If you wish to receive public contracts as an entrepreneur in the craft sector, you must present a confirmation of membership from the Chamber of Crafts. This will be issued to...
Legalization involves a considerable amount of time and money. It has therefore been declared partially dispensable by international treaties. These conventions include the...
In order to obtain extended information about individual specific persons, you must credibly demonstrate a legitimate interest in doing so.
You will receive information about...
You can find the person you are looking for by obtaining information from the civil register of your municipality. There are the following types of information from the civil...
As the owner of a dwelling, you can obtain information from the population register about the persons living in your dwelling if you can credibly demonstrate a legal interest.
Parties, electoral groups and other sponsors of election proposals may obtain the following information on persons entitled to vote from the civil register in the 6 months prior...
You will only receive information from the civil register about a large number of persons not named by name (group information) if this is in the public interest.
You can freely...
Within the scope of a simple registration register enquiry, the registration office will provide you with the surname, first names, doctor's degree and current addresses of the...
Signatures are only officially certified if the signed document is to be submitted to an authority and the signature is made in the presence of the clerk.
Signatures may not be...
Documents (e.g. copies, copies or printouts) are only officially certified if the original was created by an authority or if the document is to be submitted to an authority....
Upon request, you will receive information about the data stored about you in the population register.
The information includes:
the data stored about you in the population...
If you are looking for information about specific corporations (such as GmbH, AG, KGaA), partnerships (such as OHG, KG) or sole traders (e. K.), you can consult the commercial...
If you have been entered by the Chamber of Engineers in the register of specialist engineers, you will receive a confirmation of registration.
The confirmation also contains the...
If you have been entered by the Chamber of Engineers in the lists of engineering experts, you will receive a confirmation of registration.
The confirmation also contains the...
If you need addresses of registered craft businesses or would like to know whether a particular business has been duly registered in the register of craftsmen or who the manager...
The Chamber of Veterinarians of a federal state (also known as the State Chamber of Veterinarians) is the legal professional representation of all veterinarians living and workin...
Building encumbrances are public-law obligations of property owners to do, tolerate or refrain from doing something on their property that does not already result from public-law...