The districts and independent cities are responsible for nature conservation and the implementation of the Saxony-Anhalt Nature Conservation Act as the lower nature conservation...
Bulky waste can be disposed of
by collection
by personal delivery to a central location
can take place.
Responsibility for reporting dead birds
The competent veterinary offices are the addressees for the reporting of dead and sick birds (wild birds and domestic poultry). Finding a...
Ragweed (also known as ragweed, ragweed or wild hemp) originates from the north-eastern United States and is increasingly spreading in Europe.
The plant has now also been...
Nature parks have developed rapidly in Saxony-Anhalt in recent years. In addition to the existing parks Drömling, Unstrut Triasland and Dübener Heide, the Harz National Park (200...
House and property owners receive notices from the responsible authority about the waste fees they have to pay.
The scale of charges is intended to create effective incentives t...
The responsible office offers you advice on environmentally friendly disposal and the avoidance of unnecessary waste.
If you want to carry out a home slaughter, you must register it in good time for the ante-mortem and post-mortem inspection with the veterinary and food inspection office of your...
Animal welfare means the individual protection of every animal, regardless of whether it lives in the wild or is kept in human care. It is about species-appropriate husbandry, th...
If you slaughter animals whose meat is intended for human consumption, you must have the animals officially inspected before and after slaughter. This concerns: