Under certain conditions, you as a private employer must prepare and publish an equal opportunities and equal pay report.
As an employer, you are obliged to treat all employee...
Responsibility for reporting dead birds
The competent veterinary offices are the addressees for the reporting of dead and sick birds (wild birds and domestic poultry). Finding a...
The demographic changes in society are omnipresent and of a very complex nature. They result in social developments to which the state must react - at the federal, state and loca...
If you are admitted to an accommodation facility, you must register with the registration office as soon as the stay exceeds six months.
If you do not have an apartment within...
If you are the operator of a renewable energy system, you must register the system with the Federal Network Agency.
If you are admitted to or move into a hospital, home or similar institution, you only have to register as soon as your stay exceeds three months and you are not registered for an...
Each chamber of veterinary surgeons keeps a register of members. Chamber members are obliged to provide their chamber with the necessary information. The type and scope of the...