Protecting employees and minimising dangers: Do you need information about
special regulations concerning working hours? Does your business work with hazardous
substances or facilities? From special permissions to health certification, here you
will find an overview of administrative information and services concerning
occupational safety and health.
The employer is responsible for the occupational health and safety of its employees. Effective occupational safety is only possible if the potential hazards in the workplace are...
As an employer, do you employ a pregnant or breastfeeding woman? Then, under certain conditions, you can apply for an exemption from the ban on night work and overtime as well as the type and pace of work.
You must identify all persons whom you employ in homework under the (HAG) and those persons through whom you pass on homework in lists and submit these lists to the competent body every six months.
If you work with materials containing asbestos, you must notify the relevant health and safety authority. This notification can be company-specific or object-specific. Notification is only mandatory for companies.
If you work with materials containing asbestos, you must notify the relevant health and safety authority. This notification can be company-specific or object-specific. Notification is only mandatory for companies.
For larger construction projects, send an advance notice to the responsible occupational health and safety authority at least two weeks before setting up the construction site. You must also display this advance notice visibly on the construction site and adapt it in the event of significant changes.
If you are pregnant, you may only be employed with your consent in the last six weeks before giving birth.
Until the expiry of eight weeks, in the case of premature and multiple...
If you carry out small-scale activities with materials containing asbestos, a supplementary notification stating the time and place of the work to be carried out is required in addition to the company-related notification.
Responsible: The health and safety authority responsible for the construction site
Has something changed in your company or in your self-employed or freelance work? You must report this to your employers' liability insurance association or accident insurance fund.
As a company, you must measure the radon concentration in radon precautionary areas and, since January 2019, register workplaces where the reference value is exceeded despite...
Before you work with biological substances, for example in laboratories or in the health service, you must notify the competent authority. A permit is required for work in protection levels 3 and 4, which is not covered here.
Construction measures that affect the road must be secured by traffic signs.
If construction work or other uses require the use of roads and ancillary facilities, such as...
The employment of persons who work with third-party X-ray equipment or third-party interference sources and who may be exposed to a dose higher than 1 mSv must be reported to the competent authority.
If you, as a company, issue home work in accordance with the Home Work Act (HAG), for the performance of which special hazard protection regulations apply, you must notify the responsible trade supervisory office and the police authority (usually the public order office).