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There are 66 services for Disability


People with disabilities have a right to live the same way as people without physical or learning impairments. You will find information and services related to disability here.


Apply for a disabled person's pass

If you have been assessed as having a degree of disability of at least 50, you can apply for a severely disabled person's pass.

Apply for a euro key

Are you dependent on disabled toilets? Then you can apply for a euro key.

Apply for a supplement to the severely disabled person's pass with or without a token

If you are severely disabled, you are entitled under certain conditions to free transport in local public transport or to a reduction in vehicle tax.

Apply for benefits for participation in working life

If you need support in professional integration or to secure an existing job due to your disabilities, you can receive special help or support for this.

Apply for blind and deaf benefit

Do you have financial losses due to your visual impairment or deafness? Find out here about your entitlement to blind or deaf benefit.

Apply for funding for in-company training for people with disabilities who are fully incapacitated for work

If you are currently unable to work at least 3 hours a day due to your disability, but would still like to complete a regular (initial) training course, you could be supported with the budget for training.

Apply for funding for people with disabilities who want to pursue training

If you want to do an apprenticeship and you need special support or assistance because of your disabilities, you can do the apprenticeship in companies or institutions that are equipped to meet your special needs.

Apply for guide dog for the blind

Blind or severely visually impaired people can apply for a guide dog as an aid.

Apply for health care for children, adolescents, young adults and single parents with children in common forms of housing

Children or adolescents in foster families or in inpatient facilities of children and youth welfare are entitled to health assistance.

Apply for individual case funding for participation in working life

If you need assistance with vocational integration or to secure an existing job because of your disability, you may be eligible for individual case funding.

Apply for integration assistance for people with disabilities

Do you have a disability or are you at risk of a disability? Or you care for a child or a person with disabilities? The diverse services of integration assistance are intended to help enable participation in all areas of social life.

Apply for other assistance as individual benefits for participation in working life

If you need assistance with vocational integration or to secure an existing job because of your disability, you may be eligible for other assistance.

Apply for parking facilitation for severely disabled persons

Are you severely disabled and often use a car? Find out more about parking facilitation here.

Apply for statutory health insurance benefits for people with disabilities in fully inpatient facilities and special forms of housing

Benefits of the care fund for people with disabilities in inpatient facilities or special forms of housing.

Apply for transitional allowance for people with disabilities

As a person with disabilities, you may receive transitional benefits to help cover your living expenses if you participate in certain educational activities.

Apply for vocational training for people with disabilities who are fully incapacitated for work

If you cannot currently work at least 3 hours per day because of your disability, you may be eligible for assistance at a sheltered workshop or other benefit provider.

Apply to the employment agency for support for people with disabilities who want to complete further training

If you want to do continuing education and you need special support or assistance because of your disabilities, you can do the continuing education in a company or facility that is set up to meet your special needs.

Apply to the employment agency for work aids for people with disabilities in training and employment

If your employees need special support during training or at work due to a disability, you as an employer can apply for work assistance.

Apply to the job center for funding for people with disabilities who want to complete further training

If you want to do continuing education and you need special support or assistance because of your disabilities, you can do the continuing education in a company or institution that is set up to meet your special needs.

Apply to the Jobcenter for work aids for people with disabilities in training and employment

If your employees need special support during training or at work due to a disability, you as an employer can apply for work assistance.

Applying for a declaration of disability

If you are affected by a disability, you can apply for your disability to be determined under certain conditions. The degree of disability is also determined.

Applying for help for children and young people at risk of development and with disabilities

If you need help with living expenses and do not have statutory or private health insurance, the social welfare provider will provide healthcare assistance. This includes ...

Applying for help for mentally ill people

Do you have a mental illness or live with a mentally ill person? The various aids are intended to help you to participate in social life again.

Applying for support from an integration service for a person with disabilities

If you need special support with professional integration or to secure your job due to your disability, the employment agency can commission a specialist integration service for this purpose.

Applying for support in working life

The main task of the Integration Office is to ensure the long-term integration and participation of severely disabled people in working life. It is the point of contact for both...

Applying for training arrangements for disabled people

Persons with disabilities or their representatives may apply to the competent chamber for special training arrangements for themselves.

As a measure provider, receive reimbursement of social security contributions paid for the period during which a rehabilitation measure was carried out.

If you as a measure provider carry out measures for participation in working life for people with disabilities, you must pay the social insurance contributions. The Employment Agency or the Job Center will reimburse you for the social insurance contributions upon application.

Grant disabled people equal status with severely disabled people

As a person with disabilities, you can be treated in the same way as severely disabled people under certain conditions.

Information on disabled sports

Numerous disabled sports clubs in Saxony-Anhalt offer recreational, competitive and competitive sports for people with physical or mental disabilities and visual impairments....

Participate in a program that prepares young people with disabilities for vocational training.

If you have a disability and have not yet found a training position after completing compulsory schooling, you can take part in a pre-vocational training program that takes your special needs into account.

Request assistance for the blind

Aid for the blind supports you financially under certain conditions if you are blind or have the same status as a blind person. This lump sum of money compensates for the additional expenses you incur due to blindness.

Request conciliation on disability equality

If you experience impairments or disadvantages in your daily life at the hands of federal authorities, for example due to a lack of accessibility, you can call on the...

Request home care for long-term care insureds with disabilities

If you live in a facility for people with disabilities, you may be eligible for Social Security long-term care insurance benefits.

Supported Employment: Applying for an individual company qualification for people with disabilities

If you need special assistance in integrating into working life and are currently unable to complete any training or further education due to your disability, you can receive individual in-company qualification as part of Supported Employment.

Apply for a personal disabled parking space

As a severely disabled person, you can apply for a parking space for severely disabled persons. To do so, you must meet certain requirements.

Apply for basic training for people with severe visual or hearing impairments

If you have a severe visual or hearing impairment, you first have to learn how to deal with the new situation. With basic training, you can learn special skills that you will need at work and in everyday life.

Apply for motor vehicle assistance for persons with statutory accident insurance

You are entitled to motor vehicle assistance if you are dependent on the use of a motor vehicle on a more than temporary basis due to the nature or severity of your health impairment.

Apply for reimbursement of costs for remedies under statutory accident insurance

In the event of an accident at work or a recognized occupational illness, you can submit receipts for the costs of remedies to be covered by statutory accident insurance.

Benefits in the event of a need for care for persons insured under the statutory accident insurance scheme

If you need care as a result of an occupational accident, commuting accident or occupational disease, you can receive care allowance and other benefits from the statutory accident insurance.

Medical first aid in case of occupational accident or disease

Do you need initial medical treatment for an occupational or commuting accident or a recognized occupational disease? Then the statutory accident insurance will cover the costs.

Receive a home help and child care costs in the statutory accident insurance

To enable you to continue running your household or looking after your children after an insured event, the statutory accident insurance will support you financially or in organizing help under certain conditions.

After a settlement, reapply for a pension from the statutory accident insurance due to aggravation

You can receive a pension from the statutory accident insurance again after a settlement upon application and under certain conditions.

After a settlement, reapply for a widow's or widower's pension from statutory accident insurance

Even if you have received a settlement in the course of remarriage, you can again receive a survivor's pension from the statutory accident insurance upon application and under certain conditions.

Apply for reimbursement of damaged or destroyed aids

If your glasses, prosthesis or other aid is damaged in an accident at work, on the way to work or at school, the statutory accident insurance will compensate for the damage by covering the cost of repair or replacement.

Apply for subsidies for the training and employment of people with disabilities at the Employment Agency

If you train or further train people with disabilities and severely disabled people in your company, you can receive a subsidy towards their training pay. If you subsequently employ severely disabled people on a permanent basis, you can receive a wage subsidy.

Apply for subsidies for the training and employment of people with disabilities at the Jobcenter

If you train or further train people with disabilities and severely disabled people in your company, you can receive a subsidy towards their training pay. If you subsequently employ severely disabled people on a permanent basis, you can receive a wage subsidy.

Apply to the employment agency for reimbursement of costs for trial employment of people with disabilities

If your company wants to employ people with disabilities on a temporary basis as part of a trial employment, you can be reimbursed the personnel costs for a maximum of 3 months under certain conditions.

Apply to the Federal Employment Agency for benefits for participation in working life

If, due to your (impending) disability(ies), you need support in finding training or a job or in securing your training or job, you can receive support for this in the form of grants or special assistance.

Benefits for social participation in statutory accident insurance

If your equal social participation is at risk as a result of an accident at work or on the way to work or a recognized occupational disease, you can receive benefits for social participation.

Making a claim for travel and transport costs for medical treatment if you have an accident at work or an occupational disease

Following a recognised accident at work or an occupational disease, you can claim reimbursement for related travel and transportation expenses.

Psychotherapeutic services for persons insured under the statutory accident insurance scheme

You can access psychotherapeutic services after an accident at work or occupational disease via the psychotherapist procedure of the statutory accident insurance.

Receive compensation for wear and tear on clothes and linen

If your clothing wears out after an accident at work, a commuting accident or due to an occupational disease because you wear a prosthesis, for example, you will receive compensation under certain conditions.

Receive injury benefit from the statutory accident insurance

If you are unable to work due to an accident at work or an occupational disease, you will receive injury benefit.

Receive pension from statutory accident insurance

If you are reduced in your earning capacity after an accident at work or due to an occupational disease, you will receive a pension from the statutory accident insurance.

Receive transitional allowance from statutory accident insurance during occupational rehabilitation

If you are taking part in qualified measures for participation in working life (occupational rehabilitation) as a result of an accident at work or commuting accident or a recognized occupational disease and are not receiving a salary, you will receive a transitional allowance.

Request reimbursement of costs for trial employment of people with disabilities from the job center

If your company wants to hire people with disabilities on a temporary basis as part of a trial employment, you can be reimbursed for personnel costs for a maximum of 3 months under certain conditions.

Request settlement of an accident insurance pension in the event of a reduction in earning capacity of at least 40 percent

If your earning capacity is reduced by 40 percent or more, you can receive a sum of money as a settlement for a period of 10 years instead of the accident pension upon application

Transitional benefit due to occupational disease for persons insured under the statutory accident insurance scheme received

If you no longer work due to an occupational disease, you can receive a transitional benefit from the statutory accident insurance.

Using diagnostic measures for people with disabilities to check occupational suitability

If you have a disability, you can receive supportive services for participation in working life. However, your occupational aptitude may first have to be determined or you may have to undergo a work trial.