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There are 19 services for Consumer protection

Consumer protection

Health risks can arise from facilities, products or food. It is the task of consumer protection to identify these risks and thereby protect the health of consumers.


Application for renewal of an approved variety

The approval of a variety marketed by you or other registered breeders expires? Then you can apply to the Bundessortenamt (BSA) for an extension of the approval.

Apply for an environmental impact assessment

For a large number of projects and plans for which significant environmental impacts are to be expected, an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is already required in the...

Apply for approval as a testing laboratory for raw milk

If you want to operate a testing laboratory that carries out quality checks on raw milk, you need a license.

Apply for approval of a new plant variety

You can only market a new plant variety that you have bred for food or feed for commercial purposes after the Federal Plant Variety Office (BSA) has completed its multi-year growing trial and you have obtained official variety approval.

Apply for approval of health claims on food

Health claims on foods usually require approval. You can apply for this approval via the E-Submission Food Chain (ESFC) platform of the European Commission .

Apply for food testing

Every consumer expects flawless and safe food. First of all, everyone who is an entrepreneur in the food chain is responsible for this. The food control authorities ensure that...

Apply for inclusion of a smoke flavoring primary product in the Community list of authorized primary products.

If you want to use a new smoke flavoring in or on food, you must have it approved at the European level . If approved, the smoke flavoring will be placed on the EU Community List of Primary Products.

Complain to the Federal Network Agency about postal and parcel service providers

In case of basic problems with mail or parcel delivery, you can complain to Bundesnetzagentur.

Cosmetics: Report undesirable effects and damage to health

In rare cases, cosmetics can trigger undesirable effects such as skin irritation. Information from consumers on this is important for authorities and manufacturers. Manufacturers or retailers must report effects with serious health consequences to the authorities.

Information on pollutants in food and feed

As a consumer, you have a right to be offered only food, cosmetic products and consumer goods that are harmless to health and use.

Initiate or apply for the indexing of a medium harmful to minors

If you as an authority or youth welfare organization consider the content of a medium to be harmful to minors, you can apply to the Federal Agency for the Protection of Children and Young Persons in the Media (BzKJ) for an indexing procedure or initiate one.

Lodging a complaint against financial service providers

If you are having problems with a bank, insurance company or other financial service provider, you can lodge a complaint with the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht).

Report possible discrimination in access to railroad tracks and service facilities

If you as a company feel that your access to the rail infrastructure is restricted, you can file a discrimination complaint with the Federal Network Agency.

Report price-fixing and other restrictive agreements between undertakings

Cartels harm the economy as a whole and consumers in particular. If competitors coordinate their behaviour on a market in order to restrict or eliminate competition, this is...

Report radio interference

If you suspect radio interference, you can report it to the test and measurement service of the Federal Network Agency.

Request image files for labeling tobacco packaging or cigarette packets with text image warnings

As a manufacturer or importer of cigarettes, roll-your-own tobacco, and hookah tobacco, you must print text image warnings on your cigarette and tobacco packaging. You can obtain the image files from the Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety.

Submit an application for the use of a term as a common traditional name as an exception to the application of Article 1(3) of Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006

Designations that can be construed as health claims may be used without an approval procedure, provided that an approved health claim is attached. You can apply for an exception to this rule for traditional names.

Submitting a complaint against companies in the financial services sector

Do you believe that a company has violated the German Investment Code? Then you can lodge a complaint with the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin). You can use the general complaints procedure to do so.

Submitting complaints and inquiries in the area of telecommunications

As a customer of an Internet, mobile or fixed network provider, you can find out about your rights and submit inquiries and complaints to the Federal Network Agency.