No resolution in sight? There are conflicts that companies cannot resolve
on their own; in such cases, they have to turn to a court. Here you can find
information and government services regarding justice and your rights.
If you would like to work as a translator in judicial matters, you need an authorisation (Section 142(3) of the Code of Civil Procedure).
The translators' activities include...
Every citizen is entitled to help exercise his or her rights. Those who are unable to raise the necessary financial resources for personal and economic reasons have the option of...
If a deceased person has been inherited by several people, the law does not allocate different items to each individual. All heirs share in the deceased's assets in proportion to...
If you are obliged to appoint a group money laundering officer or a group money laundering officer, this must be reported to the supervisory authority in advance. This also applies if you wish to remove a group money laundering officer ("disengage").
In many areas, fines are used as a sanction to alert those affected to their misconduct and to motivate them to comply with the regulations in the future.
A fine procedure is initiated if a serious administrative offence has been committed. Typical examples are not minor speeding, violation of the 0.5 per mille limit, traffic...
Are you an obligated party as defined by the Money Laundering Act and want to transfer business and/or customer-related internal security measures to an external third party?If so, you are required to notify the relevant supervisory authority accordingly.
Undeclared work is performed by a person who, in the provision or commissioning of services and work to a considerable extent:
as an employer, entrepreneur or self-employed...