If you wish to establish a patent attorney company in the legal form of a GmbH, you must apply for admission as a patent attorney company.Note: In addition to the GmbH, partner...
In the case of projects and planning that lead to impairments of nature and the landscape - such as road construction projects - the polluter is obligated to provide compensation...
If you want to place or broker bets on public horse races on a commercial basis as a bookmaker, you need a license.
The license is issued for
the location where the bets are...
If you need proof in another country that you are an entrepreneur in the Federal Republic of Germany, you can have a business legitimation card issued to you.
Hunting primarily serves to maintain and preserve a healthy and species-appropriate wild animal population. It also aims to protect game and secure and maintain its livelihood.
You must apply for approval from the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA) whenever you wish to offer armed services with the aim of countering piracy on seagoing...
You need a trade permit for your work as a fee-based financial investment advisor if you
advise on transactions with certain financial instruments and your recommendation is...
You need a permit to work as a real estate loan broker if you are a professional
Real estate consumer loans within the meaning of § 491 paragraph 3 of the Civil Code or
If you want to carry letters commercially, you must apply for a permit to do so.
You always need a licence for the commercial transport of letters if you collect, forward or...
The independent schools are run as substitute or supplementary schools. They are subject to state school supervision.The independent institutions are responsible for the design o...
In order to carry out animal experiments on vertebrate animals, approval of the experimental project by the competent authority is required.
If you want to collect forest products such as mushrooms, berries and herbs commercially, you need a permit from the respective forest owner. If these forest products are...
In the case of a construction project subject to approval, you as the design author entitled to submit a building template bear a high degree of responsibility. Both the building...
If you want to run a daycare center as an independent provider, you need a permit.
The care of the children by suitable staff is ensured.
The welfare of the...
If you would like to organize shows of people on a commercial basis or have them organized on your premises, you need a permit (in addition to the business registration and, if...
If you want to place substances or preparations on the market to private end consumers on a commercial or independent basis within the framework of an economic enterprise, which...
Test engineer for stability is anyone who is recognized as such by the supreme building supervisory authorityis recognised. Other persons may not use this designation.In order to...
Audit experts check and certify in their respective specialist area on behalf of the client orof the other person responsible under building code law to comply with building...
Test experts examine and certify in their respective specialist area on behalf of the client orof the other person responsible under building regulations to comply with building...
Inspection experts check and certify compliance with building regulations requirements in their respective specialist area on behalf of the client or the other person responsible...
Building products, their manufacture/application
Types of construction whose execution
require exceptional expertise and experience of the persons entrusted with them, must...
Insolvency counseling is a supplement to general debt counseling. Both services advise people in and over-indebted who are in need of expert help. The task of the insolvency...
Depending on the size and type of system, you may need a system permit in addition to the water discharge permit or indirect discharge permit (into the public sewer system) for...
For the construction and operation as well as the substantial modification of the facilities and the operation of
ports and transshipment points,
landing stages and
A coat of arms is a sign created according to certain rules in the form of a shield. Coat of arms represent people, families, certain groups of people or personified objects,...
The coat of arms of the state of Saxony-Anhalt is carried in a semicircular shield.
The shield is divided. The upper part is determined by the old provincial coat of arms of the...
At the request of the pawnbroker to the competent authority, the deadline may be extended if there is good reason.
The deadline shall be extended for as long as the important...
The animal and plant species listed in Annexes A and B to Regulation (EC) No 338/97 shall be subject to a general prohibition on marketing. This EC regulation implements the...
If you want to acquire, transport or handle explosive substances for non-commercial purposes, you need an official permit.
This may be restricted in terms of content and space...
If you wish to conduct public auctions (forced lien sales or distress sales), you require a public appointment for this. The owner of the auctioned property has no influence on...
A substitute school which guarantees that it permanently meets the requirements placed on corresponding public schools may, upon application, be awarded the status of a recognise...
A permit is required for the establishment of a savings bank. Savings banks may only be set up and operated by local authorities and special-purpose associations.
Anyone intending to commence operation of an energy supply network requires authorisation from the competent authority under Land law.
If you operate a restaurant, the competent authority may issue orders at any time to the extent necessary to protect guests or employees of the establishment or against risks to...
Persons entrusted with the management of a restaurant and employees there must, upon request, provide the competent authority with the oral and written information necessary for...
The closure period is the time in which the establishment must be closed to guests.
Pursuant to Section 18(2) of the Restaurant Act of the Land of Saxony-Anhalt (GastG LSA) of 7...
A use of public road space that goes beyond or restricts common use constitutes a special use. It requires the permission of the road construction load carrier and is subject to ...
The operation of a catering business may be prohibited by the competent authority on a given occasion. Reasons for the prohibitions can be:
that the operator is unreliable, i....
As a financial investment broker and advisor, you need a permit in Germany. If you wish to be self-employed as a financial investment broker only temporarily, prior written...
To modify a wastewater treatment plant, you need a plant permit in addition to the modification of the water discharge permit or indirect discharger permit. Both permits should b...
If you, as the owner of a driving school, operate branches of this driving school, you need a branch permit.
Permission shall be granted if the classroom, teaching materials and...
The regulatory authority shall classify an energy supply network which distributes energy for the purpose of enabling the supply of customers in a geographically limited...
The Environmental Audit Act grants environmental verifiers the right to certify that organizations (industrial and service companies or other institutions) meet the requirements...
A permit must be obtained to hold events on public streets.
The profession of auditor can also be exercised in a professional company. Such a company requires state recognition as an auditing company by the Chamber of Auditors. All...
You must report the keeping of farm animals to the competent authority. This applies to the following animal species:
Relevant regulations on the operation of motorized machines, tools and garden equipment are contained in the Federal Immission Control Act -BImSchG- in conjunction with the...
If you want to offer TV programs nationwide, you need approval from the competent authority of the country in which you have your registered office.
An authorisation for TV...
You need a license to work as a real estate agent.
This applies if you commercially
broker the conclusion of contracts for land, land rights, commercial premises, residential...
The business purpose of an investment company is to make capital available to other companies by acquiring and holding shareholdings. In this way, the equity capital of the...
A waste management association is an association of companies active in waste management in which activities are carried out that
defines the requirements for the organization...
If you are planning a public event, you generally have to notify your city or municipality and have it approved under certain conditions. Special regulations apply to events on...
If you want to carry out a home slaughter, you must register it in good time for the ante-mortem and post-mortem inspection with the veterinary and food inspection office of your...
After the death of the permit holder of a restaurant, this may be continued by the spouse, partner or the minor heirs during the minority without their own permission. The same...
Any person who establishes, operates or otherwise holds a fixed installation for the production or processing or processing of nuclear fuels or for the fission of irradiated...
Every waste producer must ensure that their waste is disposed of properly. In order to legally relieve the waste producer in this respect, the legislator has introduced the term ...
Upon request, specialist companies must prove the status of specialist company to the lower water authority in whose district they are active. It must also be possible to prove...
Certain trades have been classified by the legislator as requiring monitoring.
Trades requiring monitoring are
Purchase and sale of high-quality consumer goods, in particular...
According to § 60 Abs.3 Bauordnung des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt (BauO LSA), the removal of
Installations according to § 60 Abs. 1 BauO LSA,
free-standing buildings of building...
If you want to operate a retirement / nursing home, you must report this (in addition to the business registration) to the home supervisory authority.
They must...
The profession of a certified public accountant can also be exercised in a professional company. Such a company requires state recognition as an auditing company by the Chamber...