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There are 64 services for Housing and moving

Housing and moving

Whether you are renting, you own a flat or house or you are planning to move, you can find information on housing and moving house here.


Apply for a certificate of eligibility for housing

If you are looking for a subsidized apartment (social housing) and have a low income, you can apply for a Wohnberechtigungsschein (WBS).

Apply for a housing benefit increase

If your total income has decreased or the number of household members has increased, you can apply for a housing benefit increase.

Apply for a registration certificate

Upon request, your city, municipality or association municipality will also issue you with a special registration confirmation in the form of a registration certificate (e.g. for...

Apply for a subsidy for measures to improve the living environment in long-term care insurance

If you are in need of care, it may be necessary to adapt the living environment to your individual needs. You can apply to your long-term care insurance fund for financial support for necessary adaptations and conversions.

Apply for a temporary no-stopping zone

If you are moving house or making or expecting deliveries, you can apply for a temporary no-stopping zone.

Apply for help to overcome special social difficulties

If you find yourself in a difficult situation you can
the counseling for help to overcome special social difficulties

Apply for housing security and homelessness assistance

The main task of homelessness assistance is to help people in particularly difficult social situations, in financial emergencies or with housing issues. Comprehensive advice,...

Apply for information and transmission blocks in the population register for information to parties, etc.

You have the possibility to object to the transmission of your own data to parties, electoral groups and other sponsors of election proposals. The objection has the effect that...

Apply for official registration confirmation

After registering or deregistering with the registration office, you will receive written confirmation in the form of an official registration confirmation. The official...

Apply for one-off benefits

Relocation, pregnancy, birth: if you lack the money for certain situations in your life, you can apply for one-off benefits.

Apply for payment of rent arrears to secure accommodation

If you have rent debts, you can receive financial help to avoid homelessness.

Apply for permission to restrict traffic space

If you wish to use public traffic areas for construction work or events, you must apply for a permit from the local road traffic authority.

Applying for housing benefit for the first time or again

If you only have a low income, you can apply for housing benefit to reduce your housing costs.

Broadcasting fee - add further apartments

If you rent or buy a second or secondary apartment to your existing apartment, you must register it with the contribution service. This also applies to exclusively privately used...

Broadcasting fee - apply for exemption

If you receive state social benefits, you can be exempted from the broadcasting fee. The same applies to deaf-blind people and recipients of assistance for the blind.

Broadcasting fee - Register a discount

If you have a severely disabled pass with the mark "RF", you can receive a reduction in your broadcasting fee. You will then pay a reduced contribution of EUR 5.83.

Broadcasting fee in the private sector - Notify changes

If you move, your bank details or your name changes, please inform the contribution service of ARD, ZDF and Deutschlandradio.

Change of main residence

As persons subject to registration, you must notify the registration office of any change in your main residence within two weeks.

Change your place of residence

If you move, you must register at your new place of residence.For children up to the age of 16, the person into whose home the children are moving must carry out the registration...

Connection of a property to the public drinking water supply system

If you are the owner of a property on which drinking water is required, you must have the property connected to the supply system of the responsible municipality (municipality or special-purpose association). This is associated with costs.

Deregister broadcasting fee

If the broadcasting fee obligation ceases to apply to you, you can report this or deregister online. The broadcasting fee obligation does not apply if you: - live as a...

Deregister residence

If you move out of an apartment and do not move into another apartment in Germany, you must deregister. The most important cases are moving abroad or deregistering a secondary...

Deregister secondary residence

If you move out of a secondary residence and do not move into another residence in Germany, you must deregister for this residence.

Dispose of bulky waste

Bulky waste can be disposed of by collection by personal delivery to a central location can take place.

File a complaint for violation of the provisions of the Geoblocking Regulation

If you want to complain about a provider for violating the provisions of the Geoblocking Regulation, you can file a complaint with the Federal Network Agency.

Hand in hazardous waste for disposal

The disposal of hazardous waste from private households is the responsibility of the public waste disposal authorities.

Hand in old electrical appliances for disposal

The disposal of waste electrical and electronic equipment from private households is the responsibility of the public waste disposal authorities.

Hand in organic waste for disposal

The disposal of biowaste from private households is the responsibility of the public waste disposal authorities. You can dispose of organic waste at the respective recycling collection points and recycling centers.

Hand in paper waste for disposal

The disposal of waste paper from private households is the responsibility of the public waste disposal authorities. You can dispose of waste paper at the respective waste paper collection points and recycling centers.

Hand in recyclables for disposal

As a rule, various disposal systems are set up for the disposal of recyclable materials (container collection and/or disposal at recycling centers).

Inspecting a development plan

You have the right to inspect a development plan.

Obligation to register - register inland waterway skippers/seafarers

If you move to an inland vessel that is registered for a domestic ship register, you must register. If you are sailing on a seagoing vessel that is entitled to fly the federal...

Pay property tax

Do you have real estate? Then you are subject to property tax, distinguishing between property tax A – for agricultural and forestry companies and property tax B – for all other properties.

Pay waste fee

House and property owners receive notices from the responsible authority about the waste fees they have to pay. The scale of charges is intended to create effective incentives t...

Paying the drinking water levy

The supply of drinking water to citizens or customers must cover costs. The respective supplier therefore charges a fee for the direct supply of drinking water, which, depending...

Property tax assessment for real estate received

The property tax is a municipal tax that is levied on the property located on the municipal territory.

Property tax assessment notice for agricultural and forestry land or agricultural and forestry businesses received

Property tax is a municipal tax levied on real property located within the municipality.

Provision of aerial images and digital orthophotos

Aerial photographs and digital orthophotos (DOP) derived from them from various eras of the state territory are held in the state aerial photograph collection of the Saxony-Anhal...

Receive waste advice

The responsible office offers you advice on environmentally friendly disposal and the avoidance of unnecessary waste.

Register apartment

Anyone moving into an apartment must register with the registration office within two weeks of moving in.

Register broadcasting fee

If you are an adult, you must pay a broadcasting fee for your home. Please note: If another person already pays a broadcasting fee for your home, you are exempt from paying. ...

Register collection of paper waste

You can register the collection of your paper waste from your private household if your public waste disposal provider offers this service.

Registering a secondary residence

If you move into an apartment that you do not use primarily, you must register it as a secondary residence.

Registering your main residence

If you move into an apartment, you must register with the registration office within two weeks of moving in.

Requesting a block on information in the population register

A block on information in the population register is only entered under strict conditions. For this purpose, you must credibly prove that you or another person could be...

Second home tax

The cities and municipalities can decide under their own jurisdiction and municipal fiscal responsibility whether and to what extent they wish to levy second home tax, taking int...

View rent index

If you would like information on the local comparative rent in your area, you can usually find this in the rent index of your city or municipality.

Receive notification of the property tax assessment amount

If you are the owner of real estate (or, in the new federal states, the user of agricultural and forestry property) that is not exempt from real estate tax, the tax office will issue a real estate tax assessment notice to you.

Register collection of organic waste

You can register the collection of your organic waste from your private household if your public waste disposal provider offers this service.

Registering the hiring of domestic help on a mini-job basis

If you employ domestic employees on a mini-job basis, you must register this using the household cheque procedure.

Report significant changes for housing benefit such as number of household members, rent, charges or income

If you already receive housing benefit, you must report certain changes in your personal circumstances.

Request arbitration in a dispute with a telecommunications provider

If you have a dispute with your telecommunications provider, you can contact the Federal Network Agency's Telecommunications Arbitration Board under certain conditions. It can help to settle the dispute without having to go to court.

Residual waste disposal

Would you like to dispose of residual waste? This is the responsibility of your local waste disposal company, which is also responsible for the disposal of residual waste in addition to the various types of separate waste collection.

Submit application for continued housing allowance

To ensure that there is no interruption in housing allowance payments, you should submit an application for continued housing allowance payments 2 months before the end of the allowance period.