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There are 3 services for The right of appeal in administrative proceedings

The right of appeal in administrative proceedings

Fair and enforceable rules provide the foundation for economic growth and prosperity. Properly functioning competition is in the interest of both consumers and companies. Here you will find an overview of government services regarding the right of appeal.


Communicate indications of antitrust violations

If you have indications of possible infringements of cartel law you can send them to the Bundeskartellamt as a submission or complaint.

Report price-fixing and other restrictive agreements between undertakings

Cartels harm the economy as a whole and consumers in particular. If competitors coordinate their behaviour on a market in order to restrict or eliminate competition, this is...

Requesting the withdrawal of a decision by the Künstlersozialkasse (Artists' Social Insurance Fund)

If you discover that a decision by the Künstlersozialkasse is incorrect, it will take it back under certain conditions.