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There are 71 services for Conservation of plants, animals and nature

Conservation of plants, animals and nature

Intact flora and fauna and thriving nature are important for our quality of life. Here you will find services and information regarding nature conservation – for example, about proper handling of waste materials, chemicals and emissions.


Adopting an animal from a shelter

Have you found an animal in an animal shelter that suits you? Get in touch with the shelter.

Allow eco-account measure to be credited

In the case of projects and planning that lead to impairments of nature and the landscape - such as road construction projects - the polluter is obligated to provide compensation...

Apply for a permit for a zoo

If you want to run a zoo, you'll need permission from the conservation authority. In addition to the construction and operation of a zoo, the expansion and significant changes are also subject to approval.

Apply for a permit to breed, keep and trade animals

For many activities involving the commercial handling of animals, you require a permit from the competent authority.

Apply for authorisation of animal experiments

In order to carry out animal experiments on vertebrate animals, approval of the experimental project by the competent authority is required.

Apply for commercial collection and processing of wild plants

If you want to collect forest products such as mushrooms, berries and herbs commercially, you need a permit from the respective forest owner. If these forest products are...

Apply for designation as a landscape conservation area

Landscape protection includes all measures for the protection and maintenance of a section of the earth's surface (landscape). In order to protect landscapes, certain parts can b...

Apply for discharge of waste water into public waste water treatment plants

Would you like to discharge wastewater into a public sewage system (sewage system)? Then an application for approval must be submitted to the competent authority of the respective federal state.

Apply for exceptions to the change block

A change barrier serves to secure urban land use planning, especially for larger traffic construction projects.

Apply for feed authorisation

With a value of around 10 billion euros, animal feed is the most important agricultural input in Germany. The demand for animal feed is about 66 million tons per year, which...

Apply for recognition of a biosphere reserve

Biosphere reserves are large, representative sections of natural and cultural landscapes that are divided into core zone, maintenance zone and development zone, depending on the...

Apply for revocation of the permit for the discharge of waste water

Would you like to give up your existing permit for wastewater in an above-ground body of water and/or infiltration into groundwater? An application for revocation must then be submitted to the competent authority.

Apply for the removal or alteration of protected landscape features (e.g. avenues)

If you want to cut down a specially protected tree, you need a special permit.

Applying for an exemption from nature conservation

The districts and independent cities are responsible for nature conservation and the implementation of the Saxony-Anhalt Nature Conservation Act as the lower nature conservation...

Applying for exemptions from the marketing ban

The animal and plant species listed in Annexes A and B to Regulation (EC) No 338/97 shall be subject to a general prohibition on marketing. This EC regulation implements the...

Applying for protection of a biotope

Protected biotopes are habitats of special plant and animal species. These habitats deserve special protection, either because they are extremely rare, have a high ecological...

Applying for registration in the EMAS Register

At the end of the EMAS certification, you can register your organisation in the EMAS register.

Applying for the discharge of wastewater into private wastewater systems

If you wish to discharge commercial/industrial wastewater into a private wastewater system or sewer system, you generally require a permit.

Appoint a person authorized to issue instructions to ensure compliance with the requirements of the Animal Welfare Act during slaughter

Do you or your employees slaughter, stun or bleed animals commercially? Then you must appoint an authorized person responsible for animal welfare reasons.

Appoint water protection officer

The authority may also order the appointment of a water protection officer in addition to those who are already obliged to appoint a water protection officer.

Change field and subsidy declaration

Have you entered incorrect information in your field and subsidy tax declaration or advance subsidy tax declaration? Then you must correct this with the responsible office.

Contact Water Authority

Municipal sewage treatment plants and wastewater-producing commercial and industrial enterprises are controlled by the state water supervisory authority. In addition to...

Drop off the animal in an animal shelter

You can no longer ensure the species-appropriate keeping of your pet? You can drop off your pet at a shelter.

Information on ragweed (ragweed)

Ragweed (also known as ragweed, ragweed or wild hemp) originates from the north-eastern United States and is increasingly spreading in Europe. The plant has now also been...

Nature parks

Nature parks have developed rapidly in Saxony-Anhalt in recent years. In addition to the existing parks Drömling, Unstrut Triasland and Dübener Heide, the Harz National Park (200...

Pay field and extraction tax

Are you the holder of a mining permit for the commercial exploration of mineral resources? Then you must pay an annual field levy.

Register home slaughter

If you want to carry out a home slaughter, you must register it in good time for the ante-mortem and post-mortem inspection with the veterinary and food inspection office of your...

Relocation of nests of protected insect species - apply for exemption or exemption

Insect nest? Find out here whether you need an exception or exemption from prohibitions for the relocation or disposal.

Report obstruction by green spaces

Landscape conservation has the task of preserving and developing ecological and landscape diversity. In particular, it includes all measures to secure, maintain and create new...

Request advice on animal welfare

Animal welfare means the individual protection of every animal, regardless of whether it lives in the wild or is kept in human care. It is about species-appropriate husbandry, th...

Request ante-mortem and post-mortem inspection

If you slaughter animals whose meat is intended for human consumption, you must have the animals officially inspected before and after slaughter. This concerns: Cattle Pigs ...

Requesting information from the register of contaminated sites

Would you like to know whether there is a suspicion of contaminated sites or harmful soil changes on a property? Then you can apply for information from the register of contaminated sites from the relevant authority.

Show the appointment of animal welfare officers

Do you conduct animal experiments, keep or breed laboratory animals in your facility or company? Then you must appoint an animal welfare officer as the responsible person and report this to the competent body.

Substances hazardous to water: Specialist company - Proof of F. property

Upon request, specialist companies must prove the status of specialist company to the lower water authority in whose district they are active. It must also be possible to prove...

Viewing the market value determination of the conveyor levy

The market values determined are published on the LAGB website.

Have person removed from eel register as eel fisherman

If you want to give up the eel fishery, you must deregister with the upper fishery authority.

Make an annual declaration of commercial eel fishing

If you catch eels for profit, you must send written records for each fishing operation as an annual declaration to the upper fisheries authority.

Request information from the water book

Are you looking for a water right? Then you can use the water book to start your search for water rights by specifying the topic and administrative unit.

Request removal or trimming of certain trees, hedges, live fences, shrubbery within a specified period of time

If you want to cut down a tree or other woody plant between March and September, you need a special permit.

Submit an annual report on eel stocking

If you introduce eels into waters (stocking), you must record this and send it to the competent authority as an annual report.

Apply for an identification number for farms that keep laying hens to identify eggs

If you want to market eggs from your laying hen farm, you may have to register it.
Upon registration, your farm will be assigned an identification number.

Apply for authorization to mark (ISMP15) packaging material made of wood

If you as an entrepreneur wish to affix markings to wooden packaging material in accordance with ISPM No. 15, you must be authorized to do so by the competent authority. You can find out more here.

Apply for grants for advice for agricultural enterprises and producer associations

If you offer consultancy services for agricultural enterprises or producer associations, you can receive a grant for part of the consultancy expenses incurred.

Apply for new vineyards for wine

If you want to grow wine on new vineyards, you usually need a permit from the Federal Agency for Agriculture and Food (BLE).

Apply for payment of grants for advice to agricultural enterprises and producer associations

If you have been granted funding for advisory services for agricultural enterprises or producer associations, you can apply for payment.

Apply for permission to withdraw and discharge water from surface waters

If you wish to withdraw or discharge water from surface waters, you can apply for a water permit from the relevant water authority.

Apply for permission to withdraw and discharge water from surface waters in a formal procedure

If you wish to withdraw or discharge water from surface waters, you can apply for a permit under water law from the relevant water authority. In some cases, this can only be granted in a formal administrative procedure.

Applying for a permit for the import and export of protected plant and animal species

If you want to import or export specimens of protected animal and plant species into or from the EU, you will need a permit.

Applying for a permit to withdraw and discharge headwater from surface waters

If you want to extract water for a diversion power plant from an above-ground body of water and discharge it again, you can apply for a water permit from the competent authority.

Display safety-related operational incidents without personal injury in mining

As an entrepreneur in the mining industry, you must report certain operational incidents to the competent authority.

Plant protection equipment: apply for testing of new equipment and entry in the "Descriptive List

As a manufacturer or commercial supplier, you can have the Julius Kühn Institute (JKI) check whether your plant protection device complies with the requirements of the Plant Protection Act.

Report safety-relevant operational incidents involving personal injury in mining (accident report)

As an entrepreneur in the mining industry, you must report certain operational incidents involving personal injury to the competent authority.

Show advice on plant protection products and the use of plant protection products

If you use plant protection products for Aothers or Ander others about the use of plant protection products or about plant protection, you must notify the competent authority. You can find out more here.

Show construction of a mining operation

If you wish to set up a mining operation to extract and process certain mineral resources, you must notify the competent authority in advance.

Show start of mining operations

If your company commences mining operations and intends to start prospecting, extracting and processing certain mineral resources, you must notify the competent mining authority in advance.