What paperwork do you have to do after the birth of a child? For example,
publishing the birth announcement and applying for a birth certificate. What support
is available and what do you have to do?
You do not have your birth certificate, but you need it for a marriage or other official act, for example? Then you can apply for a birth certificate to be issued.
If you need proof of birth from the former German territories or from the consular and colonial registers, you can apply for a birth certificate. You can obtain this from the registry office I in Berlin.
The Minister President of the State of Saxony-Anhalt assumes honorary godparenthood for multiples (triplets or more) upon application. The honorary godparenthood is linked to the...
If a child is born during a voyage on a German seagoing vessel, the registry office I in Berlin certifies the birth in its birth register. The skipper takes a transcript and forwards it to the Registry Office I in Berlin.
When you become a mother, you can receive maternity benefits for the protective periods before and after childbirth as well as for the day of delivery. You can apply for maternity benefit either from your statutory health insurance fund or from the Federal Social Security Office (BAS).
You, your child or another close family member in ascending or descending lineage was born abroad? Then you can have the birth subsequently certified in the birth register at the registry office responsible for you.
If you as parents are not married to each other at the time of your child's birth, you can obtain joint custody by both submitting declarations of custody.
Have you had a child and would like to determine the child's name and order birth certificates, as well as apply for parental allowance and child benefit? Here you can find out how you can do everything at the same time, bundled and simply with one application.
If you have applied for parental allowance, the amount of parental allowance will be calculated by the responsible parental allowance office.
Parental allowance is based on the...
The hotline of the Maternity Benefit Office informs you about:
Conditions for eligibility for maternity benefit
necessary documents
Procedure for submitting an application
If you wish to make a declaration recognizing the maternity of your child, insofar as this is required by your home law or the law of the country in which the child has its habitual residence.
You do not have your birth certificate, but you need it for a marriage or other official act, for example? Then you can apply for a printout from the birth register.
If you wish to make a declaration acknowledging paternity of a child and a declaration of consent from the mother, this can be publicly notarized at any registry office, youth welfare office or notary's office.
You can plan your 3 years of parental leave flexibly, but you must meet certain requirements. You must give notice of your parental leave to your employer.