Whether you are seeking special opening hours for a street festival or
organising an event for a company anniversary, your top focus is your customer’s
experience. But what authorisations do you need for such events, where do you get
them, and when do you need to have them? Here you will find services and information
concerning special opening times and authorisations.
Roads are usually reserved for road traffic.
According to § 33 sec. 1 of the Road Traffic Code (StVO), there is a prohibition on the offering of goods and services of all kinds...
If you want to hold an event at your airfield where aircraft are displayed in flight or compete against each other in a competition, then you need a permit. You must apply for this from the relevant aviation authority.
The closing period refers to the legally regulated periods in which pubs, bars, dining restaurants, discos, beer gardens, etc. are closed. It is primarily used for noise...
Would you like to use a road outside a built-up area not for traffic purposes but for an event, a film shoot or similar? Then you need a special use permit.
If you are the holder of a permit, a certificate of competence or a certificate of authorization to set off pyrotechnic articles, you must notify the competent authority in advance of any planned fireworks display.
Relevant regulations on the operation of motorized machines, tools and garden equipment are contained in the Federal Immission Control Act -BImSchG- in conjunction with the...
At what time, on which days retail companies can open or must remain closed, is regulated by the Shop Opening Hours Act.
In Saxony-Anhalt, as a shop owner, you are allowed to ope...
Outdoor advertising refers to forms of advertising where the advertising medium is located in a public space.
According to the building regulations of the state of Saxony-Anhalt...
Any use of public traffic areas that exceeds or restricts public use constitutes a special use. It requires the permission of the road construction authority and is subject to a...