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There are 129 services for Inspections and certificates of safety and expertise

Inspections and certificates of safety and expertise

Smoothly functioning processes and procedures can help companies achieve a high level of safety. This applies to facilities, trained specialist staff, and of course the products themselves. Here you will find an overview of government services regarding inspections and certificates to document safety measures and expertise.


Apply for a certificate for dangerous goods safety officer examination

In order to be appointed and active as a dangerous goods safety adviser, you must have proof of training. The training certificate will be issued to you after participation in a training course and a successful examination by the IHK.

Apply for a certificate of competence for chemical climate protection

If you install, check for leaks, maintain, maintain or recover plants with fluorinated greenhouse gases, you will need a new certificate of competence after 4 July 2009 so that...

Apply for a Certificate of good standing

If you are interested in working in an academic or non-academic health profession abroad, you will need a Certificate of good standing.

Apply for a permit for the (international) commercial carriage of goods by road / Community licence

If you intend to transport goods with motor vehicles over 3.5 tonnes on a commercial basis or for a fee, you need the permission of the locally competent approval authority (company headquarters).

Apply for authorisation to set up a branch of experts

You already have a branch as an expert and would now like to register a branch? Find out more here.

Apply for designation as an examination body for sewage sludge examinations in waste management

If you want to work as an examination body for sewage sludge examinations in waste management, you must be appointed by the competent authority.

Apply for designation as an inspection body for waste wood in waste management

If you act as a body for the testing and examination of waste wood batches that are to be recycled, you must be notified in advance as part of the external monitoring of operators of waste wood treatment plants in the waste management sector.

Apply for exemption from the expert knowledge requirement in accordance with the Chemicals Ozone Layer Ordinance

In individual cases, you may be exempted from the requirement of a technical or manual training for proof of expertise in accordance with the Chemicals Ozone Layer Ordinance.

Apply for proof of competence for the supply of plant protection products

A person needs a certificate of competence if he wants to place plant protection products on the market commercially or via the Internet outside of commercial activities.

Apply for proof of competence for the use of plant protection products

If you use plant protection products, advise on plant protection, or want to instruct or supervise persons who use plant protection products as part of a training relationship or an auxiliary activity, you need a corresponding certificate of competence.

Apply for recognition as a training organiser for ADR courses

If you would like to carry out training courses for dangerous goods officers, you must be recognised as a training organiser by the locally responsible Chamber of Industry and Commerce.

Apply for recognition for investigation bodies in the area of the BBodSchG

Would you like to provide high-quality services as an expert or investigating body in the EU for tasks under the Federal Soil Protection Act? Then you can apply for official recognition. This serves as proof of qualification to clients.

Apply for recognition of a course for the acquisition or updating of the required expertise in radiation protection

In order to acquire the necessary expertise in radiation protection, people must take part in courses. If you want to organize courses to provide participants with the necessary knowledge in radiation protection, the competent body must check whether your course is suitable.

Apply for recognition of ADR courses

If you want to carry out training courses for dangerous goods drivers, you must be recognized as a training organizer by the locally responsible IHK.

Apply for recognition of testing laboratories and measuring points

Would you like to have your test laboratory or measuring point notified? Find out more here.

Applying for authorisation to work on weakly bound asbestos products

If you want to carry out remediation or demolition work in the presence of asbestos with high fibre releases, you need a permit, which you apply for from the competent authority.

Applying for testing of fuels from plants requiring a permit

The competent authority shall verify compliance with chemical, physical parameters and limit values for fuels. The results are reported annually to the Federal Environment Agency, which in turn reports them to the European Commission (National Fuel Report).

Applying for the suitability of training institutions

If you would like to train in your company, the responsible body, such as the Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK), will advise and support you.

Determination of the suitability of training centers according to BBiG Registration

In order to be allowed to take on trainees, the competent authority must first check whether your company is suitable as a training center.

Display operation or significant change in operation of dental, medical and veterinary X-ray equipment

If you intend to operate or significantly modify a dental, medical or veterinary X-ray facility and this is not subject to approval, you are obliged to notify the competent authority.

Display operation or significant change in operation of dental, medical and veterinary X-ray equipment

If you intend to operate or significantly modify a dental, medical or veterinary X-ray facility and this is not subject to approval, you are obliged to notify the competent authority.

indicate a fumigation

If you wish to carry out a fumigation activity, you must notify the competent authority.

Intended for deletion - Register for the initial qualification test for professional drivers.

Drivers engaged in commercial road haulage or passenger transport must provide proof of a special qualification in addition to their driver's license.

Notify the appointment, change of duties or dismissal of a radiation protection officer

If you are responsible for radiation protection, you must inform the authority about the appointment and dismissal of radiation protection officers. The same applies if the area of responsibility or the powers of the appointed radiation protection officer change.

Obtain approval for the operation of an interference emitter or a significant change in operation

If you intend to put an interference emitter into operation or make significant changes to its operation, this must be approved by the responsible authority.

Obtain certification of the required expertise in radiation protection

If you work in the technical field of radiation protection (e.g., operating X-ray equipment or handling radioactive materials), you must have the necessary expertise. This must be tested and certified by the competent authority.

Proof of professional suitability to manage a road passenger transport company

To open a company that transports passengers by road, you must prove your professional suitability.

Report changes to the distance learning course

Have you made changes to your distance learning course? These must be approved.

Report the operation or significant modification of technical X-ray equipment

If you intend to operate or significantly modify a technical X-ray device and this is not subject to approval, you are obliged to notify the competent authority.

Submit maintenance concept for potentially explosive systems

As an employer, you can eliminate the need for recurring inspections of certain systems in potentially explosive atmospheres by drawing up a maintenance concept.

Take the basic qualification test for professional drivers

Drivers in commercial road haulage or passenger transport must provide proof of a special qualification in addition to their driving license.

Take the continuing education exam

After an initial vocational qualification, you can acquire another nationally recognised vocational training qualification by taking part in a further training examination.

Take the examination for financial investment brokers

In order to obtain a license as a fee-based financial investment advisor, you must provide proof of the required expertise.

take the examination of competence to sell medicinal products over the counter

In order to be able to offer so-called over-the-counter medicines in the trade, you must prove the corresponding expertise by passing an examination.

Admit journeymen to the examination before the end of the training period

They can be admitted to the journeyman's examination at an early stage if they perform well.

Advanced training examination according to BBiG Certification

Once you have completed your training with an examination, you will receive a certificate of completion.

Advanced training examination according to BBiG Registration

If you would like to obtain a higher-qualification vocational qualification, you must take a further training examination.

Agricultural accident insurance: applying for a certificate of no objection for companies

If your company belongs to an accident insurance institution and contributions to the statutory accident insurance have been paid, you can prove this with a clearance certificate.

Application for approval of an inspection body for organic farming

If you want to operate a private inspection body for organic farming, you need to be licensed.

Apply for a change to the aviation security program for a foreign air carrier

If you, as a foreign air carrier, wish to change your aviation security program, these changes must be approved by the Federal Aviation Office.

Apply for a license to practice as a child and adolescent therapist

If you want to practice the profession of child and adolescent psychotherapist in Germany without restrictions, you need a state license, the Approbation.

Apply for a license to practice as a pharmacist

If you want to practice the profession of pharmacist in Germany without restrictions, you need a state license, the Approbation.

Apply for a license to practice as a psychological psychotherapist

If you want to practice the profession of psychological psychotherapist in Germany without restrictions, you need a state license, the Approbation.

Apply for admission to a distance learning course

Would you like to offer a distance learning course? Find out about the requirements here.

apply for admission to the accountancy exam

If you want to take the auditing exam, you must apply for admission. You must meet certain requirements for admission.

Apply for admission to the bar

If you want to work as a lawyer, you need a license. Preconditions You have acquired the qualification to become a judge in accordance with the German Judges Act or You meet...

Apply for admission to the state examination for child and adolescent psychotherapists

If you wish to complete your training in the field of child and adolescent psychotherapy, you must pass a state examination. Admission to the examination is by application. You can find out more here.

Apply for admission to the state examination for psychological psychotherapists

If you wish to complete your training in the field of psychological psychotherapy, you must pass a state examination. Admission to the examination is by application. You can find out more here.

Apply for an EU certificate in accordance with the Professional Recognition Directive

If you wish to provide certain services in another EU country, some EU countries (e.g., Austria, Belgium, Luxemburg) require the EU qualifications certificate as proof of your professional experience.

Apply for approval as a testing laboratory for raw milk

If you want to operate a testing laboratory that carries out quality checks on raw milk, you need a license.

Apply for approval for emission and immission assessment bodies

As an approved measuring point for emissions and immissions in accordance with the Federal Immission Control Act, you can offer your services throughout Germany after notification by a state authority or participate in corresponding tenders.

Apply for aviation security program for foreign air carrier

If you want to operate flights to Germany as a foreign airline, you must apply for approval of an aviation security program under certain conditions.

Apply for aviation security program for German air carrier

If you are a German airline wishing to operate flights within the European Union (EU), you must apply for approval of an aviation security program under certain conditions.

Apply for change in aviation security program for German air carrier

If you, as a German airline, wish to change your aviation security program, these changes must be approved by the Federal Aviation Office.

Apply for license to practice dentistry

If you want to practice the dental profession in Germany without restrictions, you need a state license, the Approbation.

Apply for permission as a flight instructor

For the training of air pilots or personnel for air traffic control, you need a permit. The permit may be subject to conditions and may be limited in time. It may be revoked if...

Apply for permission to temporarily practice veterinary profession for veterinarians from EU member states

In order to work temporarily in Germany as a veterinarian without a license, you need a permit.

Apply for permission to use the job title of medical-technical assistant for functional diagnostics

If you want to use the job title of medical-technical assistant for functional diagnostics, you need a license. You can find out more here.

Apply for permission to use the job title of medical-technical laboratory assistant

If you want to use the job title of medical-technical laboratory assistant, you need a permit. You can find out more here.

Apply for permission to use the job title of medical-technical radiology assistant

If you have the job title medical-technical radiology assistant you need a permit. You can find out more here.

Apply for permission to use the professional title "Podiatrist/Podologist

When working as a chiropodist, a distinction is made between cosmetic and medical foot care. Cosmetic foot care (on healthy feet) can be practiced without a license, but must be...

Apply for permission to use the professional title of dietician

If you want to use the professional title "dietician" or "dietician", you need a permit. Prerequisites for this are: They have completed the prescribed training and passed the...

Apply for permission to use the professional title of emergency paramedic

If you have the job title "emergency paramedic", you need a permit. You can find out more here.

Apply for permission to use the professional title of geriatric nurse

If you want to use the job title "geriatric nurse" or "geriatric nurse", you need a permit. If you carry out the activity only temporarily and occasionally, a report to the...

Apply for permission to use the professional title of health supervisor

Do you attach great importance to hygiene and cleanliness? Find out here about the recognition as a health supervisor.

Apply for permission to use the professional title of healthcare and nursing assistant

If you use the job title "health and nursing professional" or "health and nursing professional" you need a license. You can find out more here.

Apply for permission to use the professional title of healthcare and pediatric nurse

If you would like to use the job title "pediatric nurse", you need a permit. You can find out more here.

Apply for permission to use the professional title of masseuse or masseur and medical bath attendant

If you have the job title "masseur and medical bath attendant", you need a license. You can find out more here.

Apply for permission to use the professional title of medical dissection and preparation assistant

The benefit is not offered in Saxony-Anhalt. You can apply for the benefit in another federal state.

Apply for permission to use the professional title of occupational therapist

If you want to use the job title "occupational therapist", you need a license.

Apply for permission to use the professional title of physiotherapist

If you use the job title "physiotherapist or physiotherapist", you need a license. You can find out more here.

Apply for permission to use the professional title of speech therapist

If you want to use the professional title "speech therapist" or "speech therapist", you need permission to do so. The permit is granted on application if the applicant has...

Apply for recognition as a farrier

If you want to work as a farrier or farrier trainer, you need state recognition. Examination certificates in the field of farriery and hoof shoeing obtained outside Germany can b...

Apply for recognition as a farrier apprentice blacksmith or farrier apprentice blacksmith.

If you want to work as a farrier apprentice blacksmith, you need to be licensed by the state.

Apply for recognition as a pharmaceutical consultant

If you as a pharmaceutical consultant or pharmaceutical consultant you must have the necessary expertise to work as a pharmaceutical knowledge. In certain cases, recognition of expertise may be required. You can find out more here.

Apply for recognition as a private university

Saxony-Anhalt is an excellent location for science with 10 universities in different fields of study. If you would also like to establish a private university in Saxony-Anhalt, click here for more information.

Apply for recognition as a testing body for pipeline systems

Anyone wishing to operate a testing laboratory for pipeline installations must meet the requirements of Section 6 (2) of the Pipeline Ordinance and apply to the competent...

Apply for recognition as an expert organization for facilities for handling substances hazardous to water

If you want to set up an expert organization that inspects systems for handling substances hazardous to water, prepares expert reports and certifies or monitors specialist companies, you must apply for recognition from the competent authority.

Apply for recognition as an eye test site

If you want to operate an eye test site, you need official recognition.

Apply for recognition for assessment of driving aptitude

If you would like to operate an assessment centre for driving aptitude , you need recognition by the competent authority. The prerequisite is that the financial and...

Apply for recognition of a course for the acquisition or updating of the required expertise in radiation protection

If you wish to organize courses to acquire the necessary specialist knowledge in radiation protection in order to impart the necessary theoretical knowledge in radiation protection to the participants in the course, you must apply in advance.

Apply for recognition of a further training qualification as a veterinarian

In addition to your professional title as a veterinarian, you can use other designations on request. Read the most important information here.

Apply for recognition of conformity assessment bodies for measuring instruments

If your conformity assessment body for measuring instruments is recognized and accredited, it can start its work.

Apply for registration for debt collection services

If you wish to provide debt collection services on a commercial basis, you must register this activity in the Legal Services Register. You can be registered if you are personall...

Apply for the status of Authorized Economic Operator

As an Authorized Economic Operator (AEO), you benefit from simplifications in customs clearance. To obtain this status, you must submit an application to your main customs office.

Applying for a certificate of competence for event technology managers

For stage events, the management of technical stage operations by technical specialists is mandatory. For stages with a stage area behind the stage opening of more than 200m²,...

Applying for a certificate of competence in accordance with the Explosives Act

If you want to handle or trade in explosive substances, you need a certificate of competence. You can find out more here.

Applying for a driving instructor's license

Anyone who trains persons who wish to obtain a licence to drive motor vehicles (learner drivers) requires a driving licence. The driving licence is issued on application in...

Applying for a health professional title

If you want to use a job title in one of the following health professions, you need a permit: Nurses Health and paediatric nurses Midwife/Maternity Nurse Podiatrist ...

Applying for a license to practice medicine

If you want to work as a doctor in Germany, you need a special professional license - a license to practice medicine or a professional permit.

Applying for a permit to trade in firearms or ammunition commercially or independently

If you want to trade in weapons or ammunition commercially, you need a weapons trading license. You can find out more here.

Applying for admission as a lawyer from a member state of the World Trade Organization

Are you a lawyer from a member state of the World Trade Organization and live and work in Germany? Then you can apply for admission, i.e. admission to a German bar association, under certain conditions.

Applying for admission to a section of the dental examination

If you would like to take a section of the dental examination, you must submit a written application to the office responsible for you. You can find out more here.

Applying for admission to a section of the pharmaceutical examination

If you would like to take a section of the pharmaceutical examination, you must submit a written application to the state examination office responsible for you. You can find out more here.

Applying for permission to use the professional title of pharmaceutical technical assistant

If you want to work as a pharmaceutical-technical assistant you need a license. You can find out more here.

Applying for recognition of first aid training places

Bodies carrying out training in first aid and/or life-saving emergency measures at the scene of an accident for the acquisition of a driving licence require official recognition...

Applying for the granting of the candidate authorization

If you want to train learner drivers as a driving instructor, you first need a candidate license.

Checking the reliability of traders in sectors of industry in need of monitoring

Anyone who registers or re-registers a trade requiring monitoring checks its reliability by the trade authority on the basis of a certificate of good conduct for submission to an authority and a trade central register information for submission to an authority.

Clarify EU law abroad

If you are an EU citizen or a company in another country and you face additional obstacles because an authority does not comply with EU law, SOLVIT can help. SOLVIT is a network...

Critical infrastructures: demonstrating compliance with the state of the art

If you operate critical infrastructures, you must prove that the security of your information technology corresponds to the state of the art. You must submit proof to the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) every two years.

Have foreign professional qualifications recognised as state examinations for state-certified food chemists

Food chemists from other countries of the European Union (EU), the European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland can apply for recognition of their diploma or university degree as...

Have the acquisition of the required expertise in radiation protection certified

You must have the necessary specialist knowledge for certain activities in connection with ionizing radiation (e.g. handling radioactive substances, operating X-ray equipment). This must be checked and certified by the competent authority.

Have training and further education centre for professional drivers recognised

Anyone who carries out road haulage or passenger transport journeys for commercial purposes on public roads is obliged to undergo initial qualification and further training. If...

Instructor aptitude test registration

If you want to work as a trainer, you must pass an aptitude test.

Interpreter and translator - Apply for proof of professional aptitude

Do you want to interpret, sign language interpret or translate at courts and authorities? Find out here which requirements you need for this.

List of "Seed treatment facilities with quality assurance systems for dust reduction": apply for inclusion of a seed treatment facility

You may only treat seed with certain crop protection products if your dressing station produces seed that releases as little dust as possible. If you operate a seed dressing site, you are required to have your process technology, procedures and documentation audited.

Lists of drift-reducing seeders: apply for equipment testing and registration.

Seed treated with certain crop protection products may only be applied with drift-reducing seed drills listed by the Julius Kühn Institute (JKI). You must have your equipment or conversion kits tested by the JKI if they are to be included in the lists.

Permission to use the professional title of midwife / maternity nurse Issued

If you use the job title "midwife" or "maternity nurse", you need a license. You can find out more here.

Permission to use the professional title of orthoptist Issued

If you have the job title "Orthoptist" or "orthoptist", you need a license. You can find out more here.

Plant protection equipment: apply for testing of new equipment and entry in the "Descriptive List

As a manufacturer or commercial supplier, you can have the Julius Kühn Institute (JKI) check whether your plant protection device complies with the requirements of the Plant Protection Act.

Provide pension advice

If you wish to provide pension advice in the following areas, you must register with the competent authority: statutory pension and accident insurance, social compensation la...

Register for a master craftsman's examination in a craft requiring a license

To be able to take a master craftsman's examination, you must submit an application for admission to the examination.

Register for the master craftsman's examination in a craft or similar trade that does not require a license.

If you would like to take a master craftsman's examination in a craft or similar trade that does not require a license, you must submit an application for admission to the examination.

Register workplaces in regions or in a working environment with increased exposure to radioactive radiation from radon

As a company, you must measure the radon concentration in radon precautionary areas and, since January 2019, register workplaces where the reference value is exceeded despite...

Request an examination of personal reliability for the conduct of road haulage transactions

They want to carry out commercial transports with vehicles whose permissible gross vehicle weight is more than 3.5 tonnes. For this you need a permit (road haulage permit). One o...

Request proof of information for the security industry

You must provide proof of information in the security industry if you are employed and take over guarding tasks in the security industry on your own responsibility.

Requesting a certificate evaluation for a foreign university qualification

Have you studied abroad? The certificate evaluation will tell you whether your degree is equivalent to a German degree.

Security screening of persons who are to carry out security-sensitive tasks in the non-public sector, for example in companies

Persons who are employed in security-sensitive positions in companies must undergo a security check as part of preventive personnel sabotage protection. As a company, you must apply for the check.

Set up construction site

Construction measures that affect the road must be secured by traffic signs. If construction work or other uses require the use of roads and ancillary facilities, such as...

Stunning or killing vertebrates, providing proof of expertise

Anyone wishing to slaughter solipeds, ruminants, pigs, rabbits or poultry as part of their professional activity or to tranquilize or stun them in connection with this requires a...

Submit audit reports from financial investment brokers and financial investment advisors

As a fee-based financial investment advisor or financial investment broker, you must submit an annual audit report or alternatively a so-called negative declaration to your supervisory authority.

Submit mandatory annual audit report or negative declaration as property developer and/or construction supervisor

As a construction manager or property developer, you must submit an annual audit report or alternatively a so-called negative declaration to your supervisory authority.

Take the expert examination for the security industry

The following activities in the security industry may only be carried out after passing the CCI examination:patrols in public traffic areas or in areas with domiciliary rights...

Take the specialist knowledge test for the arms trade

As part of the licensing procedure for the commercial arms trade, you must provide evidence of the relevant specialist knowledge. To do this, you take a specialist knowledge test at the Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK).

Take the trainer aptitude test

With the trainer aptitude test, you prove that you are suitable for carrying out the vocational training of trainees.

Waste water: Operation of plants - Approval

Depending on the size and type of system, you may require a system permit in addition to the water discharge permit or indirect discharge permit (into the public sewer system) fo...