What will your business plan be like? What legal form will your business
take? How will it be funded? Planning to start a business raises many questions. Do
you need assistance? A broad range of support and funding is available. You will find
advisory services and relevant professional networks here.
There are numerous publicly financed consulting and funding opportunities for prospective entrepreneurs. With comprehensive and effective consulting programs, qualification and...
If you need information and advice on saving energy, please contact one of the consumer advice centres in the country. There you will be advised on various savings possibilities...
The employer is responsible for the occupational health and safety of its employees. Effective occupational safety is only possible if the potential hazards in the workplace are...
If you wish to provide legal advice in the following areas, you must register with the competent authority.
Debt collection services
Pension advice in the field of statutory...
If you want to do business or work in Germany, the single points of contact will inform you about legal requirements and help you to complete administrative procedures quickly and easily online.