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citizen service


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There are 40 services for Civic engagement and participation

Civic engagement and participation

Civic engagement is a cornerstone of democracy. It improves quality of life and creates a feeling of community. This section provides information and support to help you play an active role in your community.


Apply for a temporary exemption for special experimental and technical scientific studies with an amateur radio station

Under certain conditions, you can apply for exemptions for special experimental and technical/scientific studies with an amateur radio station.

Apply for admission to the amateur radio service

You can apply to the Federal Network Agency for authorization to participate in the amateur radio service.

Apply for participation in an amateur radio examination

You can apply to the Federal Network Agency to take the amateur radio examination.

Apply for the issue of an amateur radio examination certificate or an amateur radio certificate

If you pass the amateur radio examination, you can apply for an amateur radio examination certificate or an amateur radio certificate.

Applying for a short-term license to participate in the amateur radio service

If you have a foreign amateur radio license and are only staying in Germany for a short time, you can apply to the Federal Network Agency for a short-term license to participate in the amateur radio service.

Applying for recognition of a foreign amateur radio examination certificate or amateur radio authorization

Would you like to obtain an amateur radio license in Germany and already have a foreign amateur radio license or amateur radio examination certificate? Then you can have these recognized by the Federal Network Agency under certain conditions.

Applying for recognition of a foundation with legal capacity

Natural or legal persons such as associations or companies may decide to establish a foundation. The founders undertake to establish a foundation in the long term for the...

Applying for the allocation or extension of the allocation period of a callsign for a remote-controlled or automatically operating amateur radio station

If you are authorized to participate in the amateur radio service, you can, under certain conditions, be assigned an additional callsign for a remote-controlled or automatically operating amateur radio station.

Citizens' telephone for military flight operations

The citizens' telephone "Aircraft Noise Bundeswehr Aircraft" of the Federal Ministry of Defence (BMVg) informs you about military flight operations in the Federal Republic. ...

Complete a Voluntary Ecological Year

The Voluntary Ecological Year (FÖJ) gives young people the opportunity to actively work for the preservation of our nature and environmental protection after completing full-time...

Completing a voluntary social year

You have finished school and cannot or do not want to start an apprenticeship or study yet? Then do a voluntary social year (FSJ).

Conduct residents' question time

As a resident, you can take part in your municipality's residents' question time.

Declare renunciation of amateur radio license or call sign allocations

You can declare your renunciation of your license to participate in the amateur radio service or one of your call sign allocations to the Federal Network Agency.

Display a change to your personal data

As a radio amateur with an assigned German amateur radio call sign, you must always inform the Federal Network Agency immediately of any changes to your personal data.

do one's voluntary service

If you would like to get involved in the common good outside of work and school, you can complete a Federal Volunteer Service. You can do your Federal Volunteer Service in socia...

Information telephone on the terrorist organization National Socialist Underground

The information telephone of the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) receives information on the investigation of serious crimes of a right-wing radical group of perpetrators. ...


Memorials are places with a strong connection to a memorable event or person that have been structurally or horticulturally designed into a monument or memorial. In Saxony-Anhalt...

Object to the transfer of data to the Federal Office of Bundeswehr Personnel Management

Following the suspension of compulsory military service, women and men can undertake voluntary military service as a special civic commitment. In order to be able to inform the...

Participating in the creation of a development plan

You can participate in the creation or amendment of a development plan.

Public order office online

You would like to report a misdemeanor? You can often do this online.

Register for a meeting

Anyone wishing to hold a public assembly in the open air must, in principle, register it with the competent authority 48 hours before it is announced (= invitation of participants or call for participants via various media).

Report a power outage

Report a power outage.

Report newly established amateur radio stations or the permanent relocation of your amateur radio stations

If you are an amateur radio operator with an assigned amateur radio call sign and you set up or permanently relocate your fixed amateur radio stations, you must report this to the Federal Network Agency.

Report tree and environmental damage

Damaged trees can be very dangerous for pedestrians and cars. Report them.

Reporting road pollution

The purpose of street cleaning is to keep the road network of cities and municipalities clean and ensure that it is passable and accessible.With a few exceptions, it is the...

Requesting the allocation or extension of the allocation period of a club station call sign

If you are authorized to participate in the amateur radio service, you can, under certain conditions, be assigned an additional callsign for the operation of an amateur radio station as a club station.

Senior citizens' representation

The Landesseniorenvertretung Sachsen-Anhalt e.V. is an honorary, non-denominational and non-partisan organization. It does not pursue any economic goals and its members do not...

Submit a resident application

Do you want to have a say and influence in your municipality, association municipality or district? Read here what options you have.

Take advantage of citizens' consultation hours

All residents can take advantage of the citizens' consultation hours of their (Ober)bürgermeisterin or your (Ober)bürgermeister or your Ländrätin or your District Administrator.

Voluntary care of asylum seekers

The voluntary care and support of asylum seekers and refugees can take place, for example, in the following fields of activity: Accompaniment and support in language...

Volunteering in fire and disaster control

Voluntary work in fire and disaster control is carried out in Saxony-Anhalt in voluntary fire brigades and the private aid organisations involved in civil protection. Persons...