In the case of projects and planning that lead to impairments of nature and the landscape - such as road construction projects - the polluter is obligated to provide compensation...
In order to carry out animal experiments on vertebrate animals, approval of the experimental project by the competent authority is required.
If you want to collect forest products such as mushrooms, berries and herbs commercially, you need a permit from the respective forest owner. If these forest products are...
Landscape protection includes all measures for the protection and maintenance of a section of the earth's surface (landscape). In order to protect landscapes, certain parts can b...
A change barrier serves to secure urban land use planning, especially for larger traffic construction projects.
With a value of around 10 billion euros, animal feed is the most important agricultural input in Germany. The demand for animal feed is about 66 million tons per year, which...
Biosphere reserves are large, representative sections of natural and cultural landscapes that are divided into core zone, maintenance zone and development zone, depending on the...
The districts and independent cities are responsible for nature conservation and the implementation of the Saxony-Anhalt Nature Conservation Act as the lower nature conservation...
The animal and plant species listed in Annexes A and B to Regulation (EC) No 338/97 shall be subject to a general prohibition on marketing. This EC regulation implements the...
Protected biotopes are habitats of special plant and animal species. These habitats deserve special protection, either because they are extremely rare, have a high ecological...
Municipal sewage treatment plants and wastewater-producing commercial and industrial enterprises are controlled by the state water supervisory authority. In addition to...
Ragweed (also known as ragweed, ragweed or wild hemp) originates from the north-eastern United States and is increasingly spreading in Europe.
The plant has now also been...
Nature parks have developed rapidly in Saxony-Anhalt in recent years. In addition to the existing parks Drömling, Unstrut Triasland and Dübener Heide, the Harz National Park (200...
If you want to carry out a home slaughter, you must register it in good time for the ante-mortem and post-mortem inspection with the veterinary and food inspection office of your...
Landscape conservation has the task of preserving and developing ecological and landscape diversity. In particular, it includes all measures to secure, maintain and create new...
Animal welfare means the individual protection of every animal, regardless of whether it lives in the wild or is kept in human care. It is about species-appropriate husbandry, th...
If you slaughter animals whose meat is intended for human consumption, you must have the animals officially inspected before and after slaughter. This concerns:
Upon request, specialist companies must prove the status of specialist company to the lower water authority in whose district they are active. It must also be possible to prove...