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There are 201 services for Registration requirements

Registration requirements

From fishing to firing ranges to dentistry, certain businesses are required to be registered. This is the right place if you are interested in registering your professional activity or you are looking for information about doing so.


Activities with pathogens - apply for a permit

If you want to import pathogens into Germany, export them, store them, dispense them or work with them, you need a permit from the competent authority.

Activities with pathogens - Display changes

If you carry out activities involving pathogens, you must notify the competent authority immediately of any changes that occur.

Admission as a patent law firm

If you wish to establish a patent attorney company in the legal form of a GmbH, you must apply for admission as a patent attorney company.Note: In addition to the GmbH, partner...

Application for approval of an inspection body for organic farming

If you want to operate a private inspection body for organic farming, you need to be licensed.

Apply for a bookmaker's license

If you want to place or broker bets on public horse races on a commercial basis as a bookmaker, you need a license. The license is issued for the location where the bets are...

Apply for a business identification number (W-IdNr.)

When you start a business activity, you will be given a business identification number (W-IdNr.).

Apply for a business legitimation card

If you need proof in another country that you are an entrepreneur in the Federal Republic of Germany, you can have a business legitimation card issued to you.

Apply for a change to the itinerant trade card

You can change or extend the activities listed in the travel business card with the competent authority.

Apply for a financial investment intermediary permit

If you want to become self-employed as a financial investment broker, you must apply for a permit.

Apply for a gaming arcade license

You need a permit if you want to operate an arcade commercially.

Apply for a licence to operate a capital management company

If you wish to manage investment assets as a capital management company with its registered office and head office in Germany, you need written permission or you must register.

apply for a maritime surveillance licence

You must apply for approval from the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA) whenever you wish to offer armed services with the aim of countering piracy on seagoing...

Apply for a permit for a zoo

If you want to run a zoo, you'll need permission from the conservation authority. In addition to the construction and operation of a zoo, the expansion and significant changes are also subject to approval.

Apply for a permit for an insurance company

If you would like to work as a self-employed insurance broker, you need a permit from your local Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK).

Apply for a permit for fee-based financial investment advisors

You need a trade permit for your work as a fee-based financial investment advisor if you advise on transactions with certain financial instruments and your recommendation is...

Apply for a permit from a real estate loan intermediary

You need a permit to work as a real estate loan broker if you are a professional Real estate consumer loans within the meaning of § 491 paragraph 3 of the Civil Code or want...

Apply for a permit to breed, keep and trade animals

For many activities involving the commercial handling of animals, you require a permit from the competent authority.

Apply for a re-authorisation of a trade after prohibition

Have you been prohibited from practising your business because of unreliability? Then you can usually apply for the re-approval of your commercial activity after 1 year under certain conditions.

Apply for a restaurant permit for special occasions

Would you like to offer gastronomy with alcohol as part of a time-limited event (e.g. fair, city festival, shooting festival) or for another temporary occasion (e.g. baukantinen)? Then you need a temporary permit (permit).

Apply for a right to practice crafts

Are you registered in the register of skilled crafts with a craft that requires authorization and would like to practice another craft? Then you can apply for a license to practice another craft under certain conditions.

Apply for a travel trade card

If you want to sell goods outside of your store, you'll need a travel trade card.

Apply for a travel trade card renewal

For a travel business you need a travel trade card. You can have a temporary travel trade card renewed by the competent authority.

Apply for admission as a law firm

You want to run your law firm in the form of a limited liability company (GmbH) or a stock corporation (AG)? In this case, recognition as a law firm requires admission.

Apply for an electronic health professional card (eHBA) as a person in a healthcare profession

If you want to gain access to the telematics infrastructure (TI) in healthcare, you need an electronic health professional card (eHBA) as a person in a healthcare profession.

Apply for an operating permit for a two-storey pharmacy

On request, an operating permit for a secondary pharmacy can be granted.

Apply for approval for egg packing station

Would you like to operate an egg packing station? Then you must apply to the competent authority for market authorization and a packing station code.

Apply for approval for the operation of an X-ray facility or the significant modification of the facility for materials testing

Do you want to operate an X-ray system in technical radiography for coarse structure analysis in materials testing or make changes to the operation? Then you must notify the competent authority for radiation protection and apply for a permit.

Apply for calibration

You would like that individual measuring devices or random samples of measuring devices be calibrated? Then you must submit a corresponding calibration application to the responsible authority authority. Further details here.

Apply for calibration of cabs and rental cars

If you use the taximeter of your cab or the odometer in your meter in your rental car you want to you mustsubmit a corresponding calibration application to the competent authority authority. Further details here

Apply for commercial collection and processing of wild plants

If you want to collect forest products such as mushrooms, berries and herbs commercially, you need a permit from the respective forest owner. If these forest products are...

Apply for entry in the city planner list

Are you an urban planner working in Saxony-Anhalt? Then find out here about membership in the Chamber of Architects Saxony-Anhalt.

Apply for entry in the commercial register

If your commercial enterprise requires a business operation that is set up in a commercial manner in terms of type and scope (indications are e.B. a larger, especially...

Apply for entry in the list of consulting engineers

Would you like to work as a consulting engineer? Find out more about the profession and the requirements here.

Apply for entry in the list of engineers entitled to a building template

If you want to work as an engineer entitled to a building template, you must be entered in the corresponding list.

Apply for entry in the list of persons entitled to proof of structural evidence

Would you like to work as a person entitled to proof of structural engineering? Find out more about the profession and the requirements here. 

Apply for entry in the list of the Chamber of Engineers

You have successfully completed your engineering studies and now want to become a member of the Chamber of Engineers? Learn more about it here.

Apply for entry in the medical register

If you would like to pursue a contractual medical or contractual psychotherapy activity in outpatient care, you must be entered in the medical register.

Apply for entry in the register of crafts that do not require a licence or in the register of trades similar to crafts

If you would like to independently pursue a craft that does not require a licence or a trade-like trade, you must notify your Chamber of Crafts of the start of the commercial activity.

Apply for exemption from the obligation to obtain a license as an insurance intermediary

If you would like to work as a self-employed ancillary insurance intermediary, you can be exempted from the licensing requirement for insurance intermediaries.

Apply for permission as a private daycare center

If you want to run a daycare center as an independent provider, you need a permit. Preconditions The care of the children by suitable staff is ensured. The welfare of the...

Apply for permission as an auctioneer

You would like to auction off movable property, real estate or rights belonging to third parties on a commercial basis? You need a permit to do so. You can find out more here.

Apply for permission to day care for children

If you want to care for one or more children outside the household of the parent or guardian regularly and against payment, you usually need permission to do so. You can apply for this at the responsible youth welfare office.

Apply for permission to display persons

If you would like to organize shows of people on a commercial basis or have them organized on your premises, you need a permit (in addition to the business registration and, if...

Apply for permission to operate a fixed shooting range

A permit is required to operate a stationary shooting range.

Apply for permission to practice medicine

If you want to set up as a non-medical practitioner to practice medicine, you need a license.

Apply for permission to practice medicine in the field of physiotherapy

If you wish to practise medicine in the field of physiotherapy, you must apply for a license to do so.

Apply for permission to practice medicine in the field of psychotherapy

If you wish to practice medicine in the field of psychotherapy, you must apply for a permit.

Apply for permission to provide financial services

If you want to offer financial services, you need a permit to do so.

Apply for permission to start waste management activity

If you want to collect or transport hazardous waste or trade in hazardous waste, you must apply for a permit.

Apply for permission to temporarily practice the veterinary profession

If you have completed training as a veterinarian, but do not have a license to practice, and wish to practice the veterinary profession only temporarily, you need a permit. The...

Apply for permission to work as an insurance advisor

If you would like to work as a self-employed insurance consultant, you need a license from the relevant Chamber of Industry and Commerce. You can find out more here.

Apply for recognition as a testing body for pipeline systems

Anyone wishing to operate a testing laboratory for pipeline installations must meet the requirements of Section 6 (2) of the Pipeline Ordinance and apply to the competent...

Apply for recognition as an insolvency advice center

Insolvency counseling is a supplement to general debt counseling. Both services advise people in and over-indebted who are in need of expert help. The task of the insolvency...

Apply for recognition as testing and certification bodies in accordance with the Chemicals Climate Protection Ordinance

If you want to carry out tests or issue certificates in accordance with the Chemicals Climate Protection Ordinance, you must be recognized by the competent authority.

Apply for recognition for investigation bodies in the area of the BBodSchG

Would you like to provide high-quality services as an expert or investigating body in the EU for tasks under the Federal Soil Protection Act? Then you can apply for official recognition. This serves as proof of qualification to clients.

Apply for recognition for radon measurements in the workplace

If you want to provide and evaluate devices for legally required measurements of radon activity concentration at workplaces, you must be recognized by the Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS).

Apply for recognition of a driving instructor training centre

If you want to train or have trained people who want to become driving instructors (driving instructor candidates) in a driving instructor training centre, you need the official...

Apply for recognition of a forestry association

Association of recognized forestry cooperatives or similar associations to adapt forestry production to market requirements

Apply for recognition of experimental facilities for plant protection products

Non-official experimental facilities operated or set up by a private or public body may be officially recognised on request.

Apply for registration as a limited partnership in the commercial register

If you establish a limited partnership (KG), you are obliged to apply for its registration in the commercial register. Only after registration does the KG come into existence...

Apply for registration as a small craft entrepreneur in the register of the locally competent Chamber of Crafts

If you would like to carry out a non-essential activity of a craft subject to licensing independently and have a relevant journeyman training, you must be registered in the register of your locally competent Chamber of Crafts.

Apply for registration as an expert in the energy efficiency expert list

If you want to register as an expert in the energy efficiency expert list, you can submit an application under certain conditions.

Apply for registration in the list of architects

The professional title "architect" or "architectess", "interior architect" or "interior architectess", "garden and landscape architect" or "garden and landscape architectess", ...

Apply for registration in the professional register for tax advisors and tax consultants

If you want to work as a tax consultant without restrictions, you must fulfill certain requirements. This includes registration in the professional register for tax consultants.

Apply for registration of a legal entity in the commercial register

Legal persons whose entry in the commercial register must be made with regard to the subject matter or the nature and scope of their business must be registered for registration...

Apply for registration of a tax consulting company in the professional register for tax consultants

If you want to provide unlimited tax advice, you must meet certain requirements. This also includes the registration of your tax consulting company in the professional register for tax consultants.

Apply for the installation of gambling devices with the possibility of winning

If you want to set up gaming machines with the possibility of winning on a commercial basis, you need a permit in accordance with § 33c Gewerbeordnung (Trade, Commerce and Industry Regulation Act).

Apply for, change or cancel voluntary insurance or supplementary insurance with the statutory accident insurance scheme

If you are not insured against accidents at work by law, you can apply for voluntary insurance. You can change or cancel the insurance at any time.

Applying for a certificate of competence under the Explosives Act for the mining sector

If you want to handle or trade in explosive substances in the mining sector, you need a certificate of competence. You can find out more here.

Applying for a commercial permit under explosives law for the mining sector

If you want to handle explosive substances in the commercial sector or traffic in them, you need a permit in accordance with the Explosives Act. You can find out more here.

Applying for a general swearing in by interpreters and translators

For language transmission for judicial, official and notarial purposes, translators (written transmission) and interpreters (oral transmission) may be sworn and publicly appointe...

Applying for a license for a private hospital, a private maternity clinic or a private mental hospital

If you want to open a private hospital, a private maternity clinic or a private mental hospital, you must apply for a license.

Applying for a permit for a pawn shop

If you would like to work as a pawnbroker or pawnbroker, you need a permit.

Applying for a permit for guarding

Anyone who wants to guard the life or property of strangers on a commercial basis requires the permission of the competent authority.

Applying for a permit for national insemination centres and national embryo collection teams

Under certain conditions, you can obtain a permit to operate an insemination station or embryo collection unit.

Applying for a proxy permit for the commercial manufacture and/or trade of weapons

If you wish to engage in the commercial manufacture or trade of firearms through a representative, you require a representative's permit.

Applying for a temporary permit for a restaurant business

Would you like to take over a restaurant serving alcohol from another person? In order to continue the restaurant business without interruption, you can first apply for a temporary permit, which will later be replaced by a permanent permit.

Applying for an operating license for a hospital pharmacy

You need a license to operate a hospital pharmacy. You can apply for this from the local competent authority.

Applying for an operating license for a pharmacy

If you want to open or take over a pharmacy, you must submit a written application for an operating license.

Applying for entry in the commercial register for a European company

The formation of a European Company becomes effective upon entry in the commercial register. In addition, the entry is published in the Official Journal of the European Union for...

Applying for entry in the commercial register for EEIGs

A European Economic Interest Grouping (EEIG) may be formed by companies and other entities governed by public or private law in accordance with the national law of a Member State...

Applying for permission to operate a mobile shooting range

To operate a mobile shooting range, you need a permit.

Applying for recognition of a forestry association

Association of landowners for the joint management of their forest areas in a forest management association (FBG)

Applying for recognition of a foundation with legal capacity

Natural or legal persons such as associations or companies may decide to establish a foundation. The founders undertake to establish a foundation in the long term for the...

Applying for registration of a hatchery

If you want to run a business whose activity consists of placing hatching eggs in incubators, incubating these eggs and supplying chicks, you must apply to the competent authority for registration.

Applying for the establishment of a savings bank

A permit is required for the establishment of a savings bank. Savings banks may only be set up and operated by local authorities and special-purpose associations. Savings...

Applying for the establishment of a stock exchange

The Securities and Exchange Commission may allow you to set up a stock exchange upon request.

Applying for the operation of energy supply networks

Anyone intending to commence operation of an energy supply network requires authorisation from the competent authority under Land law.

Become a district chimney sweep

Would you like to be authorized as a district chimney sweep? You must be appointed by the competent authority. You can find out more here.

Company number for social security notifications assigned on request

As an employer, you must register your employees who are subject to social insurance contributions. You will need a company number for this.

Display a company for the trade of ISPM-15 compliant timber

If you want to trade in wooden packaging material as an entrepreneur, you must report the activity. You can find out more here.

Display activities with asbestos on a company-specific basis

If you work with materials containing asbestos, you must notify the relevant health and safety authority. This notification can be company-specific or object-specific. Notification is only mandatory for companies.

Display activities with asbestos on an object-related basis

If you work with materials containing asbestos, you must notify the relevant health and safety authority. This notification can be company-specific or object-specific. Notification is only mandatory for companies.

Display activities with pathogens

If you have a permit to work with pathogens and you want to take up this activity for the first time, you must notify the competent authority.

Display activity as a financial investment broker and advisor

As a financial investment broker and advisor, you need a permit in Germany. If you wish to be self-employed as a financial investment broker only temporarily, prior written...

Display business for the commercial manufacture of weapons

If you manufacture weapons commercially and/or trade in weapons, you must report the commencement or cessation of operations.

Display handling of airbag and belt tensioner units

If you as an employer intend to allow your employees to work with airbag or belt tensioner units of category P1 for the first time, you must notify the responsible body in advance.

Display operation or significant change in operation of dental, medical and veterinary X-ray equipment

If you intend to operate or significantly modify a dental, medical or veterinary X-ray facility and this is not subject to approval, you are obliged to notify the competent authority.

Display operation or significant change in operation of dental, medical and veterinary X-ray equipment

If you intend to operate or significantly modify a dental, medical or veterinary X-ray facility and this is not subject to approval, you are obliged to notify the competent authority.

Display spacecraft operation

For the radiation protection of personnel, you must notify the operation of spacecraft under certain conditions.

Energy supply: Display supply of household customers by energy supply companies

Energy supply companies that supply household customers with electricity and gas must immediately notify the commencement and termination of their activities as well as any...

Entry in the register of craftsmen with a domestic examination equivalent to the master craftsman's examination

If you want to work independently in a craft requiring a license and have a domestic professional qualification equivalent to a master craftsman's examination, you must first be entered in the Register of Craftsmen.

Entry in the register of craftsmen with a university degree or technician qualification

Would you like to become self-employed after completing an engineering degree or training to become a state-certified technician in a trade requiring a license? If so, you must first register with the Register of Craftsmen.

Entry of a sole trader in the commercial register

As a merchant, you must register for entry in the commercial register. You are obliged to provide the following data: Your company name the location the domestic business...

Entry of a stock corporation (AG) in the commercial register

The stock corporation (AG) only becomes a legal entity when it is entered in the commercial register. As the AG is a corporation, it is entered in section B of the commercial...

Establish a compensation association for the payment of the artists' social security contribution

If you run a company that is liable to pay social security contributions, you can reduce the time and effort required to prepare the annual reports by forming a compensation association with other companies. This association assumes the obligations towards the Künstlersozialkasse (KSK).

Extend registration for prostitution activities

Is your registration certificate for working as a prostitute expiring? Then you need to renew your certificate.

Extending a permit for the commercial exhibition of persons

The temporary permit for a commercial event for the exhibition of persons can be extended upon application. You can find out more here.

Founding an outpatient care service

Are you passionate about care? Start your own outpatient care service.

Gambling halls Apply for permission in the travel industry

For the operation of an arcade or a similar company, you need a permit for the respective location.

GmbH register

If you found a limited liability company (GmbH), you are obliged to register it in the commercial register. Only through the registration does the GmbH arise and is fully legally...

Granting a proxy license for the commercial manufacture and/or trade of weapons for the head of a branch office

If you wish to appoint another person to manage a branch office for the commercial manufacture or trade of firearms, you require a deputy permit.

Granting a proxy permit for the commercial manufacture and/or trade of weapons to the head of a dependent branch office

If you wish to appoint another person to manage a dependent branch office for the commercial manufacture or trade of firearms, you require a deputy permit.

Have low-threshold offers in the care sector recognised

Anyone who wants to offer low-threshold care services to people in need of care must first have them recognised. The application for the recognition of offers according to § 45a SGB XI takes place individually in the federal state in which the offer is made.

Inform the Chamber of Crafts of another permanent establishment

If you open a new permanent establishment as a member of a Chamber of Crafts, you must notify the Chamber of Crafts.

Keeping of farm animals - Display

You must report the keeping of farm animals to the competent authority. This applies to the following animal species: Cattle pigs sheep goats solipeds chickens ducks ...

Livestock trade (commercial) - Advertisement

If you want to trade livestock commercially or transport livestock as part of the division of labor in livestock production or operate a livestock collection point, you must...

Make an annual declaration of commercial eel fishing

If you catch eels for profit, you must send written records for each fishing operation as an annual declaration to the upper fisheries authority.

Notification of activities with asbestos Receipt

If you carry out small-scale activities with materials containing asbestos, a supplementary notification stating the time and place of the work to be carried out is required in addition to the company-related notification.

Responsible: The health and safety authority responsible for the construction site

Notify a competent person in accordance with the Medicinal Products Act

If you operate a pharmaceutical company that places finished medicinal products on the market, you must notify the competent authority of a qualified person. Any changes must also be reported immediately.

Notify changes in the company, self-employed or freelance activity to the statutory accident insurance.

Has something changed in your company or in your self-employed or freelance work? You must report this to your employers' liability insurance association or accident insurance fund.

Notify changes of shareholders and changes in the power of representation

If there are changes in the number of shareholders or the right of representation in the register of craftsmen or in the register of owners of a business, craft or craft similar trade without authorisation, you must notify us of this.

Notify construction, significant modification or measures involving a change in the hazard level of installations for handling substances hazardous to water (except heating oil consumer installations and JGS installations)

If you wish to construct or significantly modify a facility for handling substances hazardous to water or take measures that result in a change in the hazard level, you must notify the competent authority.

Notify the Chamber of Crafts of the closure of a permanent establishment

If you close a permanent establishment as a member of a Chamber of Crafts, you must notify the Chamber of Crafts.

Notify the Chamber of Skilled Crafts of a change of address of a business establishment

If you are a member of a Chamber of Skilled Crafts and change the address of a business premises, you must inform the Chamber of Skilled Crafts.

Notify the commencement or termination of the operation of a shooting range

If you start or stop operating a portable shooting range, you must report this.

Notify the Register of Crafts of

If address and contact details change for you as a member of a Chamber of Crafts, you must inform us of this.

Notifying changes to a breeding program

If you as a breeding association or breeding company wish to make changes to an existing breeding program, you must notify the competent authority.

Offer TV programs nationwide

If you want to offer TV programs nationwide, you need approval from the competent authority of the country in which you have your registered office. An authorisation for TV...

Operation of a power of attorney database for tax consultants and income tax assistance associations

As a tax advisor or income tax assistance association, you can use the power of attorney database to retrieve and manage data and powers of attorney for your clients or members, and to display a power of attorney for representation and/or disclosure.

Permit for estate agents, property developers and building supervisors

You need a license to work as a real estate agent. This applies if you commercially broker the conclusion of contracts for land, land rights, commercial premises, residential...

Pest control (insects) on a commercial basis - notification obligation

If you wish to carry out pest control on a commercial basis, you must notify the competent authority.

Provide details of the person responsible for radiation protection

If the person responsible for radiation protection changes in your company, you must inform the competent authority.

Proxy permit for commercial arms manufacture and/or arms trade: Proxy

If you wish to engage in the commercial manufacture or trade of firearms through a representative, you require a representative's permit.

Re-register business

Are you moving your business to a new location in the relevant municipality? Or do you offer additional other goods or services in the future that are unusual for the currently registered trade? In these and other cases, you must re-register your business.

Recognition as an investment company

The business purpose of an investment company is to make capital available to other companies by acquiring and holding shareholdings. In this way, the equity capital of the...

Register a branch of a foreign corporation

If you want to operate the branch of a corporation in Germany that has its registered office abroad, this must be registered as a business by the managing director or the managin...

register a company for the manufacture and/or repair of wooden packaging materials

If you want to manufacture and/or repair packaging material made of wood as an entrepreneur, you must be entered in an official register. You can find out more here.

Register a company for the treatment of wood

If you as an entrepreneur wish to treat wood in accordance with ISPM No. 15, you must be entered in an official register. You can find out more here.

Register a representative for prostitution

You want to have your prostitution business run by another person? Then you need permission for the deputy.

Register as a person or company with the power to provide temporary and occasional assistance in tax matters

You are professionally established in a Member State of the European Union or Switzerland and are authorised there to provide commercial assistance in tax matters in accordance with that law. To this end, you would like to provide this assistance temporarily and occasionally in Germany .

Register blasting with explosive substances

If you wish to carry out blasting work, you must register this with the competent authority. You can find out more here.

Register business

If you wish to operate a business, you must notify the relevant authority.

Register company, self-employed or freelance activity for statutory accident insurance

If you start a business, become self-employed or freelance, you must register this with the statutory accident insurance.

Register for entry in the register of cooperatives

Cooperative law stipulates that a cooperative must be entered in the cooperative register. It must be founded by at least three founding members. Registration must be made by the...

Register medical practice

Would you like to become self-employed in a health or health profession? Find out more here.

Register new management with the Chamber of Crafts

You must report a new management of your craft business requiring approval to the competent Chamber of Crafts.

Register of suppliers for the production of wine for the sale, use and utilization of products made from third-party products

If you have taken delivery of grapes, mash, grape must, partially fermented grape must or young wine, you are obliged to specify the supplier companies and the products taken delivery of in the form of the list of suppliers.

Register other persons who work in the prostitution business

As the operator of a prostitution business, would you like to employ persons in the areas of management and supervision? Then you must report this to the competent authority if you have a permit in accordance with Section 12 ProstSchG and the authority has instructed you to report this.

Register quarantine station/closed facility for plants, products and other objects (e.g. forest plants and wood)

Work with quarantine pests for plants or other regulated materials may only be carried out in quarantine stations or closed facilities.

You must apply to the competent authority for designation as a quarantine station or closed facility.

Registering a company for tax purposes

If you start a business, take an interest in a business or become self-employed, you must inform the tax office.

Registering a European Cooperative Society (SCE) in the register of cooperatives

You can establish a cooperative as a European Cooperative. The registration must be made electronically in a publicly notarized form by a notary.

Registering an employee family member (Mifa) with the agricultural health insurance fund or long-term care fund and the agricultural old-age insurance fund

If you are insured as a farmer with the agricultural health insurance fund or long-term care fund and old-age insurance fund, you must register your family members who work in the company.

Registering food establishments

If you are a food establishment/business carrying out activities related to the production, processing or distribution of food (including internet commerce), you must register with your local food control authority.

Registering prostitution activities for the first time

Anyone who engages in prostitution in Germany is obliged to register with the authorities.

Registration in the Register of Craftsmen with a university degree from the EU, the EEA State or Switzerland

You can independently practice a craft subject to admission with a university degree obtained in the EU, the EEA or Switzerland, if the focus of study corresponds to that of the craft to be practiced.

Registration of a general partnership (OHG) in the commercial register

Commercial law stipulates that a general partnership (OHG) must be entered in the commercial register. The registration must be made by all partners at the competent...

Registration of a partnership limited by shares (KGaA) in the commercial register

The partnership limited by shares (KGaA) only becomes a legal entity upon entry in the commercial register. Since the KGaA is a corporation, it is entered in section B of the...

Registration of entrepreneurs with the agricultural health insurance fund or long-term care insurance fund and the agricultural old-age insurance fund

Has your agricultural business exceeded the minimum size for compulsory insurance with the agricultural health insurance fund or nursing care insurance fund and old-age insurance fund? Then these funds will approach you to clarify the further requirements for insurance.

Registration of postal services not subject to licensing (inclusion, modification and termination)

If your company provides postal services without requiring a license, you must notify the Federal Network Agency of the start, change and termination of operations.

Repair notification Receipt

If you have carried out a repair as a repairer, you must inform the competent authority immediately. You can find out more here.

Report changes in the Professional Register for Tax Advisors

If you are registered in the professional register for tax consultants, you are obliged to report changes to the responsible Chamber of Tax Consultants

Report conclusion of the land lease agreement

If you have concluded a land lease agreement, you must report this to the competent authority within one month.

Report grape harvest and wine production for products from own products (TEM / WEM)

As a winegrower, cooperative or recognized producer group that accepts grapes or mash, you are required to report your grape harvest and wine production.

Report the operation or significant modification of technical X-ray equipment

If you intend to operate or significantly modify a technical X-ray device and this is not subject to approval, you are obliged to notify the competent authority.

Request access to the commercial register

If you are looking for information about specific corporations (such as GmbH, AG, KGaA), partnerships (such as OHG, KG) or sole traders (e. K.), you can consult the commercial...

Request confirmation of entry in the directory of specialist engineers

If you have been entered by the Chamber of Engineers in the register of specialist engineers, you will receive a confirmation of registration. The confirmation also contains the...

Request confirmation of entry in the list of engineering experts

If you have been entered by the Chamber of Engineers in the lists of engineering experts, you will receive a confirmation of registration. The confirmation also contains the...

Request image files for labeling tobacco packaging or cigarette packets with text image warnings

As a manufacturer or importer of cigarettes, roll-your-own tobacco, and hookah tobacco, you must print text image warnings on your cigarette and tobacco packaging. You can obtain the image files from the Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety.

Request inclusion of insolvency administrator in pre-selection list

If you want to work as an insolvency administrator, you must first apply to be included on the pre-selection list. As a rule, only people who are on the pre-selection list for insolvency administrators are appointed to insolvency cases.

Request information about traders

Public bodies, companies and private individuals can apply for information on business registration data.

Request the establishment of an installation for the production, processing, processing or fission of nuclear fuels

Any person who establishes, operates or otherwise holds a fixed installation for the production or processing or processing of nuclear fuels or for the fission of irradiated...

Requesting information from the Central Trade Register

If you wish to practice a trade and require proof of your personal reliability, you may request information from the Central Trade Register.

Requesting information from the register of trades not requiring a license and similar trades

Do you have a license to practice another craft requiring a license as a standing trade or for experienced journeymen or journeywomen? If so, you must have this entered in the Register of Craftsmen before taking up the activity.

Show arms manufacturing and/or arms trade branch

If you open or close the operation of a branch or dependent branch for the commercial production and/or arms trade, you must report this.

Show catering trade

If you wish to operate a restaurant, you must notify the competent authority in writing four weeks before the start of operation. You can find out more here.

Show change to land lease agreement

If you have concluded a change to a land lease agreement, you must report this to the responsible office within one month.

Show commencement of waste management activities

If you wish to collect or transport waste or trade in waste, you must report the activity to the competent authority.

Show employment of persons in establishments with X-ray equipment or interference emitters

The employment of persons who work with third-party X-ray equipment or third-party interference sources and who may be exposed to a dose higher than 1 mSv must be reported to the competent authority.

Show hiking camp

If a trail camp is to be publicly announced, then you must indicate this in advance.

Show inclusion of imports of timber and timber products from countries outside the EU

If you want to import wood or wood products from countries outside the EU for the first time, you have to notify the Federal Agency for Agriculture and Food (BLE) once.

Show information officers for pharmaceutical companies

If you operate a pharmaceutical company that places finished medicinal products on the market, you must notify the competent authority of an information officer. Any changes must also be reported immediately.

Show inspection, testing, maintenance and repair of X-ray equipment or interference sources

If you wish to check, test, maintain or repair X-ray equipment or interference sources on a commercial basis, you must notify the competent authority before starting the activity.

Show permanent operation of a catering industry

You want to operate a restaurant permanently? Then you must report this in writing before the start of operation.

Show temporary operation of a catering business

You want to operate a restaurant temporarily for a special reason? Then you must report this in writing.

Submit an annual report on eel stocking

If you introduce eels into waters (stocking), you must record this and send it to the competent authority as an annual report.

Submit mandatory annual audit report or negative declaration as property developer and/or construction supervisor

As a construction manager or property developer, you must submit an annual audit report or alternatively a so-called negative declaration to your supervisory authority.

Submit your VAT return

If you have achieved taxable sales within Germany as a business person, you must always submit a VAT return.

Supplier notification gas and electricity - report energy supply to household customers

If you as a company supply household customers in Germany with energy via the public electricity or gas network, you must report this to the Federal Network Agency (BNetzA).

Trade requiring monitoring

Certain trades have been classified by the legislator as requiring monitoring. Trades requiring monitoring are Purchase and sale of high-quality consumer goods, in particular...

Vertebrate pest control, apply for permit for commercial killing or stunning.

Do you commercially control vertebrates as pests? Then you need a permit from the competent authority under animal protection law.

View the operation of an old people's home or nursing home

If you want to operate a retirement / nursing home, you must report this (in addition to the business registration) to the home supervisory authority. Preconditions They must...

View travel card-free activity

Only a few travel trade card-free activities need to be displayed. Before starting a travel trade card-free activity, please check whether you may have to report it to the responsible office.