For a large number of projects and plans for which significant environmental impacts are to be expected, an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is already required in the...
Every consumer expects flawless and safe food. First of all, everyone who is an entrepreneur in the food chain is responsible for this.
The food control authorities ensure that...
In accordance with Section 31 of the German Electricity and Gas Supply Act (Energiewirtschaftsgesetz - EnWG), persons or associations of persons whose interests are significantly...
As a consumer, you have a right to be offered only food, cosmetic products and consumer goods that are harmless to health and use.
If you have found an item of value, you must hand it in to the lost and found office of your municipality/city or the police. A lost property report will be recorded there. The...
If a telephone number is used illegally, the Federal Network Agency can intervene and take appropriate measures.
A number may be misused if
you are put on hold under a...
The term telephone advertising, also known as cold calling, refers to calls that are made with the purpose of selling you goods or offering you services without your prior consen...
If you slaughter animals whose meat is intended for human consumption, you must have the animals officially inspected before and after slaughter. This concerns:
Be it on television, in magazines or on billboards - advertising is part of everyday life. However, advertising motifs and commercials do not always adhere to the limits that...