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There are 26 services for Nature, climate and biodiversity

Nature, climate and biodiversity

Protection of natural habitats and biodiversity helps preserve threatened natural areas and wild species of plants and animals. Energy and raw materials are limited resources and should be used sparingly. You can also help fight climate change by reducing your energy consumption and by choosing a resource-conserving heating system or building style.


Application for payment of compensation for damage caused to game exposed to radiation

If the game you shot is contaminated with more than 600 becquerels of caesium per kilogram of radiation/radioactivity, you can apply for payment of compensation for damages.

Apply for the removal or alteration of protected landscape features (e.g. avenues)

If you want to cut down a specially protected tree, you need a special permit.

Applying for a permit for the import and export of protected plant and animal species

If you want to import or export specimens of protected animal and plant species into or from the EU, you will need a permit.

Applying for an exemption from nature conservation

The districts and independent cities are responsible for nature conservation and the implementation of the Saxony-Anhalt Nature Conservation Act as the lower nature conservation...

Dispose of bulky waste

Bulky waste can be disposed of by collection by personal delivery to a central location can take place.

Hand in hazardous waste for disposal

The disposal of hazardous waste from private households is the responsibility of the public waste disposal authorities.

Hand in old electrical appliances for disposal

The disposal of waste electrical and electronic equipment from private households is the responsibility of the public waste disposal authorities.

Hand in organic waste for disposal

The disposal of biowaste from private households is the responsibility of the public waste disposal authorities. You can dispose of organic waste at the respective recycling collection points and recycling centers.

Hand in paper waste for disposal

The disposal of waste paper from private households is the responsibility of the public waste disposal authorities. You can dispose of waste paper at the respective waste paper collection points and recycling centers.

Hand in recyclables for disposal

As a rule, various disposal systems are set up for the disposal of recyclable materials (container collection and/or disposal at recycling centers).

Have person removed from eel register as eel fisherman

If you want to give up the eel fishery, you must deregister with the upper fishery authority.

Information on bird flu

Responsibility for reporting dead birds The competent veterinary offices are the addressees for the reporting of dead and sick birds (wild birds and domestic poultry). Finding a...

Information on ragweed (ragweed)

Ragweed (also known as ragweed, ragweed or wild hemp) originates from the north-eastern United States and is increasingly spreading in Europe. The plant has now also been...

Make an annual declaration of commercial eel fishing

If you catch eels for profit, you must send written records for each fishing operation as an annual declaration to the upper fisheries authority.

Nature parks

Nature parks have developed rapidly in Saxony-Anhalt in recent years. In addition to the existing parks Drömling, Unstrut Triasland and Dübener Heide, the Harz National Park (200...

Pay waste fee

House and property owners receive notices from the responsible authority about the waste fees they have to pay. The scale of charges is intended to create effective incentives t...

Receive waste advice

The responsible office offers you advice on environmentally friendly disposal and the avoidance of unnecessary waste.

Register home slaughter

If you want to carry out a home slaughter, you must register it in good time for the ante-mortem and post-mortem inspection with the veterinary and food inspection office of your...

Relocation of nests of protected insect species - apply for exemption or exemption

Insect nest? Find out here whether you need an exception or exemption from prohibitions for the relocation or disposal.

Request advice on animal welfare

Animal welfare means the individual protection of every animal, regardless of whether it lives in the wild or is kept in human care. It is about species-appropriate husbandry, th...

Request ante-mortem and post-mortem inspection

If you slaughter animals whose meat is intended for human consumption, you must have the animals officially inspected before and after slaughter. This concerns: Cattle Pigs ...

Request removal or trimming of certain trees, hedges, live fences, shrubbery within a specified period of time

If you want to cut down a tree or other woody plant between March and September, you need a special permit.

Residual waste disposal

Would you like to dispose of residual waste? This is the responsibility of your local waste disposal company, which is also responsible for the disposal of residual waste in addition to the various types of separate waste collection.

Submit an annual report on eel stocking

If you introduce eels into waters (stocking), you must record this and send it to the competent authority as an annual report.