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There are 38 services for Care provision

Care provision

Whether through an accident, a fall or an illness, people often find themselves suddenly and unexpectedly in need of care. Here you will find information about care provision and care allowance.


Apply for a care benefit in kind for persons with statutory long-term care insurance

The responsible social welfare office of your district or your district-free city can also cover the costs of a housekeeping aid if certain conditions for the granting of...

Apply for a personal budget

Would you like to decide for yourself when and in what form you will receive assistance? Find out more about the Personal Budget here.

Apply for a subsidy for measures to improve the living environment in long-term care insurance

If you are in need of care, it may be necessary to adapt the living environment to your individual needs. You can apply to your long-term care insurance fund for financial support for necessary adaptations and conversions.

Apply for assisted dying through hospice services

Dying people or their loved ones who need support can contact an outpatient hospice service. If outpatient care and support are not sufficient, care in an inpatient hospice is possible.  

Apply for assumption of accident insurance as a foster parent

The benefits in full-time care also include the reimbursement of proven reasonable expenses for contributions to accident insurance, if no statutory accident insurance is provided.

Apply for benefits for caregivers in acute care situations and caregiver leave in the social long-term care insurance system

If there is an acute care situation in your family, you can be absent from work for up to 10 working days and receive care support allowance. For a care leave of up to 6 months, you are entitled to subsidies for health and care insurance in certain cases.

Apply for care aids

If you are in need of care and are being cared for at home, you can be provided with care aids.

Apply for care allowance for war victims

As a damaged person who, as a result of their injury, is permanently dependent on outside help to regulate your daily routine, you are considered helpless. As a helpless damaged...

Apply for care allowance in the social care insurance

If you are cared for at home by relatives or acquaintances, you can apply for care allowance from your care insurance fund.

Apply for care assistance

If you are in need of care, you can apply for care assistance as part of social welfare under certain conditions.

Apply for care benefits in kind for those with long-term care insurance

If you are in need of care and are being cared for at home, you can apply for care benefits in kind.

Apply for combination benefit for long-term care insurants

If you are cared for at home by relatives, you can receive care allowance and use the services of an outpatient care service at the same time in a combination solution.

Apply for day care for those with statutory long-term care insurance

People in need of care, who are generally cared for at home, can be cared for during the day in a day care facility.

Apply for farm and household help from the agricultural health insurance fund

You can receive benefits from the Agricultural Health Insurance Fund (LKK) for company and household help (BHH) if you are absent due to illness, hospital treatment, preventive or rehabilitation treatment by the LKK or due to pregnancy and maternity leave.

Apply for full inpatient home care for those with long-term care insurance

If you can no longer manage independently at home due to your need for care and cannot be cared for at home, care in a nursing home is necessary. Your long-term care insurance will pay part of the costs upon application.

Apply for medical treatment for war victims

As an impaired person (so-called damaged), you will receive medical treatment on request for damage to health that has been recognized as a result of damage or caused by a recognized consequence of damage.

Apply for night care for those with statutory long-term care insurance

People in need of care, who are generally cared for at home, can be cared for at night in a facility.

Apply for outpatient or inpatient hospice care from the statutory health insurance fund

People who are suffering from a serious, incurable and far-advanced disease and have only a short life expectancy left can, under certain conditions, make use of outpatient or inpatient hospice services.

Apply for palliative care (specialized outpatient) for those with health insurance

Insured persons are entitled to specialised outpatient palliative care (SAPV) in the home or family sector.

Apply for replacement care

If relatives who otherwise always care are prevented, the nursing care fund covers the costs of replacement care.

Apply for short-term care

If those in need of care cannot be cared for temporarily at home, they can be accommodated in a care facility for a short period of time.

Apply for short-term care for those with long-term care insurance

If you are in need of care and cannot be cared for at home temporarily, you have the option of being cared for in a nursing facility for a short period of time.

Apply for statutory health insurance benefits for people with disabilities in fully inpatient facilities and special forms of housing

Benefits of the care fund for people with disabilities in inpatient facilities or special forms of housing.

Apply for subsidy for old-age insurance as a foster parent/caregiver

Caregivers can receive a subsidy for their pension plan

Apply for substitute care in the social long-term care insurance

If your private caregiver cannot care for you due to vacation or illness, your long-term care insurance will pay for a substitute in certain cases.

Applying for an assessment of helplessness and levels of care allowance for war victims

If you are helpless as a result of injury, you can apply for a monthly care allowance.

Benefits in the event of a need for care for persons insured under the statutory accident insurance scheme

If you need care as a result of an occupational accident, commuting accident or occupational disease, you can receive care allowance and other benefits from the statutory accident insurance.

Care costs Apply for relief amount for long-term care insured persons

People in need of care who are cared for at home can receive up to 125 euros per month from the nursing care fund. The money can be used to relieve caring relatives or to promote the independence and self-determination of those in need of care in everyday life.

Care courses for caring relatives and carers when applying for care leave

To make it easier for you to care for relatives at home, you can attend free care courses and training sessions via your care insurance fund.

General full-time care for foster children, accompaniment

Are you a caregiver of a child in full-time care? Then you will receive professional support and advice from the foster child service.

Interest-free loan for the period in which working hours are reduced or completely suspended in order to care for close relatives

You are entitled to an interest-free loan for the time you are caring for close relatives. The loan: Is intended to help cushion the loss of earnings you incur due to the...

Making a claim for travel and transport costs for medical treatment if you have an accident at work or an occupational disease

Following a recognised accident at work or an occupational disease, you can claim reimbursement for related travel and transportation expenses.

Pay long-term care insurance contribution

The contribution that each and every legally insured person has to pay for long-term care insurance is regulated by law.

Payment of the care allowance for war victims

The amount of the care allowance depends on the extent of the necessary care. It is divided into six stages. Stage I: 305,00 Euro (from 01.07.17: 311 Euro) Stage II:...

Request home care for long-term care insureds with disabilities

If you live in a facility for people with disabilities, you may be eligible for Social Security long-term care insurance benefits.

Temporary full-time care for foster children, accompaniment

Are you a foster carer of a child in full-time care? Then you will receive professional support and advice from the foster child service.

Therapeutic full-time care for foster children

Children and adolescents in curative full-time care have special needs. This requires close and intensive counseling of those involved in the foster care relationship. The child care service supports and accompanies foster carers and children with comprehensive services.