend a special operating plan for mining
- Apply online for an employer service with a job offer
- Apply to change the electronic income tax deduction features on marriage
- Apply to change the tax class for electronic wage tax deduction features in the event of separation
- Apply to change the tax class for the electronic wage tax deduction features when joining the church
- Apply to change the tax class for the electronic wage tax deduction features when leaving the church
- Apply to change the tax class of your partner for the electronic income tax deduction features
- Apply to fly into geographic areas with drones
- Apply to hunt cormorants
- Apply to the Chamber of Crafts for a change to the training contract in the list of vocational training relationships
- Apply to the customs administration for the transfer of electronic bookkeeping abroad
- Apply to the employment agency for reimbursement of costs for trial employment of people with disabilities
- Apply to the employment agency for support for participation in external vocational training
- Apply to the employment agency for support for people with disabilities who want to complete further training
- Apply to the employment agency for work aids for people with disabilities in training and employment
- Apply to the Federal Employment Agency for benefits for participation in working life
- Apply to the job center for funding for people with disabilities who want to complete further training
- Apply to the Jobcenter for support for participation in external vocational training
- Apply to the Jobcenter for work aids for people with disabilities in training and employment
- Apply to the municipality for image use
- Appoint a person authorized to issue instructions to ensure compliance with the requirements of the Animal Welfare Act during slaughter
- Appoint a supervisor
- Appointment of tax representatives
- Appointment or dismissal of group money laundering officers in the gambling sector
- Appointment or dismissal of money laundering officers in the gambling sector
- Appoint or dismiss ("disengage") group money laundering officers or group money laundering officers
- Appoint or remove ("discharge") money laundering officers or money laundering representatives
- Appoint water protection officer
- Approve broadband expansion
- Arrange a mushroom consultation
- Arrange a school enrollment examination
- Arrange a tropical suitability test
- As a commercial partnership or partnership company, apply for income tax treatment as a corporation
- As a manager of a credit institution, indicate secondary activities
- As a measure provider, receive reimbursement of social security contributions paid for the period during which a rehabilitation measure was carried out.
- As an employee family member (Mifa) apply for exemption from compulsory insurance of the agricultural old-age fund
- As an entrepreneur, apply for exemption from compulsory insurance by the Agricultural Pension Fund
- As an insured person, contact the Künstlersozialkasse for information, advice or clarification of concerns
- As an IT service provider, enter master data in EMCS or have it changed
- As a real estate agent, loan broker, property developer, building supervisor and residential property manager Show changes
- Assets transferred back
- Assistance towards living expenses (SGB XII) Approval for minors in foster care
- Assumption of travel expenses by the agricultural employers' liability insurance association
- As the rights holder, receive information about goods stopped by customs
- Audit by the Künstlersozialkasse (Artists' Social Insurance Fund)
- Authorisation to act as a tax representative
- Authorisation to practise for journeymen or companions or skilled workers or skilled workers with qualified professional experience
B (10 Hits)
- Become a district chimney sweep
- Being offered a job opportunity
- Benefits for social participation in statutory accident insurance
- Benefits in the event of a need for care for persons insured under the statutory accident insurance scheme
- Block electronic proof of identity
- Blocking Electronic Wage Tax Deduction Characteristics (ELStAM)
- Broadcasting fee - add further apartments
- Broadcasting fee - apply for exemption
- Broadcasting fee in the private sector - Notify changes
- Broadcasting fee - Register a discount