So that customers can reach your business easily and its infrastructure
works well, here you will find an overview of information and contacts at public
authorities for businesses regarding developing their premises, from how to receive a
street number to how to connect to the water supply.
House numbers are assigned by the general regulatory authority on the basis of building applications, notifications of construction measures or at the request of the owners. The...
If you wish to purchase a plot of land, you can find out which municipal levies, based on federal law, are associated with this plot of land by applying to the relevant municipality for a certificate of annexation.
To lay telecommunications cables in public thoroughfares, you need rights of way transferred by the Federal Network Agency. The city or municipality then grants you permission to lay the telecommunications cables.
If you are the owner of a property on which drinking water is required, you must have the property connected to the supply system of the responsible municipality (municipality or special-purpose association). This is associated with costs.
As a private individual or company, you can participate in the preparation or amendment of a joint land use plan as part of the public participation process.
According to §§ 127 et seq., the municipalities are obliged to levy development contributions for the initial construction of development facilities (in particular for roads intended for cultivation) from the owners of the land developed by the development system.
As the owner or operator of a public utility network, submit information on planned or ongoing construction work via the Infrastructure Atlas portal (ISA portal) and thus fulfill your obligation to provide information, if any.
If you are involved in a project to expand public utility networks, you can request to see the Infrastructure Atlas (ISA) to obtain information on network infrastructures in an area to prepare for joint use.
The IBA STADT MONITOR is an instrument for digital data maintenance with the aim of documenting and evaluating urban redevelopment processes in the state of Saxony-Anhalt. It is ...