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There are 287 services for Licences and authorisations

Licences and authorisations

From driving schools to restaurants to weapons dealerships, some business establishments and activities require special authorisations, and some professions can only be practised with such authorisations. Do you need a special licence? Then you are in the right place.


Admission as a patent law firm

If you wish to establish a patent attorney company in the legal form of a GmbH, you must apply for admission as a patent attorney company.Note: In addition to the GmbH, partner...

Allow eco-account measure to be credited

In the case of projects and planning that lead to impairments of nature and the landscape - such as road construction projects - the polluter is obligated to provide compensation...

Application for type approval for devices containing radioactive substances and installations for the generation of ionising radiation

If you wish to manufacture devices containing radioactive substances or installations for the generation of ionising radiation which may be operated without a licence or notification, you may apply for a type approval.

Apply for a bookmaker's license

If you want to place or broker bets on public horse races on a commercial basis as a bookmaker, you need a license. The license is issued for the location where the bets are...

Apply for a business legitimation card

If you need proof in another country that you are an entrepreneur in the Federal Republic of Germany, you can have a business legitimation card issued to you.

Apply for a change to the itinerant trade card

You can change or extend the activities listed in the travel business card with the competent authority.

Apply for a fireworks permit for storage

For the construction and operation of warehouses in which explosive substances are to be stored or for significant changes to these warehouses, you require a permit in accordance with the Explosives Act.

Apply for a gaming arcade license

You need a permit if you want to operate an arcade commercially.

Apply for a green firearms possession card for a single person

If you as an individual wish to acquire and possess weapons and/or ammunition, you must apply for a permit from the relevant weapons authority.

Apply for a gun license

If you want to carry a firearm in public, you must first apply for a firearms license.

Apply for a hunting permit

Hunting primarily serves to maintain and preserve a healthy and species-appropriate wild animal population. It also aims to protect game and secure and maintain its livelihood. ...

Apply for a licence to operate a capital management company

If you wish to manage investment assets as a capital management company with its registered office and head office in Germany, you need written permission or you must register.

Apply for a loan brokerage permit

Would you like to broker real estate or loan agreements on a commercial basis? For this you need an official permit. This also applies if you want to manage residential real estate on a commercial basis or prepare and carry out construction projects.

apply for a maritime surveillance licence

You must apply for approval from the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA) whenever you wish to offer armed services with the aim of countering piracy on seagoing...

Apply for a permit for a zoo

If you want to run a zoo, you'll need permission from the conservation authority. In addition to the construction and operation of a zoo, the expansion and significant changes are also subject to approval.

Apply for a permit for an insurance company

If you would like to work as a self-employed insurance broker, you need a permit from your local Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK).

Apply for a permit for fee-based financial investment advisors

You need a trade permit for your work as a fee-based financial investment advisor if you advise on transactions with certain financial instruments and your recommendation is...

Apply for a permit from a real estate loan intermediary

You need a permit to work as a real estate loan broker if you are a professional Real estate consumer loans within the meaning of § 491 paragraph 3 of the Civil Code or want...

Apply for a permit to breed, keep and trade animals

For many activities involving the commercial handling of animals, you require a permit from the competent authority.

Apply for a permit to carry mail commercially

If you want to carry letters commercially, you must apply for a permit to do so. You always need a licence for the commercial transport of letters if you collect, forward or...

Apply for a permit under immission control law for the construction and operation of systems

If you want to set up and operate a plant that could damage the environment or endanger the general public, you need a permit under immission control law.

Apply for a preliminary decision

Would you like to know whether your project is permitted and have not yet submitted a building application? Then you can submit a preliminary building application.

Apply for a preliminary decision on a plant requiring a permit

If you apply for a preliminary decision on a plant requiring a permit, the competent authority may grant this under certain conditions.

Apply for a re-authorisation of a trade after prohibition

Have you been prohibited from practising your business because of unreliability? Then you can usually apply for the re-approval of your commercial activity after 1 year under certain conditions.

Apply for a red firearms possession card for firearms or ammunition experts

If you wish to acquire and possess weapons and/or ammunition in order to test, inspect or examine them, you must apply for a permit from the competent weapons authority.

Apply for a rental car permit

Would you like to operate a rental car business? You can apply for the necessary permit from your local traffic authority.

Apply for a restaurant permit for special occasions

Would you like to offer gastronomy with alcohol as part of a time-limited event (e.g. fair, city festival, shooting festival) or for another temporary occasion (e.g. baukantinen)? Then you need a temporary permit (permit).

Apply for a right to practice crafts

Are you registered in the register of skilled crafts with a craft that requires authorization and would like to practice another craft? Then you can apply for a license to practice another craft under certain conditions.

Apply for a shooting permit

If you want to shoot with a firearm that requires or does not require a permit, you must apply for a permit in advance. In particular, hunters when hunting and sport shooters when shooting at approved shooting ranges are exempt.

Apply for a small firearms license

If you wish to carry unlicensed firearms, such as alarm weapons, irritant weapons and signal weapons with the approval mark of the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), in public, you require a small firearms license.

Apply for a travel trade card

If you want to sell goods outside of your store, you'll need a travel trade card.

Apply for a travel trade card renewal

For a travel business you need a travel trade card. You can have a temporary travel trade card renewed by the competent authority.

Apply for admission as a law firm

You want to run your law firm in the form of a limited liability company (GmbH) or a stock corporation (AG)? In this case, recognition as a law firm requires admission.

Apply for an operating permit for a two-storey pharmacy

On request, an operating permit for a secondary pharmacy can be granted.

Apply for appointment as an expert for long-term storage in accordance with the Landfill Ordinance

If you wish to act as an expert or surveyor for long-term storage facilities in accordance with the Landfill Ordinance, you must be designated as such by the competent authority.

Apply for approval as a provider of consumer information services at the Market Transparency Body for Fuels

Do you want to inform consumers about current fuel prices at service stations? Then you can use real-time data from the Market Transparency Unit for Fuels under certain conditions.

Apply for approval as an independent school

The independent schools are run as substitute or supplementary schools. They are subject to state school supervision.The independent institutions are responsible for the design o...

Apply for approval for egg packing station

Would you like to operate an egg packing station? Then you must apply to the competent authority for market authorization and a packing station code.

Apply for approval for the operation of an X-ray facility or the significant modification of the facility for materials testing

Do you want to operate an X-ray system in technical radiography for coarse structure analysis in materials testing or make changes to the operation? Then you must notify the competent authority for radiation protection and apply for a permit.

Apply for approval for the operation of an X-ray facility or the significant modification of the operation for teleradiology

If you wish to operate a teleradiology X-ray facility or make significant changes to it, you must first apply for a permit from the competent authority.

Apply for approval in the simplified procedure for an installation in accordance with the BImSchG

Are you applying for a permit for installations under the simplified procedure? Then you can obtain a permit from the competent authority for the construction and operation of installations of a certain type or scope without public participation.

Apply for approval of an aviation event

If you want to hold an event at your airfield where aircraft are displayed in flight or compete against each other in a competition, then you need a permit. You must apply for this from the relevant aviation authority.

Apply for approval of experts for cross-checks

As a private cross-check expert, you need to be licensed to test officially left samples.

Apply for approval of further tax advice centres

Establishment of a further advice centre/branch for tax consultants or tax enforcement officers

Apply for approval of the premature construction of a plant requiring a permit

In a procedure for granting a permit for facilities requiring a permit, you can submit an application to the competent authority for the early start of construction of a facility.

Apply for authorisation of animal experiments

In order to carry out animal experiments on vertebrate animals, approval of the experimental project by the competent authority is required.

Apply for authorisation to set up a branch of experts

You already have a branch as an expert and would now like to register a branch? Find out more here.

Apply for commercial collection and processing of wild plants

If you want to collect forest products such as mushrooms, berries and herbs commercially, you need a permit from the respective forest owner. If these forest products are...

Apply for construction or modification of a facility on a surface water body.

If you want to build a structure on a surface water body, you need a permit. You can find more information here.

Apply for entry in the list of design authors entitled to building templates

In the case of a construction project subject to approval, you as the design author entitled to submit a building template bear a high degree of responsibility. Both the building...

Apply for European Technical Assessment (ETA)

If you would like to obtain a European Technical Assessment (ETA) for your construction product, you can apply for one at Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik (DIBt).

Apply for exemption from the obligation to obtain a license as an insurance intermediary

If you would like to work as a self-employed ancillary insurance intermediary, you can be exempted from the licensing requirement for insurance intermediaries.

Apply for exemptions from the permit requirement to acquire and possess ammunition

You can apply for an exemption from the permit requirement for the purchase and possession of ammunition.

Apply for family care parking permit

If you operate a family care home, you can apply for a parking permit. With this, you are allowed to park in certain areas for the duration of your work assignment.

Apply for gun ownership card for hunting associations

If you want to acquire and possess weapons and/or ammunition as a hunting association, you must apply for a permit from the relevant weapons authority.

Apply for new vineyards for wine

If you want to grow wine on new vineyards, you usually need a permit from the Federal Agency for Agriculture and Food (BLE).

Apply for parking permit for handicraft business and nursing service

If you run a craft or care service business, you can apply for a parking permit. With this, you are allowed to park in certain areas for the duration of your work assignment.

Apply for parking permit for non-profit institution and social service

If you run a non-profit organization or work for a social service, you can apply for a parking permit. With this you are allowed to park in certain areas for the duration of your work assignment.

Apply for parking permit for tradesmen

If you run a business or work as a freelancer, you can apply for a parking permit. This allows you to park in certain areas for the duration of your work assignment.

Apply for partial approval for the construction of a plant

If you wish to construct and/or operate part of a new facility, you must apply for a partial permit from the appropriate authority.

Apply for permission as a private daycare center

If you want to run a daycare center as an independent provider, you need a permit. Preconditions The care of the children by suitable staff is ensured. The welfare of the...

Apply for permission as an auctioneer

You would like to auction off movable property, real estate or rights belonging to third parties on a commercial basis? You need a permit to do so. You can find out more here.

Apply for permission to day care for children

If you want to care for one or more children outside the household of the parent or guardian regularly and against payment, you usually need permission to do so. You can apply for this at the responsible youth welfare office.

Apply for permission to display persons

If you would like to organize shows of people on a commercial basis or have them organized on your premises, you need a permit (in addition to the business registration and, if...

Apply for permission to handle toxins commercially

If you want to place substances or preparations on the market to private end consumers on a commercial or independent basis within the framework of an economic enterprise, which...

Apply for permission to operate a fixed shooting range

A permit is required to operate a stationary shooting range.

Apply for permission to permanently transfer firearms or ammunition into, through or out of the Federal Republic of Germany

Do you want to permanently export weapons or ammunition from Germany to other countries, permanently import them into Germany or transport them through Germany? Then you need a permit.

Apply for permission to provide financial services

If you want to offer financial services, you need a permit to do so.

Apply for permission to sell goods at fairs, festivals and special occasions

You would like to offer goods for immediate sale occasionally at trade fairs, exhibitions, public festivals or for a special occasion? Then you need a permit for this from the competent body and do not need a travel trade card.

Apply for permission under water law for the navigation of waters with motor boats

Would you like to sail a lake with a motorboat? For this you need a permit.

Apply for public appointment and swearing in as an expert

You would like to be publicly appointed and sworn in as an expert or surveyor? Then you can apply for this at the competent authority.

Apply for recognition as a counselling centre for pregnancy conflict counselling

If you would like to set up a pregnancy conflict counselling centre, you can do so under certain conditions.

Apply for recognition as a soil protection expert

If you wish to be recognized as an expert on soil protection issues, you must submit a corresponding application.

Apply for recognition as a test engineer for structural analysis

Test engineer for stability is anyone who is recognized as such by the supreme building supervisory authorityis recognised. Other persons may not use this designation.In order to...

Apply for recognition as a test expert for stability

Audit experts check and certify in their respective specialist area on behalf of the client orof the other person responsible under building code law to comply with building...

Apply for recognition as a test expert for structural fire protection

Test experts examine and certify in their respective specialist area on behalf of the client orof the other person responsible under building regulations to comply with building...

Apply for recognition as a test expert for technical installations and facilities

Inspection experts check and certify compliance with building regulations requirements in their respective specialist area on behalf of the client or the other person responsible...

Apply for recognition as a testing, inspection or certification body (PÜZ body) for construction products

Building products, their manufacture/application Types of construction whose execution require exceptional expertise and experience of the persons entrusted with them, must...

Apply for recognition as an auditor for earthworks and foundation engineering

Would you like to work as an auditor for earthworks and foundation engineering? To do this, you must be recognised.

Apply for recognition as an income tax assistance association

Do you intend to apply for recognition of an income tax assistance association? Read here what you have to consider.

Apply for recognition as an insolvency advice center

Insolvency counseling is a supplement to general debt counseling. Both services advise people in and over-indebted who are in need of expert help. The task of the insolvency...

Apply for recognition of a forestry association

Association of recognized forestry cooperatives or similar associations to adapt forestry production to market requirements

Apply for recognition of experimental facilities for plant protection products

Non-official experimental facilities operated or set up by a private or public body may be officially recognised on request.

Apply for the change/extension of the subject area at the public appointment/swearing-in of experts for agriculture and forestry.

If you wish to change or extend your public appointment or swearing-in as an expert, you must apply for this. You can find out more here.

Apply for the construction of a sewage system

Depending on the size and type of system, you may need a system permit in addition to the water discharge permit or indirect discharge permit (into the public sewer system) for...

Apply for the construction of ferry and shipping facilities

For the construction and operation as well as the substantial modification of the facilities and the operation of ports and transshipment points, landing stages and ferries ...

Apply for the installation of gambling devices with the possibility of winning

If you want to set up gaming machines with the possibility of winning on a commercial basis, you need a permit in accordance with § 33c Gewerbeordnung (Trade, Commerce and Industry Regulation Act).

Apply for the use of coats of arms

A coat of arms is a sign created according to certain rules in the form of a shield. Coat of arms represent people, families, certain groups of people or personified objects,...

Apply for use of the coat of arms of the state of Saxony-Anhalt

The coat of arms of the state of Saxony-Anhalt is carried in a semicircular shield. The shield is divided. The upper part is determined by the old provincial coat of arms of the...

Applying for a gun ownership card for shooting clubs

If you are a shooting club require a permit weapons and/or ammunition, you must apply for a permit from the relevant weapons authority.

Applying for a partial building permit for the modification of an installation

With a partial building permit, you can start construction work to modify building sections before planning permission is granted. To do this, you submit an application for partial building permission to the responsible lower building supervisory authority.

Applying for a permit for a pawn shop

If you would like to work as a pawnbroker or pawnbroker, you need a permit.

Applying for a permit for guarding

Anyone who wants to guard the life or property of strangers on a commercial basis requires the permission of the competent authority.

Applying for a permit for national insemination centres and national embryo collection teams

Under certain conditions, you can obtain a permit to operate an insemination station or embryo collection unit.

Applying for a permit for the construction and operation of genetic engineering facilities

As the operator of a genetic engineering facility, you must notify, register or obtain approval from the competent authority for the construction and operation of the facility and other genetic engineering work, depending on the safety level.

Applying for a temporary permit for a restaurant business

Would you like to take over a restaurant serving alcohol from another person? In order to continue the restaurant business without interruption, you can first apply for a temporary permit, which will later be replaced by a permanent permit.

Applying for admission as a European lawyer to a bar association

In order to be allowed to work as a European lawyer in Germany, you must apply for admission to a bar association.

Applying for an exemption from the permit requirement for weapons

You can apply for an exemption from the permit requirement for the purchase and possession of ammunition.

Applying for an exemption permit for persons from other EU/EEA countries and Switzerland to be entered in the register of craftsmen

Are you from another EU/EEA country or Switzerland and would like to practice a craft requiring a license in Germany? Then you can have your professional experience and training certificates recognized in Germany under certain conditions.

Applying for an extension of the building permit for the change of use of a facility

If you have a valid building permit for the change of use of a facility, you can apply for an extension.

Applying for an extension of the building permit for the construction of an installation

If you have a valid building permit for the construction of an installation, you can apply for an extension.

Applying for an extension of the building permit for the modification of an installation

If you have a valid building permit for the modification of an installation, you can apply for an extension.

Applying for an extension of the closing time under restaurant law

For restaurants and events, there is a closing time during which operations must cease. You can apply for an extension of the closing time.

Applying for an extension of the deposit period in the pawnshop business

At the request of the pawnbroker to the competent authority, the deadline may be extended if there is good reason. The deadline shall be extended for as long as the important...

Applying for an extension of the partial building permit for the change of use of a facility

You can apply for the extension of your partial building permit for the change of use of facilities. You can find more information here.

Applying for an extension of the partial building permit for the construction of an installation

You can apply for an extension of your partial building permit. You can obtain further information here.

Applying for an extension of the partial building permit for the modification of an installation

You can apply for an extension of your partial building permit to modify installations. You can find more information here.

Applying for an initial mining permit

If you or your company would like to visit one or more mineral resources, you must apply for a mining permit from the competent mining authority.

Applying for an operating license for a hospital pharmacy

You need a license to operate a hospital pharmacy. You can apply for this from the local competent authority.

Applying for an operating license for a pharmacy

If you want to open or take over a pharmacy, you must submit a written application for an operating license.

Applying for approval of assets and rights

Assets and rights that are to be traded on the stock exchange must be admitted.

Applying for approval to operate or significantly change the operation of a technical X-ray facility

If you wish to operate technical X-ray equipment or make significant changes to it, you must first apply for a permit from the responsible radiation protection authority.

Applying for deviations, exemptions and exceptions from building law requirements

If you want to apply for a deviation, exception or exemption from building regulations, you can find out more here.

Applying for deviations, exemptions and exceptions from building law requirements for building projects that do not require a procedure

If you want to apply for a deviation, exception or exemption from building regulations, you can find out more here.

Applying for deviations, exemptions and exceptions from building law requirements for projects that do not require approval

If you want to apply for a deviation, exception or exemption from building regulations, you can find out more here.

Applying for exemptions from the marketing ban

The animal and plant species listed in Annexes A and B to Regulation (EC) No 338/97 shall be subject to a general prohibition on marketing. This EC regulation implements the...

Applying for partial planning permission for the change of use of a facility

With the partial building permit, you can start construction work on the change of use of building sections before the building permit is granted.

Applying for permission to acquire and handle explosives without business

If you want to acquire, transport or handle explosive substances for non-commercial purposes, you need an official permit. This may be restricted in terms of content and space...

Applying for permission to operate a mobile shooting range

To operate a mobile shooting range, you need a permit.

Applying for phytosanitary certificates for the export of plants and plant products to countries outside the EU

If you export plants, plant products or other objects to countries outside the EU, they must not contain harmful organisms. As proof of this, you must apply for a phytosanitary certificate or a pre-export certificate or re-export certificate.

Applying for planning permission for the change of use of a facility

If you want to change the use of a facility that requires a permit, you will need a change of use permit (building permit) beforehand. You must apply for this.

Applying for planning permission for the change of use of a facility using the simplified procedure

You need a permit before you can change the use of an installation that requires a permit.

Applying for planning permission for the modification of an installation

You need planning permission before you can make changes to a building that requires approval. To do this, you submit a building application to the responsible lower building supervisory authority.

Applying for planning permission to erect a plant using the simplified procedure

You need a building permit before you can erect an installation that requires approval.

Applying for planning permission to erect a system

If you want to build an installation that requires approval, you will need a building permit. You must submit a building application for this.

Applying for public appointment as an auctioneer

If you wish to conduct public auctions (forced lien sales or distress sales), you require a public appointment for this. The owner of the auctioned property has no influence on...

Applying for public appointment as an expert for agriculture and forestry

If you would like to be publicly appointed and sworn in as an expert for agriculture and forestry, you must apply to the competent authority. You can find out more here.

Applying for recognition as a substitute school

A substitute school which guarantees that it permanently meets the requirements placed on corresponding public schools may, upon application, be awarded the status of a recognise...

Applying for recognition of a forestry association

Association of landowners for the joint management of their forest areas in a forest management association (FBG)

Applying for recognition of supplementary schools

Would you like to have a supplementary school recognised by the state? Read the most important information here.

Applying for revocation of the mining permit

Do you have a permit for the exploration and extraction of mineral resources and would like to have it revoked in whole or in part? Then you must submit an application to the responsible mining authority.

Applying for the establishment of a savings bank

A permit is required for the establishment of a savings bank. Savings banks may only be set up and operated by local authorities and special-purpose associations. Savings...

Applying for the establishment of a stock exchange

The Securities and Exchange Commission may allow you to set up a stock exchange upon request.

Applying for the first mining permit

Would you or your company like to extract one or more non-mining mineral resources? Then you must first apply for an extraction permit from the responsible mining authority.

Applying for the operation of energy supply networks

Anyone intending to commence operation of an energy supply network requires authorisation from the competent authority under Land law.

Authorisation to practise for journeymen or companions or skilled workers or skilled workers with qualified professional experience

If you have completed a journeyman's or final examination in a recognised training occupation in the craft sector and have qualified professional experience, you can become self-employed or exercise a managerial function in most crafts subject to licensing.

Cab permit issue

Do you want to transport passengers commercially in a cab? You can apply for the necessary permit from the relevant transport authority.

Catering industry Issuing of orders (retrospectively)

If you operate a restaurant, the competent authority may issue orders at any time to the extent necessary to protect guests or employees of the establishment or against risks to...

Catering Monitoring

Persons entrusted with the management of a restaurant and employees there must, upon request, provide the competent authority with the oral and written information necessary for...

Catering permit Exemption from blackout period

The closure period is the time in which the establishment must be closed to guests. Pursuant to Section 18(2) of the Restaurant Act of the Land of Saxony-Anhalt (GastG LSA) of 7...

Catering permit outdoor catering (special use)

A use of public road space that goes beyond or restricts common use constitutes a special use. It requires the permission of the road construction load carrier and is subject to ...

Catering Prohibition

The operation of a catering business may be prohibited by the competent authority on a given occasion. Reasons for the prohibitions can be: that the operator is unreliable, i....

Certify explosion-proof equipment

In principle, conformity assessment procedures must be carried out for products in potentially explosive atmospheres.

Determination of the harmlessness of new or changed insurance conditions of pension funds

As a pension fund, you want to introduce new insurance conditions or change existing insurance conditions and there is no approval requirement.

Display activity as a financial investment broker and advisor

As a financial investment broker and advisor, you need a permit in Germany. If you wish to be self-employed as a financial investment broker only temporarily, prior written...

Display handling of airbag and belt tensioner units

If you as an employer intend to allow your employees to work with airbag or belt tensioner units of category P1 for the first time, you must notify the responsible body in advance.

Display operation of an X-ray device or significant change in operation

If you operate a mobile X-ray unit in connection with an application on animals in veterinary medicine or if this approved activity changes significantly, you are obliged to notify the competent authority in order to obtain a permit.

Display weapon rendered unusable or destroyed

If you have had your weapons rendered unusable, you must report this immediately.

Displaying changes to a wastewater system

To modify a wastewater treatment plant, you need a plant permit in addition to the modification of the water discharge permit or indirect discharger permit. Both permits should b...

Driving school branch - allow

If you, as the owner of a driving school, operate branches of this driving school, you need a branch permit. Permission shall be granted if the classroom, teaching materials and...

Energy supply: Approve closed distribution networks

The regulatory authority shall classify an energy supply network which distributes energy for the purpose of enabling the supply of customers in a geographically limited...

Entry in the register of craftsmen with a domestic examination equivalent to the master craftsman's examination

If you want to work independently in a craft requiring a license and have a domestic professional qualification equivalent to a master craftsman's examination, you must first be entered in the Register of Craftsmen.

Environmental verifier approval

The Environmental Audit Act grants environmental verifiers the right to certify that organizations (industrial and service companies or other institutions) meet the requirements...

Establish licensing requirements for undertakings in the financial sector

Your company wants to offer new services in the financial sector? You may need to clarify whether a permit is required for your business idea.

Events in public traffic areas - approval

A permit must be obtained to hold events on public streets.

Exchange - Apply for admission

If a credit or financial services institution wishes to trade directly on an exchange, the institution requires authorisation as a trading participant.

Extending a permit for the commercial exhibition of persons

The temporary permit for a commercial event for the exhibition of persons can be extended upon application. You can find out more here.

Foundation of an auditing company

The profession of auditor can also be exercised in a professional company. Such a company requires state recognition as an auditing company by the Chamber of Auditors. All...

Founding an outpatient care service

Are you passionate about care? Start your own outpatient care service.

Gambling halls Apply for permission in the travel industry

For the operation of an arcade or a similar company, you need a permit for the respective location.

Giving up a job as a district chimney sweep

Would you like to give up your position as an authorized district chimney sweep?ogistered district chimney sweep? To do so, you must contact the competent authority.

Keeping of farm animals - Display

You must report the keeping of farm animals to the competent authority. This applies to the following animal species: Cattle pigs sheep goats solipeds chickens ducks ...

Noise protection: use of work equipment between 8 p.m. and 7 a.m. - exemption permit

Relevant regulations on the operation of motorized machines, tools and garden equipment are contained in the Federal Immission Control Act -BImSchG- in conjunction with the...

Obtain approval for the operation of an interference emitter or a significant change in operation

If you intend to put an interference emitter into operation or make significant changes to its operation, this must be approved by the responsible authority.

Offer TV programs nationwide

If you want to offer TV programs nationwide, you need approval from the competent authority of the country in which you have your registered office. An authorisation for TV...

Permit for estate agents, property developers and building supervisors

You need a license to work as a real estate agent. This applies if you commercially broker the conclusion of contracts for land, land rights, commercial premises, residential...

Pest control (insects) on a commercial basis - notification obligation

If you wish to carry out pest control on a commercial basis, you must notify the competent authority.

Public appointment and swearing-in of samplers

With a public appointment as a sampler, you are available to courts, authorities, industry and the general public as a particularly reliable, credible and experienced person.

Re-register business

Are you moving your business to a new location in the relevant municipality? Or do you offer additional other goods or services in the future that are unusual for the currently registered trade? In these and other cases, you must re-register your business.

Recognition as an investment company

The business purpose of an investment company is to make capital available to other companies by acquiring and holding shareholdings. In this way, the equity capital of the...

Recognizing the waste disposal community

A waste management association is an association of companies active in waste management in which activities are carried out that defines the requirements for the organization...

Register business

If you wish to operate a business, you must notify the relevant authority.

Register event

If you are planning a public event, you generally have to notify your city or municipality and have it approved under certain conditions. Special regulations apply to events on...

Register home slaughter

If you want to carry out a home slaughter, you must register it in good time for the ante-mortem and post-mortem inspection with the veterinary and food inspection office of your...

Register medical practice

Would you like to become self-employed in a health or health profession? Find out more here.

Registration in the Register of Craftsmen with a university degree from the EU, the EEA State or Switzerland

You can independently practice a craft subject to admission with a university degree obtained in the EU, the EEA or Switzerland, if the focus of study corresponds to that of the craft to be practiced.

Report conclusion of the land lease agreement

If you have concluded a land lease agreement, you must report this to the competent authority within one month.

Report the continuation of a restaurant after the death of the licence holder

After the death of the permit holder of a restaurant, this may be continued by the spouse, partner or the minor heirs during the minority without their own permission. The same...

Request the establishment of an installation for the production, processing, processing or fission of nuclear fuels

Any person who establishes, operates or otherwise holds a fixed installation for the production or processing or processing of nuclear fuels or for the fission of irradiated...

Securities – Applying for admission to the regulated market

Securities that you wish to place on the stock exchange for trading on the regulated market must have been admitted beforehand.

Show arms manufacturing and/or arms trade branch

If you open or close the operation of a branch or dependent branch for the commercial production and/or arms trade, you must report this.

Show catering trade

If you wish to operate a restaurant, you must notify the competent authority in writing four weeks before the start of operation. You can find out more here.

Show permanent operation of a catering industry

You want to operate a restaurant permanently? Then you must report this in writing before the start of operation.

Show temporary operation of a catering business

You want to operate a restaurant temporarily for a special reason? Then you must report this in writing.

Specialist waste management company - Certificate

Every waste producer must ensure that their waste is disposed of properly. In order to legally relieve the waste producer in this respect, the legislator has introduced the term ...

Substances hazardous to water: Specialist company - Proof of F. property

Upon request, specialist companies must prove the status of specialist company to the lower water authority in whose district they are active. It must also be possible to prove...

Trade requiring monitoring

Certain trades have been classified by the legislator as requiring monitoring. Trades requiring monitoring are Purchase and sale of high-quality consumer goods, in particular...

Vertebrate pest control, apply for permit for commercial killing or stunning.

Do you commercially control vertebrates as pests? Then you need a permit from the competent authority under animal protection law.

View plant elimination

According to § 60 Abs.3 Bauordnung des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt (BauO LSA), the removal of Installations according to § 60 Abs. 1 BauO LSA, free-standing buildings of building...

View the operation of an old people's home or nursing home

If you want to operate a retirement / nursing home, you must report this (in addition to the business registration) to the home supervisory authority. Preconditions They must...

View travel card-free activity

Only a few travel trade card-free activities need to be displayed. Before starting a travel trade card-free activity, please check whether you may have to report it to the responsible office.

Formation of an accounting firm

The profession of a certified public accountant can also be exercised in a professional company. Such a company requires state recognition as an auditing company by the Chamber...

Have low-threshold offers in the care sector recognised

Anyone who wants to offer low-threshold care services to people in need of care must first have them recognised. The application for the recognition of offers according to § 45a SGB XI takes place individually in the federal state in which the offer is made.

IT security: Apply for certification of persons

If you would like to qualify in the field of IT security and prove your expertise, you can apply for certification under certain conditions.

Obtain accreditation as a De-Mail service provider

If you would like to obtain accreditation as a De-Mail service provider, you can apply for this from the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI).

Obtain approval for the use of plant protection products on public land

Plant protection products can be applied in public areas, such as parks or cemeteries, by competent persons if they have been approved for this purpose by the Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety.

Obtain approval of investment rules for newly established investment funds

If you form investment assets as a capital management company (KVG), investment stock corporation or open-ended investment limited partnership, you must have the investment conditions approved by the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin).

Obtain authorisation for export of unauthorised plant protection products for use on infested plants

You can use unauthorised plant protection products under certain conditions on plants, seeds or other infested objects if they are intended exclusively for export from Germany. You need a permit for this.

Obtaining approval for additives in plant protection products

As a manufacturer, you must have new additives in plant protection products tested and approved by the Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety.

Permission for the use of the federal eagle obtained

If you wish to use a representation of the federal eagle, you must apply for permission.

Register new management with the Chamber of Crafts

You must report a new management of your craft business requiring approval to the competent Chamber of Crafts.

Request approval for the introduction of new or the amendment of existing insurance conditions of pension funds

Are you a pension fund and would like to introduce new insurance conditions or change existing insurance conditions? As a regulated pension fund, you generally require approval for this. Approval may be required for other pension funds.

Request approval to introduce a technical business plan to a regulated pension fund or request approval to amend a technical business plan

You are a pension fund and would like to introduce or change a technical business plan? For this you need an approval.

Requesting access to the mining rights register or the mining rights map

If you wish to inspect the mining register or the mining register map, you can apply to the competent authority.

Show modification of an installation requiring approval

If you wish to make a change to an installation, you must notify the competent authority if a permit for the changes has not already been applied for.

Weapons and ammunition - apply for permission to take them with you

If you want to temporarily take weapons or ammunition from Germany abroad, temporarily take them to Germany or take them through Germany, you need a permit.

Weapons and ammunition Apply for a permit to maintain customs

If you need weapons or ammunition as traditional shooters for the maintenance of customs, you must apply for a permit.

Weapons, ammunition or permit certificates - report loss

If you have lost a weapon, ammunition or a firearms permit, such as a firearms possession card or carry permit, you must report this.

Activities with pathogens - apply for a permit

If you want to import pathogens into Germany, export them, store them, dispense them or work with them, you need a permit from the competent authority.

Activities with pathogens - Display changes

If you carry out activities involving pathogens, you must notify the competent authority immediately of any changes that occur.

Agricultural accident insurance: applying for a certificate of no objection for companies

If your company belongs to an accident insurance institution and contributions to the statutory accident insurance have been paid, you can prove this with a clearance certificate.

Allow publication of asset information sheets

Before you publish an asset information sheet (VIB) in accordance with §§ 2a, b,13 VermAnlG, the publication must be permitted by BaFin.

Application for the issue of a replacement certificate for a firearms possession card for seriously endangered public officials for the acquisition and possession of firearms

If you require a replacement certificate for a firearms possession card for high-risk public officials for the acquisition and possession of firearms, you must submit an application to the competent authority. You can find out more here.

Apply for a certificate for the distribution of certain funds

As an Undertaking for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities- Capital Management Company or Alternative Investment Fund Capital Management Company, you can apply for a distribution certificate from the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin).

Apply for a firearms license for security companies and their security personnel

If you wish to carry firearms requiring a permit to accompany or carry out guarding activities, you require a firearms permit. You can find out more here.

Apply for a license for the wholesale of medicinal products

If you wish to operate a wholesale business with medicinal products, you require a permit from the competent authority. You can find out more here.

Apply for a permit to breed or keep vertebrates or cephalopods intended for animal experiments or other scientific purposes

If you want to carry out animal experiments on vertebrates or cephalopods, you need a permit before starting the experiment. You can find out more here.

Apply for a permit to keep animals in a zoological garden or similar facility

If you require a permit to keep animals in a zoological garden or similar facility, you must submit an application to the competent authority. You can find out more here.

Apply for approval as a testing laboratory for raw milk

If you want to operate a testing laboratory that carries out quality checks on raw milk, you need a license.

Apply for approval of a breeding program

If you as a breeding association or company wish to carry out a breeding program, you must apply for approval.

Apply for authorization to mark (ISMP15) packaging material made of wood

If you as an entrepreneur wish to affix markings to wooden packaging material in accordance with ISPM No. 15, you must be authorized to do so by the competent authority. You can find out more here.

Apply for certificate of approved depository for the land registry office

In some cases, as a capital management company (KVG) for an investment fund that has acquired real estate, you require a certificate of appointment of the depositary for submission to the land registry (Grundbuchamtbescheinigung).

Apply for permission to keep animals in an animal shelter or similar facility

If you want to keep animals in an animal shelter or similar facility, you need a permit from the responsible authority before you start. You can find out more here.

Apply for permission to move, import or place animals for the purpose of sale

If you wish to move, import or broker vertebrate animals for the purpose of selling them, you require a permit from the competent authority. You can find out more here.

Apply for permission to ship pharmacy-only medicines

If you want to send pharmacy-only medicines, you need a permit to do so. You can find out more here.

Apply for permission to work as an insurance advisor

If you would like to work as a self-employed insurance consultant, you need a license from the relevant Chamber of Industry and Commerce. You can find out more here.

Apply for recognition as an expert for high-pressure gas pipelines

If you wish to work as an expert or surveyor in the field of high-pressure gas pipelines, you must be recognized as an expert by the competent authority.

Applying for a firearms license for security companies and their security personnel

If you wish to carry firearms requiring a permit to accompany or carry out guarding activities, you require a firearms permit. You can find out more here.

Applying for a permit to trade in firearms or ammunition commercially or independently

If you want to trade in weapons or ammunition commercially, you need a weapons trading license. You can find out more here.

Applying for a proxy permit for the commercial manufacture and/or trade of weapons

If you wish to engage in the commercial manufacture or trade of firearms through a representative, you require a representative's permit.

Applying for a replacement certificate for a firearms possession card for high-risk public officials to carry firearms

If you wish to obtain a replacement certificate for a firearms possession card for high-risk public officials to carry firearms, you must submit an application to the competent authority.

Applying for an exception to the ban on the transfer of firearms, ammunition, cutting or impact weapons

If you wish to hand over firearms, ammunition, firearms or ammunition at public festivals, shooting festivals or similar events, in the context of a shooting range or orders for weapons and ammunition at trade fairs, you must apply for an exemption permit.

Applying for an extension of the firearms license for security companies and their security personnel

If you wish to extend your firearms license for firearms requiring a permit to accompany or carry out guarding activities, you must apply to the competent authority. You can find out more here.

Applying for approval for the replanting of vineyards

As a winegrower, you muste obtain a planting permit before planting.

As a pharmacist, continue to provide cross-border services in a liberal regulated profession

If you are a citizen of an EU member state/contracting state/equivalent state and temporarily exercise a cross-border activity in a freely regulated profession (without a branch in Germany), this must be reported again every twelve months.

As a psychotherapist, continue to provide cross-border services in a liberal regulated profession

If you are a citizen of an EU member state/contracting state/equivalent state and temporarily exercise a cross-border activity in a freely regulated profession (without a branch in Germany), this must be reported again every twelve months.

Communicate outsourcing of tasks

As a capital management company, you may outsource tasks to other companies. You must notify the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) of this.

Designate an inspection body for phytosanitary inspections

If you wish to operate an inspection body for phytosanitary inspections, you must apply to the competent authority for the designation of the inspection body.

Display activities with pathogens

If you have a permit to work with pathogens and you want to take up this activity for the first time, you must notify the competent authority.

Display retail sale of medicinal products that are not subject to the pharmacy obligation

If you want to sell over-the-counter medicines in retail outlets outside of pharmacies, you must report this. You can find out more here.

Display significant changes to low-frequency systems or direct current systems

If you wish to make a significant change to a direct current system or a low-frequency system with a rated voltage of 110 kilovolts, you must notify the competent authority.

Display the trade in plant protection products

Wf you wish to place plant protection products on the market or import them, you must notify the competent authority. You can find out more here.

Granting a proxy license for the commercial manufacture and/or trade of weapons for the head of a branch office

If you wish to appoint another person to manage a branch office for the commercial manufacture or trade of firearms, you require a deputy permit.

Granting a proxy permit for the commercial manufacture and/or trade of weapons to the head of a dependent branch office

If you wish to appoint another person to manage a dependent branch office for the commercial manufacture or trade of firearms, you require a deputy permit.

Have asset sales prospectuses approved

Before you publish a sales prospectus for investments, the publication must be approved by BaFin.

Have election and change of depositaries approved

As a capital management company, you must generally have every choice and every change to a new depositary approved by the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin).

Have securities prospectuses approved

Before you publish a securities prospectus, you must have it approved by BaFin.

Having changes to the investment conditions of investment funds approved

If you, as a capital management company, amend the investment conditions of your investment fund, you must have the amended investment conditions approved by the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin).

indicate the intention to appoint a manager of a capital management company

Your capital management company wants to appoint a new managing director? You must notify the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) of this.

Informing the Deutsche Bundesbank and BaFin about new, changed or terminated significant shareholdings in banks and financial services institutions

If you wish to acquire holdings in a bank or financial services institution, you must inform the Deutsche Bundesbank and the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) in advance. The same applies if your shareholdings in companies change.

Notify BaFin of new or departing members of the supervisory board or advisory board of asset management companies

If you are a capital management company (KVG) appoint members to the Supervisory Board or an Advisory Board, you must report this to the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin). The same applies if members leave the Supervisory Board or an Advisory Board.

Notifying changes to a breeding program

If you as a breeding association or breeding company wish to make changes to an existing breeding program, you must notify the competent authority.

Obtain authorization to transfer the management of a domestic investment fund

You need approval from the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) to transfer the management of an investment fund to another capital management company.

Proxy permit for commercial arms manufacture and/or arms trade: Proxy

If you wish to engage in the commercial manufacture or trade of firearms through a representative, you require a representative's permit.

Register blasting with explosive substances

If you wish to carry out blasting work, you must register this with the competent authority. You can find out more here.

Register quarantine station/closed facility for plants, products and other objects (e.g. forest plants and wood)

Work with quarantine pests for plants or other regulated materials may only be carried out in quarantine stations or closed facilities.

You must apply to the competent authority for designation as a quarantine station or closed facility.

Report activities involving biological agents

Before you work with biological substances, for example in laboratories or in the health service, you must notify the competent authority. A permit is required for work in protection levels 3 and 4, which is not covered here.

Report continuation of the provision of cross-border services as a doctor in a liberal regulated profession

If you are a citizen of an EU member state/contracting state/equivalent state and temporarily exercise a cross-border activity in a freely regulated profession (without a branch in Germany), this must be reported again every twelve months.

Request access to submit prospectuses on securities to the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin)

Do you want to submit a prospectus for securities to the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority? Then you need access to the corresponding specialized procedure.

Show change to land lease agreement

If you have concluded a change to a land lease agreement, you must report this to the responsible office within one month.

Show distribution of domestic public AIFs (AIF=alternative investment fund) in Germany

If, as a capital management company, you wish to market domestic public AIFs in Germany, you must notify the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht).

Show distribution of European alternative investment funds or special funds of a domestic capital management company to semi-professional or professional investors in Germany

If you want to market European alternative investment funds (EU-AIF) or special funds in Germany as a domestic capital management company, you must register this with the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority.

Submit a voting rights notification as an investor

Your voting rights based on shares in a listed company and/or your financial instruments relating to such change? You may need to notify the company and the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority of this.