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There are 136 services for Certificates


The public authorities can issue a range of certificates. For example, registry offices issue birth, marriage and death certificates from the civil status register.


Age and marriage anniversaries

The state government congratulates retirees on the completion of the 100th year of life and on each subsequent birthday as well as marriage anniversaries on the occasion of the...

Application for the issue of a death certificate in the event of a death on a German seagoing vessel

You can apply for the issue of a death certificate for a death occurring on a German seagoing vessel at the registry office I in Berlin.

Application for the issue of a replacement certificate for a firearms possession card for seriously endangered public officials for the acquisition and possession of firearms

If you require a replacement certificate for a firearms possession card for high-risk public officials for the acquisition and possession of firearms, you must submit an application to the competent authority. You can find out more here.

Apply for a birth certificate

You do not have your birth certificate, but you need it for a marriage or other official act, for example? Then you can apply for a birth certificate to be issued.

Apply for a birth certificate for foreign-born children

If you need proof of birth from the former German territories or from the consular and colonial registers, you can apply for a birth certificate. You can obtain this from the registry office I in Berlin.

Apply for a birth certificate for home birth

On the basis of the certification made in the birth register, you can obtain a birth certificate for the home birth on application.

Apply for a certificate according to the Infection Protection Act for activities with foodstuffs

If you are working or employed in the food sector for the first time, you will need a certificate from the public health department confirming that you have been instructed in infection control.

Apply for a certificate for leaving the church

The registry office in your place of residence will accept your declaration of withdrawal from the church. You can make a verbal declaration for the record at the registry office...

Apply for a certificate of inheritance

You inherited. If you now want to dispose of the inheritance, in many cases a certificate of inheritance is required so that you can identify yourself in business transactions....

Apply for a certificate of marriage

You will receive a certificate of your marriage from the registrar when you register your civil marriage. You will need this, for example, for the priest who performs the church...

Apply for a certificate of no impediment to marriage

A certificate of no impediment to marriage certifies that there are no legal obstacles to an intended marriage. Whether such a certificate is required depends on the law of the...

Apply for a certificate of no impediment to marriage for German citizens with residence or habitual abode abroad

The certificate of no impediment to marriage is issued if it is required for a marriage abroad.

It is issued for German citizens with residence or habitual abode abroad by the registry office 1 in Berlin.

Apply for a certificate of notification of death

If you cannot be issued a death certificate after reporting a death due to missing data, you can have the death report certified.

Apply for a change of address on the eID card

If your address changes, you must also have your address changed on your eID card.

Apply for a corpse passport

For the transfer of a corpse to another federal state, a corpse passport is only required if this or a federal state touched on the journey requires one. A corpse passport is...

Apply for a death certificate

If one of your family members has died, you can apply for a death certificate at the relevant registry office.

Apply for a fishing license

Would you like to go fishing? Then find out here what you need to know.

Apply for a green firearms possession card for a single person

If you as an individual wish to acquire and possess weapons and/or ammunition, you must apply for a permit from the relevant weapons authority.

Apply for a green gun ownership card as an heir

If you have inherited weapons and/or ammunition, you must apply to the relevant weapons authority within one month for permission to continue possessing the weapons.

Apply for a gun license

If you want to carry a firearm in public, you must first apply for a firearms license.

Apply for a hunting license

Anyone wishing to hunt must take a hunting test and obtain a hunting licence.However, the hunting licence alone does not entitle the holder to hunt. In addition to the hunting...

Apply for a joint certificate of inheritance for prior or subsequent heirs with a limited scope

A joint certificate of inheritance can be issued for several heirs. Each co-heir can apply for a joint certificate of inheritance. It shows whether there is a prior and subsequent inheritance. If parts of the estate are located abroad, it can be restricted in terms of subject matter.

Apply for a multilingual death certificate form

If you need to present a German death certificate in another European country, you can apply for the issuance of a multilingual form at the registry office.

Apply for a red firearms possession card for firearms or ammunition experts

If you wish to acquire and possess weapons and/or ammunition in order to test, inspect or examine them, you must apply for a permit from the competent weapons authority.

Apply for a registration certificate

Upon request, your city, municipality or association municipality will also issue you with a special registration confirmation in the form of a registration certificate (e.g. for...

Apply for a shooting permit

If you want to shoot with a firearm that requires or does not require a permit, you must apply for a permit in advance. In particular, hunters when hunting and sport shooters when shooting at approved shooting ranges are exempt.

Apply for a simple certificate of good conduct

Not all entries in the central register are included in a certificate of good conduct. The type of certificate of good conduct is decisive for the contents: for private...

Apply for a yellow gun possession card for individual marksmen

If you wish to acquire and possess weapons and/or ammunition as a sport shooter, you must apply for a permit from the relevant weapons authority.

Apply for admission to the amateur radio service

You can apply to the Federal Network Agency for authorization to participate in the amateur radio service.

Apply for an Aircraft Station Licence call sign

If you wish to participate in aeronautical and aeronautical navigation radio, the BNetzA will assign you the callsign with the Aircraft Station Licence on application. In addition, you must notify changes, for example, the holder address or the radio technical equipment.

Apply for an extended certificate of good conduct

If you are or will be working professionally, voluntarily or in any other way with children and young people, you will need an extended certificate of good conduct. The...

Apply for an international birth certificate

If you need proof of birth to be presented to foreign bodies, you can apply for a multilingual birth certificate.

Apply for birth certificate for births on seagoing vessels

If a child is born during a voyage on a German seagoing vessel, the registry office I in Berlin certifies the birth in its birth register. The skipper takes a transcript and forwards it to the Registry Office I in Berlin.

Apply for entry in the marriage register

Properly issued marriage certificates (marriage certificates) from abroad are generally recognised in Germany. There is no obligation to subsequently certify the marriage.However...

Apply for entry in the register of property rights

If you have concluded a marriage contract, you can have the selected matrimonial property regime entered in the matrimonial property register.

Apply for extended population register information

In order to obtain extended information about individual specific persons, you must credibly demonstrate a legitimate interest in doing so. You will receive information about...

Apply for German citizenship (for foreigners eligible for naturalization)

If you are a foreigner and wish to become a German citizen with all rights and obligations, you are entitled to naturalization under certain conditions.

Apply for information from the population register

You can find the person you are looking for by obtaining information from the civil register of your municipality. There are the following types of information from the civil...

Apply for information from the population register vis-à-vis housing providers

As the owner of a dwelling, you can obtain information from the population register about the persons living in your dwelling if you can credibly demonstrate a legal interest. ...

Apply for information from the population register vis-à-vis parties and voter groups

Parties, electoral groups and other sponsors of election proposals may obtain the following information on persons entitled to vote from the civil register in the 6 months prior...

Apply for number assignment for recreational or commercial shipping (Ship Station License)

The Federal Network Agency will assign you numbers for recreational and commercial shipping in the form of a Ship Station License upon application. You must also notify certain changes.

Apply for official registration confirmation

After registering or deregistering with the registration office, you will receive written confirmation in the form of an official registration confirmation. The official...

Apply for participation in an amateur radio examination

You can apply to the Federal Network Agency to take the amateur radio examination.

Apply for permission to permanently transfer firearms or ammunition into, through or out of the Federal Republic of Germany

Do you want to permanently export weapons or ammunition from Germany to other countries, permanently import them into Germany or transport them through Germany? Then you need a permit.

Apply for permission to take Trichinella samples from wild boar and badgers

If you are a hunter and wish to take samples for official Trichinella testing of wild boar and badgers yourself, you must apply for a permit to take Trichinella samples. You must meet certain requirements for this.

Apply for population register information for groups

You will only receive information from the civil register about a large number of persons not named by name (group information) if this is in the public interest. You can freely...

Apply for seafarer's identity card

If you are or want to be professionally active in maritime shipping , you can apply for proof in the form of a seafarer's certificate under certain conditions.

Apply for simple information from the population register

Within the scope of a simple registration register enquiry, the registration office will provide you with the surname, first names, doctor's degree and current addresses of the...

Apply for the designation of a child

You can change your child's name if your spouse is not the child's parent and you want your child to receive your married name.

Apply for the issue of an amateur radio examination certificate or an amateur radio certificate

If you pass the amateur radio examination, you can apply for an amateur radio examination certificate or an amateur radio certificate.

Applying for a birth certificate for birth abroad

You, your child or another close family member in ascending or descending lineage was born abroad? Then you can have the birth subsequently certified in the birth register at the registry office responsible for you.

Applying for a certificate of residence under a treaty to avoid double taxation

If you, as a taxable (legal) person, earn foreign income from a country with which an agreement to avoid double taxation exists, a certificate of residence may be required for submission to a foreign tax authority. may be required.

Applying for a certificate of sole inheritance due to statutory succession

If you are the sole heir according to statutory succession, you can apply to the probate court for a sole heir certificate to prove your status as an heir.

Applying for a certificate of sole inheritance on the basis of a will

If you have accepted your inheritance, you will often need proof of your status as an heir. If you are the sole heir according to a will or inheritance contract, you can apply for a sole heir certificate.

Applying for a certificate of sole inheritance with limited objectivity

If you are the sole heir, you will often need a certificate of inheritance as proof of your inheritance rights. You can have this limited to the estate in Germany if the estate is located both in Germany and abroad.

Applying for a change of surname at ethnic German repatriates

As a displaced person or ethnic German repatriate, you, your spouse or your descendants can discard components of your previous name if these are not common in Germany. You can...

Applying for a change of surname in a civil partnership

There are many ways to determine the name. In some cases, special features must also be taken into account (e.g. for the naming of foreign life partners or if there are joint...

Applying for a change of surname in a marriage

There are many ways to determine the name. In some cases, special features must also be observed, e.g. for the naming of foreign spouses or if there are joint children born befor...

Applying for a civil partnership certificate

Do you need a civil partnership certificate? You can obtain your civil partnership certificate from the registry office in whose area the civil partnership was established. The registry office will issue it from the civil partnership register.

Applying for a death certificate for death abroad

Properly issued death certificates from abroad are generally recognised in Germany. There is no obligation to re-notarize.However, the subsequent entry in the death register can...

Applying for a death certificate for Germans abroad without German residence

If a German or a German without a permanent residence in Germany dies abroad, you can have the death subsequently notarized at the responsible German registry office.  

Applying for a death certificate in the event of death on a foreign seagoing vessel

You can apply for the subsequent certification of a death on a foreign seagoing vessel in a German death register at the responsible German registry office.

Applying for a joint certificate of inheritance

The probate court can issue a so-called joint certificate of inheritance for several heirs. Each co-heir can apply for a joint certificate of inheritance.

Applying for a joint certificate of inheritance

The probate court can also issue a so-called joint certificate of inheritance for several heirs. Each co-heir can apply for a joint certificate of inheritance.

Applying for a joint certificate of inheritance according to intestate succession

The probate court can also issue a so-called joint certificate of inheritance for several heirs. Each co-heir can apply for a joint certificate of inheritance.

Applying for a joint certificate of inheritance based on a will

The probate court can also issue a so-called joint certificate of inheritance for several testamentary heirs. Each co-heir can apply for a joint certificate of inheritance.

Applying for a joint certificate of inheritance for prior or subsequent heirs

The probate court can also issue a so-called joint certificate of inheritance for several heirs. Each co-heir can apply for a joint certificate of inheritance. If there is a prior and subsequent inheritance, this is indicated on the certificate of inheritance.

Applying for a joint certificate of inheritance limited to specific items

The probate court can also issue a so-called joint certificate of inheritance for several heirs. Each co-heir can apply for a joint certificate of inheritance. This can be restricted in terms of subject matter if parts of the estate are located abroad.

Applying for a joint certificate of inheritance on the basis of a will

The probate court can also issue a so-called joint certificate of inheritance for several heirs. Each testamentary co-heir can apply for a joint certificate of inheritance.

Applying for a joint certificate of inheritance on the basis of intestate succession

The probate court can also issue a so-called joint certificate of inheritance for several heirs. Each co-heir can apply for a joint certificate of inheritance.

Applying for a joint certificate of partial inheritance for prior or subsequent heirs

The probate court can also issue a so-called joint certificate of inheritance for several heirs. Each co-heir can apply for a joint certificate of inheritance. If there is a prior and subsequent inheritance, this is indicated on the certificate of inheritance.

Applying for a joint certificate of partial inheritance for prior or subsequent heirs with limited objectivity

A joint certificate of inheritance can also be issued for several heirs; each co-heir can apply for one. If there is a prior and subsequent inheritance, the certificate of inheritance will indicate this. It can be restricted in terms of subject matter if parts of the estate are located abroad.

Applying for a joint certificate of partial inheritance limited to specific items

The probate court can also issue a so-called joint certificate of inheritance for several heirs. Each co-heir can apply for a joint certificate of inheritance. This can be restricted in terms of subject matter if parts of the estate are located abroad.

Applying for a marriage certificate

Do you need a marriage certificate? You will receive your marriage certificate from the registry office in whose area the marriage was concluded. The registry office issues them from the marriage register.

Applying for a minimum joint certificate of inheritance

The probate court can also issue a so-called joint minimum certificate of inheritance for several heirs. Each co-heir can apply for a joint minimum certificate of inheritance.

Applying for a Mobile ICT Card Renewal

As a Mobile ICT card holder, you can apply for its renewal under certain conditions

Applying for a red gun ownership card for gun or ammunition collectors

If you want to collect weapons and/or ammunition, you must apply for a permit from the relevant weapons authority.

Applying for a replacement certificate for a firearms possession card for high-risk public officials to carry firearms

If you wish to obtain a replacement certificate for a firearms possession card for high-risk public officials to carry firearms, you must submit an application to the competent authority.

Applying for a residence permit to participate in the European Voluntary Service

If you wish to participate in a European Voluntary Service under EU Directive 2016/801, you can apply for a temporary residence permit

Applying for a residence permit to participate in the European Voluntary Service Extension

If you hold a residence permit to participate in a European Voluntary Service for a period of less than one year and wish to continue your voluntary service, you can apply for an extension of your residence permit.

Applying for an employment permit for persons with a residence permit

If you would like to work during an ongoing asylum procedure and have already found an employer who would like to employ you, you can apply for an employment permit.

Applying for annulment of the marriage

If you believe that your marriage is not legal, you can apply for the annulment of your marriage.

Applying for permission for a burial place

The  occupancy and extension of a private burial place as well as the reoccupation of a closed burial place require a written permission of the competent authority.

Applying for subsequent certification of a marriage concluded abroad

Are you a German citizen who got married abroad, have no place of residence in Germany and would like to have the marriage recorded in the marriage register in Germany?

Carry academic degrees, titles and designations of foreign universities

If you have the academic degree of a foreign university, then you can use it without permission under certain conditions.

Certificate of no impediment to marriage Apply for exemption from the template for foreign nationals

If you do not have German citizenship and want to get married in Germany, you will need a certificate of no impediment to marriage from your home country. If you are not issued one, you can apply for an exemption from the presentation of a certificate of no impediment to marriage.

Change the order of first names

If you have more than one first name, you can have their order changed by making a declaration.

Changing a child's family name by a parent with sole custody

You can have your child's name changed to the other parent's family name.

Changing family names for an important reason

You must have an important reason for changing your name.

Collecting a single heir certificate

If it subsequently transpires that the heir named in the certificate of inheritance is not the real heir, the certificate of inheritance can be revoked.

Concluding an inheritance contract

In addition to drawing up a will, there are also cases when it is better to conclude a contract of inheritance. You can also determine the transfer of your assets in the...

Create a declaration of consent for minors when travelling without guardians

For minors travelling abroad unaccompanied by their parents, a declaration of consent from the parents is recommended.

Declare change of gender entry and first names

If your gender identity differs from your officially registered gender entry, you can have your gender and first name details changed. To do this, you must submit a declaration to the registry office.

Declaring joint custody of a child

If you as parents are not married to each other at the time of your child's birth, you can obtain joint custody by both submitting declarations of custody.

Extend gun license

If your firearms license expires, you must have it renewed.

Have a death certificate issued

If a person dies, a death certificate must be issued. You can find out who gets them and what they are important for here.

Have hunting license replaced due to loss

If your hunting license is lost, you can get a replacement document.

Have the reported amateur radio station entered in the EMF database

If you operate a fixed amateur radio system with an equivalent isotropic radiated power (EIRP) of 10 watts or more, you can apply for the Federal Network Agency to include it in the database for electromagnetic fields (EMF database).

Hunting license - Apply for a day hunting license for the first time

If you would like to hunt, you can obtain a day hunting license from the competent authority under certain conditions.

Hunting license - applying for an annual hunting license for the first time

If you wish to hunt, you can obtain an annual hunting license from the competent authority under certain conditions.

Hunting license - have a day hunting license renewed

If the validity of your hunting license expires or has already expired and you wish to continue hunting, you must have it renewed.

Hunting license - reapply for annual hunting license after confiscation

If your hunting license has been revoked by the issuing authority, you may reapply for it after the specified period of ineligibility has expired.

Hunting license - reapply for day hunting license after confiscation

If your hunting license has been revoked by the issuing authority, you may reapply for it after the specified period of ineligibility has expired.

Information from the population register - apply for self-disclosure

Upon request, you will receive information about the data stored about you in the population register. The information includes: the data stored about you in the population...

Issuance of a certificate of no impediment to marriage for stateless persons, persons entitled to asylum, recognized refugees and persons whose nationality cannot be determined with habitual residence in Germany

If you wish to marry abroad, there may be a legal standard in the country where you intend to marry which requires the presentation of such a certificate. A certificate of no...

Issuing a death certificate in case of death abroad

You can apply for the issuance of a German death certificate for a death occurring abroad at the responsible German registry office.

Make a follow-up declaration for a child's name change

You can change your child's name if your name has changed.

Nominate lifesavers for an award

Persons who have saved human lives at the risk of their own lives or averted a significant danger to the general public are awarded the Rescue Medal by the Prime Minister of...

Obtain certification of the required expertise in radiation protection

If you work in the technical field of radiation protection (e.g., operating X-ray equipment or handling radioactive materials), you must have the necessary expertise. This must be tested and certified by the competent authority.

Printout from the birth register

You do not have your birth certificate, but you need it for a marriage or other official act, for example? Then you can apply for a printout from the birth register.

Re-accept birth names

You have divorced or ended your civil partnership and would like to change your name? If your maiden name or name used before marriage or civil partnership was not a surname ...

Register marriage

If you want to get married, you must register the marriage in advance.

Registering health care proxies and advance care directives in the central register of health care proxies

If you have set up a power of attorney and/or a care directive, you should register it in the Central Register of Lasting Powers of Attorney of the Federal Chamber of Notaries.

Report radio interference

If you suspect radio interference, you can report it to the test and measurement service of the Federal Network Agency.

Request a change in the child's surname after birth

You can redefine your child's name if you do not exercise joint custody with the other parent until after birth.

Request a change of first name

You can have your first name changed under certain conditions.

Request a multilingual extract from the civil register

If you need a multilingual extract from the civil register, you can apply for it at the competent registry office. The extracts are issued, for example, from birth, marriage and streep registers.

Request access to the register of property regimes

You can consult the register of property regimes.

Request clarification of the non-existence of an option obligation

German citizenship: determination of the continued existence of German citizenship for children born in Germany within the framework of the option obligation

Request extension of the certificate of international mediation procedure

The certificate of a mediated international adoption procedure can be extended for 1 year upon request.

Requesting the return of an officially deposited disposition of property upon death (e.g. will)

Would you like to have your disposition of property upon death (e.g. will) or an inheritance contract held in the official custody of a notary returned? Then you can apply to the depositary to have it returned.

Show installation of a blocking system for inherited weapons

If you need to have your inherited firearms blocked, you must report this to the relevant firearms authority.

Show the operation of an ostrich farm

You grow fruit and would like to serve wine or cider made from it? You must indicate this beforehand.

Submit a declaration of names of spouses without a domestic marriage or marriage entry

Under certain circumstances, married persons can also use their names after the marriage abroad by declaring them to a German registry office.

The registry office issues a certificate of this

Suggest honorary citizens

Do you know a person who has done a lot for your community? You can propose this person for honorary citizenship.

Surrender conveyance

A conveyance is a declaration of agreement between the seller and the buyer of a property. Both must make this declaration of agreement in front of a notary at the same time....

Take the fishing exam

If you want to go fishing, you need a fishing license. The prerequisite for this is passing the fishing examination. You can take this at the lower fishing authorities of the...

Waiving an inheritance

If you inherit and waive this inheritance, you must declare this to the probate court.

Weapons and ammunition - apply for permission to take them with you

If you want to temporarily take weapons or ammunition from Germany abroad, temporarily take them to Germany or take them through Germany, you need a permit.

Withdraw joint certificate of inheritance

If it subsequently transpires that the heirs named in the certificate of inheritance are not the real heirs, the certificate of inheritance can be revoked.

Youth hunting license - apply for an annual hunting license for the first time

If you wish to hunt as a young person, you must carry a youth hunting license in your name and present it to the police officers and the hunting permit holders on request.

Youth hunting license - apply for day hunting license for the first time

If you wish to hunt as a youth, you must carry a youth hunting license in your name and show it to police officers and hunting guardians upon request.