Under simplified conditions, you can obtain a residence permit for self-employment if you have successfully completed your studies in Germany or have a residence permit as a researcher or scientist.
Foreign nationals who have received a residence permit for the purpose of employment as former tolerated persons can apply for the extension of their temporary residence permit.
If you are a doctor and would like to apply for authorization to examine persons exposed to radiation, you can obtain this authorization from the competent authority under certain conditions.
As a professional with vocational training who has already received a residence permit to look for a job, you can apply for the extension of the residence permit up to a maximum total duration of six months.
If you hold a residence permit to participate in a European Voluntary Service for a period of less than one year and wish to continue your voluntary service, you can apply for an extension of your residence permit.
If you would like to work during an ongoing asylum procedure and have already found an employer who would like to employ you, you can apply for an employment permit.
If you are in possession of a tolerated stay permit, would like to work and have already found an employer who would like to hire you, you can apply for an employment permit.
You can extend your residence permit to carry out a freelance activity if you want to continue your freelance activity in Germany and meet certain requirements.
Would you like to offer legal services under foreign law? Then you need to be registered in the legal services register, for which you must provide proof of your specialist knowledge.
Anyone who becomes self-employed either runs a business or belongs to the liberal professions. "The liberal professions generally involve the personal, autonomous and...
If you wish to practise a healthcare profession independently or employ members of this profession, you must notify the lower health authority of the commencement and termination of this activity.