Retiring means much more than concluding your professional life; at the
time of retirement, the average person still has about a quarter of their life to
look forward to. That is why the end of your working life also represents a new
start. Here you will find the services that can support you in your transition to a
new phase of life.
If you can no longer work in your previous occupation due to illness or disability, you can receive a pension for partial reduction in earning capacity in the event of occupational disability under certain conditions. You must have been born before 02.01.1961.
If you have been insured for a particularly long time, you can retire without deductions before reaching the standard retirement age under certain conditions.
As part of the care for the elderly , you as an elderly person receive a wide range of information and support:
Advice on all questions of life,
Pointing out offers of help,
If your income in old age (pension) or in the event of a full reduction in earning capacity is not sufficient to cover your basic living costs, you can apply for basic income support.
If you were politically persecuted or became a victim of arbitrariness as a result of an administrative decision by an authority in the former GDR that was contrary to the rule of law and have suffered damage to your health, you may be entitled to receive compensation under certain conditions.
If you are self-employed and do not pay contributions, you may lose any benefit entitlements you have already acquired under the statutory pension insurance scheme. You can prevent this by applying for compulsory insurance.
Are you a compulsory member of a professional pension scheme? If so, you can apply for exemption from compulsory insurance in the statutory pension insurance scheme.
Do you receive an income outside of agriculture that is more than twelve times the mini-job limit per year? If so, you can be exempted from compulsory insurance with the agricultural pension fund under certain conditions.
After the death of one of your parents, you will receive an orphan's pension from the Agricultural Pension Fund under certain conditions. Grandchildren and siblings of the deceased can also receive orphans' pensions.
You can receive an aftercare benefit from the pension insurance if your attending physician at the rehab facility determines the need for rehab aftercare at the end of medical rehab.
If your income or assets are not sufficient to cover your necessary living expenses, you will receive assistance with living expenses (social assistance) under certain conditions.
If you receive rehabilitation benefits from the pension insurance and your entitlement to continued payment of wages or salaries ends, then you could be entitled to transitional benefits.
If spouses, divorced spouses or parents are missing, the pension insurance company can determine the presumed date of death. You can then receive a corresponding pension.
A serious illness may mean that you cannot work until the regular age limit. As an affected person, you can apply for a pension for reduced earning capacity.
If you have worked underground in the mining industry for a long time, you can apply for an old-age pension for miners who have worked underground for many years under certain conditions.
Are you self-employed as a tradesperson in a craft business? Then, under certain conditions, you are subject to compulsory insurance in the statutory pension insurance scheme.
If you work as a relative in an agricultural company, you can be exempted from compulsory insurance by the Agricultural Pension Fund under certain conditions.
In order to check that the information relating to your pension is complete and accurate, you can apply for clarification of your insurance account with your pension insurance provider.
If you would like to find out about the insurance periods you have already completed with the Landwirtschaftliche Alterskasse (LAK), you can request an informal insurance history at any time.
If you are employed and the first impairments or complaints appear, the German Pension Insurance offers you a free training program with elements on exercise, nutrition and stress management.
Is your earning capacity limited due to an accident at work, an accident on the way to work or an occupational disease? If so, you may be entitled to an agricultural accident insurance pension under certain conditions.
Even if you have received a settlement in the course of a remarriage, you may again receive a survivor's pension from the statutory accident insurance.
If a member of your family has died as a result of an accident at work or on the way to work, or as a result of a recognized occupational disease, you can receive death benefits from the statutory accident insurance.
From your 27th birthday, you will receive annual pension information from your pension insurance provider if you have paid contributions for a total of at least 5 years. You can also request the pension information informally at any time.
If your daughter or son dies as a result of an accident at work, a commuting accident or an occupational disease, you may receive a parental pension under certain conditions.
If your daughter or son dies as a result of an accident at work, a commuting accident or an occupational disease, you may receive a parental pension under certain conditions.
As a widow, widower or surviving partner in a civil partnership, you can receive a pension from the Agricultural Employers' Liability Insurance Association under certain conditions.
After the death of your former life partner or spouse as a result of an insured event, you may receive a pension from the statutory accident insurance.
If your parent has died as a result of an insurance accident, you will receive an orphan's pension from the statutory accident insurance under certain conditions.
You have paid for the funeral of a person who died in an accident at work, a commuting accident or as a result of an occupational disease? If so, the agricultural accident insurance will reimburse you for the costs under certain conditions.
Have you paid for the repatriation of a person who died as a result of an accident at work, a commuting accident or an occupational disease? Then you can get the costs back under certain conditions.
Have you paid for the repatriation of a person insured under the statutory accident insurance scheme? Then you can recover the costs if the person died as a result of an insured event.
If you are recognised as a displaced person or late repatriate, you should apply for clarification of your pension insurance account so that your insurance periods from abroad can be taken into account.
If, according to the registration, there is a certain relationship between you and your employer, or if you are a managing partner, the procedure for clarifying your employment status with the clearing office is automatically initiated.
Are you or were you insured with the Landwirtschaftliche Alterskasse and need information about your future old-age pension entitlements and your pension start date? You can request this informally at any time.
If your earning capacity is reduced by 40 percent or more, you can receive a sum of money as a settlement for a period of 10 years instead of the accident pension upon application
If persons insured by law have died in connection with the insured activity, the surviving widows or widowers will receive a widow's or widower's pension as long as they have not remarried.
As a survivor or surviving dependant, you can receive a settlement from the agricultural accident insurance in lieu of a pension upon application if you remarry.