The state government congratulates retirees on the completion of the 100th year of life and on each subsequent birthday as well as marriage anniversaries on the occasion of the...
You can apply for the issue of a death certificate for a death occurring on a German seagoing vessel at the registry office I in Berlin.
On the basis of the certification made in the birth register, you can obtain a birth certificate for the home birth on application.
The registry office in your place of residence will accept your declaration of withdrawal from the church. You can make a verbal declaration for the record at the registry office...
You inherited. If you now want to dispose of the inheritance, in many cases a certificate of inheritance is required so that you can identify yourself in business transactions....
You will receive a certificate of your marriage from the registrar when you register your civil marriage. You will need this, for example, for the priest who performs the church...
A certificate of no impediment to marriage certifies that there are no legal obstacles to an intended marriage. Whether such a certificate is required depends on the law of the...
For the transfer of a corpse to another federal state, a corpse passport is only required if this or a federal state touched on the journey requires one.
A corpse passport is...
Anyone wishing to hunt must take a hunting test and obtain a hunting licence.However, the hunting licence alone does not entitle the holder to hunt. In addition to the hunting...
Upon request, your city, municipality or association municipality will also issue you with a special registration confirmation in the form of a registration certificate (e.g. for...
Not all entries in the central register are included in a certificate of good conduct. The type of certificate of good conduct is decisive for the contents:
for private...
If you are or will be working professionally, voluntarily or in any other way with children and young people, you will need an extended certificate of good conduct.
Properly issued marriage certificates (marriage certificates) from abroad are generally recognised in Germany. There is no obligation to subsequently certify the marriage.However...
In order to obtain extended information about individual specific persons, you must credibly demonstrate a legitimate interest in doing so.
You will receive information about...
You can find the person you are looking for by obtaining information from the civil register of your municipality. There are the following types of information from the civil...
As the owner of a dwelling, you can obtain information from the population register about the persons living in your dwelling if you can credibly demonstrate a legal interest.
Parties, electoral groups and other sponsors of election proposals may obtain the following information on persons entitled to vote from the civil register in the 6 months prior...
After registering or deregistering with the registration office, you will receive written confirmation in the form of an official registration confirmation.
The official...
You will only receive information from the civil register about a large number of persons not named by name (group information) if this is in the public interest.
You can freely...
Within the scope of a simple registration register enquiry, the registration office will provide you with the surname, first names, doctor's degree and current addresses of the...
You can change your child's name if your spouse is not the child's parent and you want your child to receive your married name.
As a displaced person or ethnic German repatriate, you, your spouse or your descendants can discard components of your previous name if these are not common in Germany. You can...
There are many ways to determine the name. In some cases, special features must also be taken into account (e.g. for the naming of foreign life partners or if there are joint...
There are many ways to determine the name. In some cases, special features must also be observed, e.g. for the naming of foreign spouses or if there are joint children born befor...
Properly issued death certificates from abroad are generally recognised in Germany. There is no obligation to re-notarize.However, the subsequent entry in the death register can...
The occupancy and extension of a private burial place as well as the reoccupation of a closed burial place require a written permission of the competent authority.
You can have your child's name changed to the other parent's family name.
You must have an important reason for changing your name.
In addition to drawing up a will, there are also cases when it is better to conclude a contract of inheritance. You can also determine the transfer of your assets in the...
If your hunting license has been revoked by the issuing authority, you may reapply for it after the specified period of ineligibility has expired.
Upon request, you will receive information about the data stored about you in the population register.
The information includes:
the data stored about you in the population...
If you wish to marry abroad, there may be a legal standard in the country where you intend to marry which requires the presentation of such a certificate.
A certificate of no...
You can change your child's name if your name has changed.
Persons who have saved human lives at the risk of their own lives or averted a significant danger to the general public are awarded the Rescue Medal by the Prime Minister of...
The acceptance of a health care proxy or care directive issued by you can be increased by a public notarization of your signature or hand sign. Such certification can be carried...
You have divorced or ended your civil partnership and would like to change your name? If your maiden name or name used before marriage or civil partnership was not a surname ...
You can redefine your child's name if you do not exercise joint custody with the other parent until after birth.
A conveyance is a declaration of agreement between the seller and the buyer of a property. Both must make this declaration of agreement in front of a notary at the same time....
If you want to go fishing, you need a fishing license. The prerequisite for this is passing the fishing examination. You can take this at the lower fishing authorities of the...